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Serious question to Track

Started by lasombra, August 16, 2011, 12:02:22 AM

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Quote from: Shadow21 on August 16, 2011, 09:53:36 AM
clan lvl9 not bugged? cool story. so enlighten me plox  how we can expand number of units in orders of knights if instead of it i got option for rename orders of knights, even if in description there "increase number of units....".

up up and up kurwa
Onu3DeHeJIa - EE/SpS > TK/SWS
DramaQueen - EE/SwS

Infinity/Zenith player since 22.08.2005


Quote from: TrackZero on August 16, 2011, 08:49:10 AM
They didnt donate for it, i was testing with them few things (as i did in past with other clans too) anyhow i forgot to change it back, however they have lvl 9 clan not 11 anymore. Anyhow clan lvl 11 is available for everyone , it WORKS so instead of making here pointless topics make one since its very much available.And your story about donation for everything is just to feed the crowd what they wanna hear so they can enjoy flaming , thats far from the truth but u know what no matter what i tell you you gonna keep your side of the story so i wont bother (happened all these 5 years here) , to sum up they are lvl 9 was my mistake i didnt change it back after test , now you can continue with your topic.

Thank You for answer.

And You didn't get the point my question Track (even iif it's hard to belive)
I didn't wanted stupid flame, and problems from ass. Also I have nothing to donators, I know I play here only thx to them (but donations should have limit)
I play here 6+ years (Felissin is my 3'rd char, and in few days 6 years pass), and I get here lot of fun and meet many great ppl - so I care about this server. I want play on good server, where ppl want to play.
And if ppl asking, they need get answers, in other way there is many rumors.

ps. if You can fix clan ranking on forum, there will be much less issues and questions.

Zenith / Infinity server
Felissin - Storm Screamer/Spectral Dancer

Prayer for the wild heart kept in cages

Tarantula server
FelissinII - sps
Felissin - SH


Quote from: Shadow21 on August 16, 2011, 09:53:36 AM
clan lvl9 not bugged? cool story. so enlighten me plox  how we can expand number of units in orders of knights if instead of it i got option for rename orders of knights, even if in description there "increase number of units....".

Onu3DeHeJIa - EE/SpS > TK/SWS
DramaQueen - EE/SwS

Infinity/Zenith player since 22.08.2005


Bla bla bla... if some 1 spends more money than me ig or is more skilled than me lets flame him to dead huh?? rofl patetic little ants...
The more you flame some1 the more you make that person famous morrons...

Anyway i don't give a fuk about OE armors/weapons/jewels.... if some1 has than gtfo of this private server...

However i care is some classes have skills who don't belong, but i never saw such a thing... so if that hapens here, can some1 send me a pic?


to be honest, I actually wonder about these famous unkillable "edited GM frands and donadors" can someone call couple names?
ShowStopper having a break from hard GM work:

Dagger Allstarsâ,,¢


Indeed there's an limit to how far "donation" goes.

There's a difference by giving donators the chance getting items/things faster then people that don't or can't spend money it, and giving items/things that are just not possible getting ingame or too hard.

Ofcourse this has been going on for years and it never really has been an problem (exept on dragon).Untill you start dealing the wrong kinda donation stuff with the worst possible guy like Brokie (certain "Win" that everyone will find out). I'm not saying he shouldn't be able donating anything, but things like +++ items on such person is just wrong (i'd say let him donate for coins en enchant himself, he'll eventually do it anyway if u wont give him the chance to donate for it). And also there should not be a difference between a normal player or a donator or even as "lowcase" donator and someone like Brokie.
As example the racist case some days/weeks ago, we both know it was quite an coincidence that Brokie went away (on some vacation) just when he got banned (track knows what i mean).

I truly understand money is important, but how i see it, your giving 1 (or multiple people) just too much wich leads this kind of topics and u might loose players and as "end" result "lowcase" donators will leave the server including other people. Wich eventually will knock ur incoming of donation down...

And what bothers me that the ally FTP tries to hard achieving the same things as "top" donators wich leads to ALLOT of farming from them and pvp fun almost only at sieges. Where did the times go noone cared that much about items and just went for pvp no matter what better items the other person had? I'd love seeying full pvp activity at varka or any other place for all i care... And that is imo the reason most people stay in giran, cause there are like 2 sides now, 1 is farming, 1 wants pvp that cant be found cause of the farming side.

Don't get me wrong, i'm not hating on anyone and i ain't picking any side (I barely even play cause of the lack of pvp).
And i've also donated in the past, and also for something that ain't included in the donation list, so not hating on donators aswell.

People just need to wake up...  I mean...
Track you like getting an bad "status" cause of such stuff?   
FTP ask yourself is it really farming that makes L2 fun for you?
Overpaying donators does it really make you feel good winning a pvp with things that the other person(s) can't achieve?

Everyone is screwing the fun up for themselfs tbh.


Quote from: ForgotPass on August 17, 2011, 01:17:47 AM
Indeed there's an limit to how far "donation" goes.

There's a difference by giving donators the chance getting items/things faster then people that don't or can't spend money it, and giving items/things that are just not possible getting ingame or too hard.

Ofcourse this has been going on for years and it never really has been an problem (exept on dragon).Untill you start dealing the wrong kinda donation stuff with the worst possible guy like Brokie (certain "Win" that everyone will find out). I'm not saying he shouldn't be able donating anything, but things like +++ items on such person is just wrong (i'd say let him donate for coins en enchant himself, he'll eventually do it anyway if u wont give him the chance to donate for it). And also there should not be a difference between a normal player or a donator or even as "lowcase" donator and someone like Brokie.
As example the racist case some days/weeks ago, we both know it was quite an coincidence that Brokie went away (on some vacation) just when he got banned (track knows what i mean).

I truly understand money is important, but how i see it, your giving 1 (or multiple people) just too much wich leads this kind of topics and u might loose players and as "end" result "lowcase" donators will leave the server including other people. Wich eventually will knock ur incoming of donation down...

And what bothers me that the ally FTP tries to hard achieving the same things as "top" donators wich leads to ALLOT of farming from them and pvp fun almost only at sieges. Where did the times go noone cared that much about items and just went for pvp no matter what better items the other person had? I'd love seeying full pvp activity at varka or any other place for all i care... And that is imo the reason most people stay in giran, cause there are like 2 sides now, 1 is farming, 1 wants pvp that cant be found cause of the farming side.

Don't get me wrong, i'm not hating on anyone and i ain't picking any side (I barely even play cause of the lack of pvp).
And i've also donated in the past, and also for something that ain't included in the donation list, so not hating on donators aswell.

People just need to wake up...  I mean...
Track you like getting an bad "status" cause of such stuff?   
FTP ask yourself is it really farming that makes L2 fun for you?
Overpaying donators does it really make you feel good winning a pvp with things that the other person(s) can't achieve?

Everyone is screwing the fun up for themselfs tbh.
Please don't give yourself right to judge about something or someone just trough rumors or words you have hear or have been told. Things goes around for years and in the end when we state the facts (REAL FACTS) no1 , and i mean no1 comes here to say THANKS or SORRY, same goes for all the job i (we) are doing here, NONE will ever say thank you , tbh im not even expecting it , im just saying those things became normal. You will have people who gonna say BUG THIS BUG THAT, when you approach the guy asking him the to show you or explain you, there is a big chance he will go afk or tell you , well track i have heard of it from xxx, same goes for all the rumors people are throwing here from ancients!! I will also tell you some things you knew or didn't knew, and is easy to check (ask piccy for example or any other gm), after all the mess happened in past (FAR PAST before me) on x15,x30 etc... Drake obviously made a system that EVERYTHING is loged, so every command gm makes is LOGED in the file and any item gm want to summon its loged and is possible to check by 1 click outside the game (im talking about FULL LOGS for all the gm-s), so if you are saying all these things dont you think drake would dismiss me long ago since in the end its his server!!
So please people get yourself together and try to think mature , instead of flaming without reason help me with new ideas or advises  as you know im back and we are rolling again.

As for a topic subject, i already explained before it was my mistake i didn't return after the test and i admit it, but personally they couldn't ROLL the server in <12h (and no i wouldn't forget) (and why that clan? Because i mostly work at late night and their clan leader is a person i know for long and trust and well most important HE IS ONLINE when most of you sleep), and in the end ive tested many things with other clans in past too , sadly we cant afford dedicated machine for test server only.

Im gonna lock this one cause there will be useless spam, and believe me there is enough of it already.
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