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TW (Territory War)



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TW (Territory War)

Started by PolSilv3r, September 26, 2011, 01:26:02 PM

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Is there any chance to make it again?

We had it only 1 time (2-3 months ago?) and since that time 1 clan still has 5 hallows...

It helps a lot, esspecially when one clan has 5 of them!

Even on your events where dozen of things are not allowed it's still working...

Isn't it a bit unfair, is it?

Just check it :

And now... The best part... Bonuses:

Now QQ can start again! :D
Why are you looking at my Avatar?

Server:  Zenith/Infinity x5

I am here since 07:52 GMT+1 25.12.2005


y qq and if tw start you will have 0 wards again

TheSniper - Dreadnought/Sagittarius 85/85/TH-80/BP-80/Titan-80


So bcuz we (BlackArmy) won't get any of those wards there is no sense to fix Territory war. Reasonable...
U (Aod) would overflood the forum if some other clan would have 5+ and U 0. Ofc it is a theory.


I dont see any reasonable reason why TW shouldn't work, so ill take a look.
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Quote from: TrackZero on September 26, 2011, 02:11:44 PM
I dont see any reasonable reason why TW shouldn't work, so ill take a look.

Thanks in advance


Quote from: violetpl on September 26, 2011, 01:33:25 PM
y qq and if tw start you will have 0 wards again

yes yes only pr0 AOD can gather all  :-*

anyway there is amny other thing what u can get from TW


Quote from: ylim on September 26, 2011, 02:44:27 PM
yes yes only pr0 AOD can gather all  :-*

anyway there is amny other thing what u can get from TW
yea Aod the bars, wb ylim ;p

Quote from: =^TrackZero^= on January 09, 2013, 10:44:54 PMi removed ur sig for obvious reasons....same goes for 6bik
im Edited :D


Quote from: ylim on September 26, 2011, 02:44:27 PM
yes yes only pr0 AOD can gather all  :-*

anyway there is amny other thing what u can get from TW

yes ofc 7 ppl in clan can get it ylims wtf
i wait for TW need make some nobles on chars so for me if sh1t that tw foked but is not aod fault that you lose all
7 ppl in clan when TW start is your problem not aod or someone else
AoD have 30+ ppl when TW and you have 0 so is not about pr0 AOD but about your online

all time waiting for TW


TheSniper - Dreadnought/Sagittarius 85/85/TH-80/BP-80/Titan-80


violet ur much more dumb as i though i was reply to ur pr0 post that we wont have any ward again, so pls stop tell me how many we had on last tw what about nobody know and all our member logged out after siege ....

for sure if we know wwe will have TW we will have more online as we usually have kinda good online on aden siege all the time

so stop telling bs ....


Fix TW please. We want more than 5 wards.

ps. all was suprised when TW started last time, we also.  In every clan ppl log out after 2 sieges. I see no sense argue.

Zenith / Infinity server
Felissin - Storm Screamer/Spectral Dancer

Prayer for the wild heart kept in cages

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Quote from: lasombra on September 26, 2011, 07:39:08 PM
Fix TW please. We want more than 5 wards.

ps. all was suprised when TW started last time, we also.  In every clan ppl log out after 2 sieges. I see no sense argue.

so check who started it...

ps nice post editing


y start silver
ylims sry your ppl log off after siege  and aod go TW so next time mby you wait 5 min after siege (now you have new CL)
if im dumb you to:P

TheSniper - Dreadnought/Sagittarius 85/85/TH-80/BP-80/Titan-80