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Question to gM

Started by elFuego, September 20, 2011, 04:54:33 PM

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WHEN SETHAN WILL BE UNBANED[/size][/font][/color]

when Sethan will be unbaned ???  - ENOUGH ALREDY 

for this situation server only lose ppl , you hate Sethan - Sethan hate you         all ppl know  u are stronger then sethan  but tell me (i know sethan got ban for bad word)  why dont give PERMA BAN  in forum ??? hum  why u baned 2 Sethans char in game ?? LoooL  Sethan tell u some bad words in GAME or in forum ??  . . .  you wana proof for all so give yous some proofs for what SETHAN  got BAN

mby this is strange but Sethan still have some friends in ths  server

i w8 for unban my freund !!!!!!!!!

other question why pedepano881 got BAN and for what ???  for some questions ???

sry for my bad ENG


I agree with elFuego;

I don't understand why Sethan got ban in the game ???     for the words on forum ???

ban is not the way to explaining the situation   !!!

Sethan is our Friend, this game without him is not the same game anymore  ...
Olwena - member WS clan from 2006



we want to sethan back in game  !!!


Quote from: elFuego on September 20, 2011, 04:54:33 PM
WHEN SETHAN WILL BE UNBANED[/size][/font][/color]

when Sethan will be unbaned ???  - ENOUGH ALREDY 

for this situation server only lose ppl , you hate Sethan - Sethan hate you         all ppl know  u are stronger then sethan  but tell me (i know sethan got ban for bad word)  why dont give PERMA BAN  in forum ??? hum  why u baned 2 Sethans char in game ?? LoooL  Sethan tell u some bad words in GAME or in forum ??  . . .  you wana proof for all so give yous some proofs for what SETHAN  got BAN

mby this is strange but Sethan still have some friends in ths  server

i w8 for unban my freund !!!!!!!!!

other question why pedepano881 got BAN and for what ???  for some questions ???

sry for my bad ENG

1st of all, this forum exists because of the game so its quite big part of this community! Not to mention that this is a place where new people read things and decide about their future play. Setah was warned too many times for his filthy mouth, not only that i tolerated his insults i also tolerated (MANY TIMES) his filthy lies with 0 material proof (there isnt any cause its all bullshits and lies), so after all the warnings he continue to lie who community and im tiered to saying opposite because of future players and so on... SO thats why he is banned and there is BIG REASON why he is banned, you can continue to spam it wont change nothing, he needs to learn to behave and keep his lies shot.
Quote from: Olwena on September 20, 2011, 05:26:33 PM

I agree with elFuego;

I don't understand why Sethan got ban in the game ???     for the words on forum ???

ban is not the way to explaining the situation   !!!

Sethan is our Friend, this game without him is not the same game anymore  ...
Stop opening new accounts on forum and self quoting yourself , it wont help you.
[url=https://discord.com/invite/uhaWxzH7NP] JOIN OUR DISCORD[/url]


Imo unban him and change his nick for SirTard and keep this for a while.  :D


still it would be ok to unban him
i know sethan has crazy talk and can flame much ... much more ... to much :)

but pls unban him, we really would like to hunt him again

he got ban for forum use in game and DN without sethan is not the same anymore

so pls unban him, thx


omg what a TARD ppl

Name:    Olwena
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next time check  !!!!



for me, forum is forum and game is game, you shouldn't ban him in game becouse he wrote sth on forum.
anyway maybe sethan didn't prove his words, but you also didn't prove that his words are lies.
i really don't care about if sethan is right, becouse w/o proofs we can't change anything

but the truth is, that most ppl on server don't like you track and most ppl will be happy if we had better gm than you.

Quote from: TrackZero on September 20, 2011, 06:20:49 PM
Stop opening new accounts on forum and self quoting yourself , it wont help you.

use your brain (if you have some) and privileges and check IP of those accounts and you'll see that they are different

Chamstwu w życiu należy siÄ™ przeciwstawiać siÅ,om i godnoÅ›ciom osobistom
dla niedouczonych wyjasnienie:


Track so if Sethan write and write and  write  why  you give ban only in game chars not  game + forum  ??



So all that accounts with 1-2-5 posts are made by Sethan? :D :D :D

(Mod on forum can check IP you n44b :D )
Why are you looking at my Avatar?

Server:  Zenith/Infinity x5

I am here since 07:52 GMT+1 25.12.2005


hummm   Silver

te konta należą do  ludzi z WS  którzy  mieli wyjebane  na to forum i nie widzieli potrzeby pisania tutaj   jeśli się rozejrzysz  i Twoja zajebistość świata Ci nie przesłania zauważysz   postacie z takimi nickami