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Donate Network I mean Dragon Network



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Donate Network I mean Dragon Network

Started by Derath, August 04, 2011, 07:26:17 PM

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Well after 6-7 years of nice memories here. hard to believe in a few months all go down, we have a lot of new ppl when Gracia update but, much of then says this to me "there is no oportunity for new ppl, or u donate, or u leave" and I believe that, DN have nice ppl on servers, our community its great, and the plus for play here is subclass system but guess what, not working anymore, a lot of ppl have bugs changing retails or sub (and the answer is easy, just put all ur stuffs in wh, cuz all pasive skills are wrong or bad cuz u can carry nothing now, thats why a lot of ppl can switch classes, character have a lot of weight), golkas not work, so the plus is freaked up, but if u donate u can do it, I understand "donations are no made to pay game, just for support" but just watch hero and other ppl equipment, we have no economy on server and thx to GM we cant do nothing, enchant is fedup, elements is fedup, crafting is fedup, farming is fedup, players are fedup (there is a lot of issues), looks like DN team are making this at porpose to make ppl donate, and they only say "Gracia is like that" and thats not true, if someone hit u, make like 1k damage, and if have max element hit u for 1.5k, here not, if someone have max element hit u for 5k damage, the only way to get less damage is having armor with max elements (put max element in a armor its crazy, we play in a 20x server, so chance is fedup.......... and drop too), the only quest or places to have nice rewards, I dont know why but, are so freaking hard (unless u have dnet vesper, and even SoI its hard), or quest work but at moment to change rewards, npc doesnt exist, what I want to say, we have more ppl before servers fusion than now, someone with dyna set cant kill someone with dnet vesper +6++++ max attrib, maybe if i sell my stuffs and donate can get a dnet set.... aahh, set its fedup too, and in a few weeks, only dony ppl play in DN, dnet vesper for 100 DC and to have +6 have to buy beas, and stones for attrib, I understand if was easy all have that sets, agree with that, but, that doesnt mean donate a lot its the answer, and more for a server for dony ppl now, we need another way to get stuffs, even if need 2-3 or more months too (farming is fedup), part of game its farming, make dungeons, if I just look for pvp, better move a pvp server, in one day max lvl and can buy equipment (exp 1000x, adena 1000x sp 1000x not like here, exp 20x adena maybe 20x, sp maybe 20x too but, spoil 3x, drop 2x, and u cant farm cuz u lvl more faster than get stuffs), AQ not drop ring, cuz we have a lot of AQ rings on server (just wonder why, if ppl donate for that too), not agree with that, that RB doest respawn every 5 min, so wait for them and guess what, no drop, better use rules like lvl for them, to use ppl for kill RB, not for have one pt killing Baium (3 of that pt are bots/buffers, and the other 3 real ppl hiting with dnet or dnet vesper armor/weapon), btw for use dyna need lvl 80, for use dnet need lvl 76, and its more stronger armor, thats all, just tink what are u doing to the dony ppl server



really simple, if you are new and don't want to donate join valkyria, as far as i know only 1 item need coins for.
[img width=500height=200]https://i.imgur.com/PVvmb0S.jpg[/img]


Infinity x5                                                      
Moondust - SR/SWS Nobless                          
iMEXX - SPS/EE Nobless                              


ShowStopper having a break from hard GM work:

Dagger Allstarsâ,,¢


Quote from: Alex on August 04, 2011, 09:09:09 PM

for u its drama because u did not ate for 2 months to donate and be hero xd....

but for normal player that are not in big clans (ftp and temp) this game have other ways to have fun, like kill nooba rb, farm sets (we have vesper from donny but where is normal vesper set for non donators ?, where are jewels, weapons?)  i spoiled all  infinity tower / naia tower and nothing good came, nothing farmable that worth.... would be nice to add some stuffs some custom maps like we had b4..

that without talk about oly.. ahahah Sorcerer hero from 50 fights win 48....   i was looking oly all days, saw many fights and  , wait where was this guy? he was doing transfer xd

well yes if donators are happy , pls start to make non-dony player at least satisfacted...

Quote from: ylim on March 28, 2013, 10:19:02 AM
setup with bp/wk only with diego, the best bp/wk in dn others would die easy.


Quote from: Di on August 04, 2011, 09:24:11 PM
for u its drama because u did not ate for 2 months to donate and be hero xd....

but for normal player that are not in big clans (ftp and temp) this game have other ways to have fun, like kill nooba rb, farm sets (we have vesper from donny but where is normal vesper set for non donators ?, where are jewels, weapons?)  i spoiled all  infinity tower / naia tower and nothing good came, nothing farmable that worth.... would be nice to add some stuffs some custom maps like we had b4..

that without talk about oly.. ahahah Sorcerer hero from 50 fights win 48....   i was looking oly all days, saw many fights and  , wait where was this guy? he was doing transfer xd

well yes if donators are happy , pls start to make non-dony player at least satisfacted...

gotta love anonymous haters <3
ShowStopper having a break from hard GM work:

Dagger Allstarsâ,,¢


Quote from: Alex on August 04, 2011, 09:54:54 PM
gotta love anonymous haters <3
Well i  dont get your post - you're calling di anonymous hater?
check his sig ;<
Windoo SH/PS - noble // Phayveroth TH/PAL - noble //PerveroTH TH/WK - noble // Yoshihana AW/SK - noble


Quote from: windoo on August 04, 2011, 09:59:12 PM
Well i  dont get your post - you're calling di anonymous hater?
check his sig ;<

how is it possible to read anything on that crap background :<
ShowStopper having a break from hard GM work:

Dagger Allstarsâ,,¢


Quote from: Di on August 04, 2011, 09:24:11 PM
for u its drama because u did not ate for 2 months to donate and be hero xd....

but for normal player that are not in big clans (ftp and temp) this game have other ways to have fun, like kill nooba rb, farm sets (we have vesper from donny but where is normal vesper set for non donators ?, where are jewels, weapons?)  i spoiled all  infinity tower / naia tower and nothing good came, nothing farmable that worth.... would be nice to add some stuffs some custom maps like we had b4..

that without talk about oly.. ahahah Sorcerer hero from 50 fights win 48....   i was looking oly all days, saw many fights and  , wait where was this guy? he was doing transfer xd

well yes if donators are happy , pls start to make non-dony player at least satisfacted...

oOMiaOo - BananaMama - TingTong - Yoshi- CooYah
