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class based oly

Started by Kishin, July 26, 2011, 06:54:32 PM

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Quote from: Kastro on July 27, 2011, 11:52:46 AM
i realy want see u  how u rebuffing in mass pvp  ur self  if u get 1-2 cancel assisted by 2 sps/sorcerers  {-10 buffs } or in oly  vs  some aw/sk bihand ur ass   i realy want see that  pls send me some video or something i read sh1t all time rebuff rebuff afther cancel bla bla i realy want see how u guys rebuffing  so fast  i beg u pls send   some video how pro ppl like  u  doing this ......

if you can't rebuff, so learn to do it, not just F1, it's your problem, not cancel user problem
in mass pvp i always rebuff, if anyone asks, just stop hitting and rebuff (withing time of finding target for rebuff, if it's not party but pm)
on oly, i never had problem to rebuff main buffs after cancel, (now i'm not joining oly till that idiot drake, who bought/stole somewhere half working server fixes sub system)
once again: if you are not able to do it, it's your problem, noone has to make videos to prove, that thsi is possible and should be done.


Quote from: flamingAwe on July 27, 2011, 12:03:50 PM
if you can't rebuff, so learn to do it, not just F1, it's your problem, not cancel user problem
in mass pvp i always rebuff, if anyone asks, just stop hitting and rebuff (withing time of finding target for rebuff, if it's not party but pm)
on oly, i never had problem to rebuff main buffs after cancel, (now i'm not joining oly till that idiot drake, who bought/stole somewhere half working server fixes sub system)
once again: if you are not able to do it, it's your problem, noone has to make videos to prove, that thsi is possible and should be done.

as i told u mister "PRO"  realy want to see u in rush in middle of pvp lets say u playing dagger { what mean if u want hit somone u need be closer to enamy mostly not  somewhere hide it } when u get 1-2 cancels  will survive   w/o 10 buffs    dont tell me that bullsh1t learn how to rebuff not only  f1 spam   ..... and  ye sure  go try  rebuff main buffs in oly  vs AW/SK bihand u pls do a faver  to that kinde of daggers  if u going in oly and staying to rebuff  pls make a relog to  not lose the guy time at all vs u


flamingawe also keeps forgetting that even if fighter is th/pp and can rebuff himself he still has much slower cspd than ne/pp
ShowStopper having a break from hard GM work:

Dagger Allstarsâ,,¢


Quote from: Alex on July 27, 2011, 12:14:19 PM
flamingawe also keeps forgetting that even if fighter is th/pp and can rebuff himself he still has much slower cspd than ne/pp

i dont think he forgetting  i bealive he dont evan care to think about anything just posting to get more post   and get attention nothing more  anyway the topic`s are not for him let him spam sensless  posts let him act PRO when he will notice it good cancels on his skin  then he will come and make new topic a yes guys u was right


Quote from: Kastro on July 27, 2011, 12:22:48 PM
i dont think he forgetting  i bealive he dont evan care to think about anything just posting to get more post   and get attention nothing more  anyway the topic`s are not for him let him spam sensless  posts let him act PRO when he will notice it good cancels on his skin  then he will come and make new topic a yes guys u was right

ah, this topic is for brainless QQ? nerf em all cause i suck!!!
i forget about th with low cast speed? maybe th(any buffer/dagger) should save hide and use it when canceled (dunno if you can use skills hidden, but at least can run far) ?
i forget about archers? maybe you show me archer that can win on oly vs dagger/tank w/o cancel on archer?
i forget about nonbuffer classes on oly? (out of oly just pm any mage bufer near you) you want too much.. dd+sub+buffs
what else do i forget? i don't play figters, but normal player, that doesn't reroll once a month, and knows his char, can find a way to get rebuffed...
cry moar for cancel, I really loled when found out that panther now can cancel and in few days saw QQ about DA xD


QQ about dagger cancel aswell pls  :D


Quote from: ylim on July 27, 2011, 03:06:24 PM
QQ about dagger cancel aswell pls  :D

do you think they donated for fame too? they are pro, not farming!! xD btw Vesper - no cancel xD


Quote from: flamingAwe on July 27, 2011, 02:09:03 PM
ah, this topic is for brainless QQ? nerf em all cause i suck!!!
i forget about th with low cast speed? maybe th(any buffer/dagger) should save hide and use it when canceled (dunno if you can use skills hidden, but at least can run far) ?
i forget about archers? maybe you show me archer that can win on oly vs dagger/tank w/o cancel on archer?
i forget about nonbuffer classes on oly? (out of oly just pm any mage bufer near you) you want too much.. dd+sub+buffs
what else do i forget? i don't play figters, but normal player, that doesn't reroll once a month, and knows his char, can find a way to get rebuffed...
cry moar for cancel, I really loled when found out that panther now can cancel and in few days saw QQ about DA xD

as  we say u are brainless  noone say it nerf cancel   if u have brain a bit  u will undestand we talking here about resit buffs  for cancel not working at all  so next time before u stop saying bullsh1t read carfully  or many time`s u need till u undestand what ppl say afther give some coment   ........... patetic

Silent Silin

hm... cancels? not class based oly transfering?
Nyu - valkyria x9
Nyu - Infinity-Nightmare x20


Quote from: flamingAwe on July 27, 2011, 11:04:53 AM
where did you see me QQ about your transfers? xD i just congratulate you with transfered hero xD
the only thing for me to QQ now is focking broken subsystem, but this is oftopic
but i see you QQ all the time, Cancel sux!!! xD "in 14 sec -10 buff" OMG, biggest cryer here xD canceled - rebuff, and don't say, that in 14 sec you have no mana.

rebuf and ok uahaha ur sto stupid or what wrong with u ? how i can rebuf in oly fast if im ty/wc  ? if i start rebufing he will kill me in 10 sec or use 10 x next debufs   ur rly brainless xD

show me video how u rebufing in oly/pvp after cancel from sps and after rebufing u go and kill them HAHA


Quote from: Kishin on July 26, 2011, 06:54:32 PM
hey hey
Ok I see that we have again funny class based oly transfer. Rlly does GMs dont remember how it ended last time?
So let me remind U
3/4  heroes for ppl who never won 1 normal fight + normal oly dead cause no sense to sign when ppl transfer over 300 pts on class based.
I know that some class are not good for normal oly and ppl would like to have some fights just vs their class, but its impossible to do here.
In past it was mostly used for transfer and it is going to happen again.

plz remind me who made transfer yesturday ?   

ftp ally   kkthxbb :D

                            IceZero                  StrikeForce


PedoBear  He/wk
Aeore Healer - Retired
PedoBear He/Wk <3
Compositora sps/sws
FaIIen he/glad
Chryzo Pal/glad
Virginsoul trick/slh