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Nothing vs no1

Started by acquarius, October 22, 2011, 12:32:05 PM

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nothing vs 1 gm but i want understand whats wrong with my char..i need it ccant make 3rd char all time there is a bug i would like to complete at least 1..so i hope u put your attention to this too...we need fixes is useless make upgrades and put new things if old are not fixed...

as i told is 2nd char i got bug and cant make new char(start retail quests w8 rbs and so on) all time there is a bug and cant sub..rly dont know track..take another gm with u if u cant do all...hoping u put the otherone solving problems we have..



Track can u resolve bug on my char? i hate to spam but i have to do it..

I need to sub that retail on char upgraded

8  or 9 days ago i subbed already 1 retail without any problem so now no sense its not working..and no sense your answer..this is just avoid,plix put your attention on this too..


i ahve bugged char allmsot 1 year ago so keep spamming :D


XD but mine is bugged since 3 days cause 8 days ago working sub retail LOOOOOOL!!!!

Track u do a lot ty..BUt could u try to do the right things sometimes?;D

what s point to put new things if there is ppl that have 1 year old chars bugged???


UP UP  WTB RLY HELPER GM..i hope new incoming soon,,,,