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Started by MegaZord, September 14, 2011, 10:58:03 AM

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perfect proof how much suck the losers who cry here, they dont even know that above +3 one step of enchant adds 3 pdef on armor, not 6, lol

u cant even believe how much do you self-own now
ShowStopper having a break from hard GM work:

Dagger Allstarsâ,,¢


So may i have another question - how archer in heavy even with 250 cap speed
can run away with same speed ..?
For me is possible to run 'in same distance still' but how the hell it can run away ?
I just wanna get answer :/
You wanna make ppl sure that that set doesnt exist - afaik all servers got some kind of statistics in gm panel or database - go in there and make screen - then ppl can be sure that on that server arent such set..
Windoo SH/PS - noble // Phayveroth TH/PAL - noble //PerveroTH TH/WK - noble // Yoshihana AW/SK - noble


Quote from: Alex on September 14, 2011, 11:34:03 AM
perfect proof how much suck the losers who cry here, they dont even know that above +3 one step of enchant adds 3 pdef on armor, not 6, lol

u cant even believe how much do you self-own now
Topic has turned into GM rage ban and emo afk mode, who cares about enchant?
Tukann (DE/WC)  @ Blackarmy, Infinity


Quote from: TrackZero on September 14, 2011, 11:25:38 AM
Okey, because you are also saying things you heard from grandpa wanda and accusing and lining whole community, after this post u are getting 1 nice beautiful ban so you people will understand to respect on force because you cant act like humans!
I cant even read your post again sirSetah cause its full of dogs freakking bollocks and full of lies , really u make me sick.
You can go complain about this to drake or even to freaking obama i dont give a freak u understand that? U N D E R S T A N D???????

2nd of all, i am working my ass off 24/7 for this server building up community and make all things better here, how you return me? I wasnt surprised by +16 pic (its quite expected from some people) what hurted me more was a commends from other people who INSTANTLY belived the screen is real, no1 even suspected the screen is fake , DIRECTLY YES OMG OMG ITS REAL BALALALBALBALBALBALBALABLA, such a nice respect from those people who i knew and i didnt knew. And you know every day im working H A R D to bring new players here, even this pic is such a lame and fake , you know this pic gonna go round the  world since we are one of best l2 servers here, and who will be there on X X X forums to say this pic made is fake and who will be there to tell those people naah comon join  that pic is made by a idiot in photoshop???? WHO ??? So why i even bother to improve this server when all of u are DIRECTLY supporting idiots who are spoiling all my work here.

Now you will enjoy your time here without me untill further notice, so thank you Zord, thank you sirSetah and thank you all big fans and supporters of such people, really thanks :/
Excuse me ,but how that come?
1st of all,we don't have a single advertisement of server in any site apart of maybe top200 where we're 56th last time i checked,2nd page of site tbh,so hardly anyone sees it.
And i just wanna ask 1 simple question just out of curiosity and only: How come ex NM Players get to have such o/p items (i'm not referring to this screen cause i don't care even if it's real or not) ,while even donators from infi that donated a serious amount of money all together never had any o/p weap /armor other than +16 ica bow and Dnet l set +66677 and AS+16 x1.
But i guess the answer would be "Bad luck" coming  out of the mouth of some NM player once again or not get replayed at all.

P.s. I told you twice about nice advertisement ,would be nice to know if there is any progress about those things also cause otherwise server travels around only from mouth to mouth conversation of the people that already play here for quite long time...
Always forgive your enemies, but never forget their names.
Nothing shows a man’s character more than what he laughs at.
An eye for an eye will ultimately, leave the whole world blind
There is no chance unless you take one


track with all respect i had, there was many intresting thing. chars coming out from nowhere with fully equipped/enchanted skills. vesper set popped up with all attr. OE vesper weapons. yeah i know we are all noobs and unlucky and we are from MARs or even from a far away galaxy, but some ppl cant even make 1 part of his armor +6 with 40beas energy rata liek 10%. not talkin about EWS/BEWS rate.

so there is something about what ppl start talking, and not the fake pic made that. there was allready rumors about it much before. how brokie acted with his pr0 items etc (this time nothign personal brokie), its hard to beleive to make items like his normal way. even if he donate 1k euro. so there was rumors allready wich piss off many ppl. i never cared if i dont have top equip best enchanted weapon/armor/jewel. but when i see that chars coming from nowhere with fully equipped and fully enchanted skills its kinda annoying.
u just kinda give a fok for this rumors and ppl questions. u just write some sarcastic post.wich was sound  like fok u, u know nothing, and anyway gtfo.

and to ban ppl in game cos he post something on forum its kinda stupid, he didnt break any rules on server. if he post this screen from some other account what u can do ? he though/think still its not fake and post it, cos of reason what i mentioned above. socos he had his own opininion and he didnt scared to share with from main account he got ban.

u can ban them from forum give IP ban on forum, but they didnt deserve ban in game on their chars. (even that stupid sethan not  :-* )

this is my opinion about this story

chears and calm down before u make decisions like u did.

ps u made many good things on server to keep it alive and get more ppl, but there is many things which need to be cleared



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Look ppl how "good" gm we have :D
Cant win with truth, easier to ban  :D

U make that u only make worst ur situation banning old ppl without any reason ?
Always in Dragon-Network since c3

Quote from: Enerilla on June 28, 2011, 02:06:51 PM
Olej, i really thought we can have a conversation without calling each other tard in the same clan. :S


Quote from: Luthor123 on September 14, 2011, 11:43:14 AM
Excuse me ,but how that come?
1st of all,we don't have a single advertisement of server in any site apart of maybe top200 where we're 56th last time i checked,2nd page of site tbh,so hardly anyone sees it.
And i just wanna ask 1 simple question just out of curiosity and only: How come ex NM Players get to have such o/p items (i'm not referring to this screen cause i don't care even if it's real or not) ,while even donators from infi that donated a serious amount of money all together never had any o/p weap /armor other than +16 ica bow and Dnet l set +66677 and AS+16 x1.
But i guess the answer would be "Bad luck" coming  out of the mouth of some NM player once again or not get replayed at all.

P.s. I told you twice about nice advertisement ,would be nice to know if there is any progress about those things also cause otherwise server travels around only from mouth to mouth conversation of the people that already play here for quite long time...
The PM u sent to me yday guess what, i was already in doing a contract with them for quite nice advert on few places......
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Quote from: sirSethan on September 14, 2011, 11:47:33 AM

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Uploaded with ImageShack.us (http://imageshack.us)

Look ppl how "good" gm we have :D
Cant win with truth, easier to ban  :D

U make that u only make worst ur situation banning old ppl without any reason ?
I banned you for the reason, i already told you which reason is. When you support your sentance with the facts you SAID yourself:
a)Weezer is using GM account
b)I play in clan BH
c)I had chars and playing on server

You will get unban, because those things you said are waaaaay more then just a flame, when you start learning not to lie you can enjoy your char . Meanwhile suffer in your own hate.
[url=https://discord.com/invite/uhaWxzH7NP] JOIN OUR DISCORD[/url]


Quote from: TrackZero on September 14, 2011, 11:48:00 AM
The PM u sent to me yday guess what, i was already in doing a contract with them for quite nice advert on few places......
Amen. :P
Always forgive your enemies, but never forget their names.
Nothing shows a man’s character more than what he laughs at.
An eye for an eye will ultimately, leave the whole world blind
There is no chance unless you take one


Quote from: windoo on September 14, 2011, 11:43:00 AM
So may i have another question - how archer in heavy even with 250 cap speed
can run away with same speed ..?
For me is possible to run 'in same distance still' but how the hell it can run away ?
I just wanna get answer :/

All these complaints about "donators" and "gm friends" come from hate and ignorance. Its totally impossible to change the speed limit on the individual char.

There are many factors which a mediocre nightmare player wouldnt notice. What if you hit him and got slowed from pvp armor? Debuff is short so by the time you notice he's getting away debuff is over and you start to think "omg donor gm frand". And I can give you many of similar examples including that he simply could run away because of running in a straight line or cutting the corners while you follow in a longer way.

Quote from: Tukan on September 14, 2011, 11:43:06 AM
Topic has turned into GM rage ban and emo afk mode, who cares about enchant?

because this is what caused that? zord is banned until the one who made the ss is found and instead of helping to investigate you spam here and insult while you are the one who's wrong
ShowStopper having a break from hard GM work:

Dagger Allstarsâ,,¢


Quote from: Tukan on September 14, 2011, 11:22:29 AM
Since you are "just" a GM, it is going far beyond your rights imo.

But I go far more beyond this. If you think this picture is not real and Brokie was accused by this, why can't we get a fraps from Brokie himself? :)

Here's a real threating to you Track, what's gonna happen if this server will be shut down legally?
And what fraps would change if this helmet was given to him i say IF...
It could be as easily taken away from him and  be given a "normal" one for the time of fraps.
The fact is here nobody can proof anything except  of someone with higher authority over the server,aka Drake  even if everyone like it or not....that's the "sad" truth about mmo games.
Always forgive your enemies, but never forget their names.
Nothing shows a man’s character more than what he laughs at.
An eye for an eye will ultimately, leave the whole world blind
There is no chance unless you take one


Quote from: Alex on September 14, 2011, 11:53:12 AM
All these complaints about "donators" and "gm friends" come from hate and ignorance. Its totally impossible to change the speed limit on the individual char.

There are many factors which a mediocre nightmare player wouldnt notice. What if you hit him and got slowed from pvp armor? Debuff is short so by the time you notice he's getting away debuff is over and you start to think "omg donor gm frand". And I can give you many of similar examples including that he simply could run away because of running in a straight line or cutting the corners while you follow in a longer way.

because this is what caused that? zord is banned until the one who made the ss is found and instead of helping to investigate you spam here and insult while you are the one who's wrong

Alex about that pvp armor slow - i couldnt get it in case of that ... i couldnt reach in range because some archers were running away.
I dont care if someone is donator cos it keeps server alive but probability of such actions make one step back

We like your events but for me it was annoying when i saw on noob event WS wit bnet sets and am+8...
and most of chars there was also alts of high levels
it made me mad, and you even told me that when i appear here once more i'll get ban...

@Alex ot:
Nice game as shaco xD
But i prefer Talon / Nocturn xD
Windoo SH/PS - noble // Phayveroth TH/PAL - noble //PerveroTH TH/WK - noble // Yoshihana AW/SK - noble