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Evasion and light set

Started by mmm66, September 12, 2011, 08:36:44 PM

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Quote from: mmm66 on September 12, 2011, 08:36:44 PM
Hi guys, everybody knows that this is tanker time... Almost 90% of chars at oly uses heavy armor and they are powerfull...
Even classes that have only light mastery prefear to use heavy set. ( th/wk - pw/sws etc) .

The problem is that evasion is not good now. Even with over 200 evasion (ultimate evasion) attacks lands.
I dont wanna cry ... but i think that server is unbalanced and the solution isnt nerf tank class but fix evasion...

as  I know NCsoft made limit for  evade chance coz of obivious reasons, so stacking evasion over it pointless.


for sure ... light set need some boost or smth to be useful...
cos i really feel like i wasted 100+dcs...
Windoo SH/PS - noble // Phayveroth TH/PAL - noble //PerveroTH TH/WK - noble // Yoshihana AW/SK - noble


+1 for light sets, they need a little boost...
Retired Extremely Dangerous

Kapibar (50% ON)
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Quote from: Nakama on September 14, 2011, 04:40:58 AM
So in few words all who buy Ligth losse his money and need to change to heavy???

There can be only + not - :P

So only boost Light is the solution :)

BTW Buy H fok L :D
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Server:  Zenith/Infinity x5

I am here since 07:52 GMT+1 25.12.2005


its easy just cap attck speed on heavy as 1000 more pattck- less attck sped

and on light as 1500 more attck speed- less pattack
The only Necro/Da HERO!
oly record 303 point!!


Quote from: Argriev on September 19, 2011, 03:54:02 PM
its easy just cap attck speed on heavy as 1000 more pattck- less attck sped

and on light as 1500 more attck speed- less pattack
That could work ;PP
Windoo SH/PS - noble // Phayveroth TH/PAL - noble //PerveroTH TH/WK - noble // Yoshihana AW/SK - noble


Windoo SH/PS - noble // Phayveroth TH/PAL - noble //PerveroTH TH/WK - noble // Yoshihana AW/SK - noble


Quote from: Argriev on September 19, 2011, 03:54:02 PM
its easy just cap attck speed on heavy as 1000 more pattck- less attck sped

and on light as 1500 more attck speed- less pattack

i don't think  it's a good idea. this cap affects probably almost all figter classes in heavy who learned counter haste certification skill. or destroyers on zealot.


at my point of view  reach 1500  attackspeed and 2k casting speed shold be a bit more hard than it is now...
my pala/warlord full buff without dye or haste on weapon or haste from retail, got 1500 attackspeed using light set, and to me its sux...
and increase a bit more the evasion and make worth weapons like bow with guidance... ^^

Quote from: ylim on March 28, 2013, 10:19:02 AM
setup with bp/wk only with diego, the best bp/wk in dn others would die easy.


Quote from: darken on September 20, 2011, 11:55:07 AM
i don't think  it's a good idea. this cap affects probably almost all figter classes in heavy who learned counter haste certification skill. or destroyers on zealot.
destro have also light mastery i remember well

want atatck speed? play light
want pattack? play heavy

cause atm fighter have maxx attack speed and high pattck tnx to heavy armor
The only Necro/Da HERO!
oly record 303 point!!


Now you QQ about sets... What will be next? Water color ???

Get use to it!
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Server:  Zenith/Infinity x5

I am here since 07:52 GMT+1 25.12.2005


Quote from: PolSilv3r on September 20, 2011, 04:43:55 PM
Now you QQ about sets... What will be next? Water color ???

Get use to it!

Leave sets alone! al my life i reached +1500 atk speed, in a grade, s grade, s80 and now you will nerf?? Lol!

What's wrong imo it's this ncsoft atk speed limit! In light you should reach more than 1.5k atk speed... but get used to it... it is smthg you can live well with imo. And if light armor are so fuked up why is some ppl impossible to hit? Puff f.ex. I hit him 1 in 5 arrows!

Like it's been said... next will be water color! Wanna QQ about smthg i sugest cancel skill!!