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Share with us your memories INF & NM. First Baium on Infinity Aka Zenith?



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Share with us your memories INF & NM. First Baium on Infinity Aka Zenith?

Started by KaSaNoWa, October 04, 2011, 11:57:30 PM

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Ok so I gonna start it. During cleaning I found some old CD's from 2005!!!! Good bless my friend LadyDaimond for burn them on CD.  

How many ppl from us in these times remmember times with TLA, NW?(Kebra vs rafiooo) times when they run in c-b? First war on server started because for doom drop?...

First Baium on Infinity Aka Zenith?

19.11.05 9:45 PM
Server Dragon Network Zenith aka Infinity
Movie by Galandril clan Patrioci ally Husaria.
Aliance Husaria
If i good remmember in these times we got Poland aliance with around 800ppl inside and 300-400 online.( golden age)




If someone is interessted in more old times:

Creating of greatest Poland aliance HUSARIA !!!! (Creating of aliance by our cls 2005 year ally leader "Zelu" )

My first clan on Dragon Network when I didnt know WTF are shots? (FENIX)
www.clanfenix.prv.pl  ( Ehhh I miss my screens with my non grade and &*^@%# delate web.)

P.S. In these times i was nub running in hot  d grade maybe bit better c :D, but is there someone who remmember my first char before Kasanowa?? Share with us your old memories and movies from (INFINITY, NIGHTMARE) !!!

200 others=RIP
AN http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hpLRMVZGFY4&feature=
L2 Movies http://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PL4DB09DE09B4713E0


nice that u have memories, but one question to u, who the focking care?  ;)

p.s. u was nub in C/B- grade and now u NOOB in top equipment with bd+16  ;D

Quote from: =^TrackZero^= on January 09, 2013, 10:44:54 PMi removed ur sig for obvious reasons....same goes for 6bik
im Edited :D


Quote from: 6bIK on October 05, 2011, 12:17:00 AM
nice that u have memories, but one question to u, who the focking care?  ;)

p.s. u was nub in C/B- grade and now u NOOB in top equipment with bd+16  ;D
18 ::)

200 others=RIP
AN http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hpLRMVZGFY4&feature=
L2 Movies http://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PL4DB09DE09B4713E0




Quote from: 6bIK on October 05, 2011, 12:17:00 AM
nice that u have memories, but one question to u, who the focking care?  ;)

p.s. u was nub in C/B- grade and now u NOOB in top equipment with bd+16  ;D
if u dont focking care about this u must comment ? i have another queston about u .Why u are focking dumb idiot?

NiToPaMi-sps/ee nobless


Quote from: NiToPaMi on October 05, 2011, 08:18:43 AM
if u dont focking care about this u must comment ? i have another queston about u .Why u are focking dumb idiot?

look first at mirror, then talk...
p.s. about me i cant have any question, u dont know anything about me.

Quote from: =^TrackZero^= on January 09, 2013, 10:44:54 PMi removed ur sig for obvious reasons....same goes for 6bik
im Edited :D



Why are you looking at my Avatar?

Server:  Zenith/Infinity x5

I am here since 07:52 GMT+1 25.12.2005


Quote from: KaSaNoWa on October 04, 2011, 11:57:30 PM

First Baium on Infinity Aka Zenith?

19.11.05 9:45 PM
Server Dragon Network Zenith aka Infinity
Movie by Galandril clan Patrioci ally Husaria.

you made me browse through my old screens and i found this:

20.10.05 10:16 PM
we didnt kill him that evening, but it was already known back then, that summoners can (and do) solo him. petmaster was the first one i believe. there was a trick to make angels attack him or something. however, you guys were the first to make a movie and go public, so i guess that counts too. ;D

if you dont mind, i got some more "firsts"

first giran owners - Oni, alliance Insomnia, CL Sappho
first SoES - either Sappho or J4ckDan13L, i know that Sappho had two, screwed the SA on the first one. :D
first subclassed char / first wyvern owner - xSkunKx
first SH/PS - that would be me :) PS was broken back then, nothing working, but i took a leap of faith and didnt go SE :)
first war - Intocables vs. NW right? they were friends first, enemies for the longest time and then friends again. fun times.
most karma (C3) - UnnamedPlayer, they were cleaning him for what, 3 days in LoA?
most karma (C4) - i believe Gibra. he refused to make quest for good 6 months. Felissin had to be fairly close.
first character to have their gender changed - Delmora
first couple to marry IRL over this game - Playfulone and Delmora :)
first pvp movie - We Are DoomBringers by PoToSi i believe.
clan holding Aden for over a year, while not taking a side in a major war? - Merowinger, CL Cyberia, uber diplomatic skills. ;D
first antharas earring - still in my inventory ;D
first valakas necklace - Saturios, right?
the most influential player to ever play on server - its just my opinion, but i say DragNeR. Last Call to War, enough said.

90210 movies: http://forum.dragon-community.net/index.php/topic,20187.0.html


Those 2 are not mine screens, but Felissin is on those screens. My old screens are on my old burned HDD... ;/



Now some mine, which I uploaded before HDD burned.

First Bandit owners on zenith :


TOI Golky raid (SF vs TLA)


SF win xD


This day I dropped avadon boots on PK...pain in ass in those times ;p

Great times. Felissin is my 3'rd char. Created at 8/28/2005...so Felissin have more than 6 years already...old ass xD (and I play only on it since it's created, I never changed char). My chars before Felissin was Dark Elf dagger and Blade Dancer.

Also wars was different....was flame ofc, but there wasn't hate like today (I don't count how many times enemys on zenith/infinity helped me with stuff what I dropped...and I dropped a lot rly). Was really great...also all was so new and so many challenges :). To be honest I miss those times often and many of those ppl. With some I have contact till today, we even go spots sometimes, but with some not.

ps. Lopes agree about Dragner, he was great guy.

ps2. Lopes You forget about Heroes and Guardians. Guardians was the guys who teached us how to pvp xD. I think when they closed LOA it was first was, before NW+others vs TLA+others.

Zenith / Infinity server
Felissin - Storm Screamer/Spectral Dancer

Prayer for the wild heart kept in cages

Tarantula server
FelissinII - sps
Felissin - SH


Quote from: PolSilv3r on October 05, 2011, 12:15:16 PM
Fajne czasy

Quote from: WindWalk on October 05, 2011, 11:38:24 AM
Graty Kasa, dawaj więcej :)

Here u go!!

Quote from: Lopes on October 05, 2011, 01:30:06 PM
you made me browse through my old screens and i found this:

20.10.05 10:16 PM
we didnt kill him that evening, but it was already known back then, that summoners can (and do) solo him. petmaster was the first one i believe. there was a trick to make angels attack him or something. however, you guys were the first to make a movie and go public, so i guess that counts too. ;D

if you dont mind, i got some more "firsts"

first giran owners - Oni, alliance Insomnia, CL Sappho
first SoES - either Sappho or J4ckDan13L, i know that Sappho had two, screwed the SA on the first one. :D
first subclassed char / first wyvern owner - xSkunKx
first SH/PS - that would be me :) PS was broken back then, nothing working, but i took a leap of faith and didnt go SE :)
first war - Intocables vs. NW right? they were friends first, enemies for the longest time and then friends again. fun times.
most karma (C3) - UnnamedPlayer, they were cleaning him for what, 3 days in LoA?
most karma (C4) - i believe Gibra. he refused to make quest for good 6 months. Felissin had to be fairly close.
first character to have their gender changed - Delmora
first couple to marry IRL over this game - Playfulone and Delmora :)
first pvp movie - We Are DoomBringers by PoToSi i believe.
clan holding Aden for over a year, while not taking a side in a major war? - Merowinger, CL Cyberia, uber diplomatic skills. ;D
first antharas earring - still in my inventory ;D
first valakas necklace - Saturios, right?
the most influential player to ever play on server - its just my opinion, but i say DragNeR. Last Call to War, enough said.

Ahhh these crazy elves in pants with unicorns... UnnamedPlayer and his uber b grade dark elven bow for pk whole ppl on FG!! :D Someone know what happend with PoToSi? I remmember tiems when he always complain that i hit to hard his tank :P and this day when  he run with me in pt and kill our clan for some reason i forgot...  :D

Quote from: lasombra on October 05, 2011, 06:33:07 PM
Those 2 are not mine screens, but Felissin is on those screens. My old screens are on my old burned HDD... ;/



Now some mine, which I uploaded before HDD burned.

First Bandit owners on zenith :


TOI Golky raid (SF vs TLA)


SF win xD


This day I dropped avadon boots on PK...pain in ass in those times ;p

Great times. Felissin is my 3'rd char. Created at 8/28/2005...so Felissin have more than 6 years already...old ass xD (and I play only on it since it's created, I never changed char). My chars before Felissin was Dark Elf dagger and Blade Dancer.

Also wars was different....was flame ofc, but there wasn't hate like today (I don't count how many times enemys on zenith/infinity helped me with stuff what I dropped...and I dropped a lot rly). Was really great...also all was so new and so many challenges :). To be honest I miss those times often and many of those ppl. With some I have contact till today, we even go spots sometimes, but with some not.

ps. Lopes agree about Dragner, he was great guy.

ps2. Lopes You forget about Heroes and Guardians. Guardians was the guys who teached us how to pvp xD. I think when they closed LOA it was first was, before NW+others vs TLA+others.

About this LOA do you remmember when they change hp X on kariks and ppl run to save ass on 3 way  :D? That was so funny..

200 others=RIP
AN http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hpLRMVZGFY4&feature=
L2 Movies http://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PL4DB09DE09B4713E0


Why are you looking at my Avatar?

Server:  Zenith/Infinity x5

I am here since 07:52 GMT+1 25.12.2005