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Strange problem



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Strange problem

Started by dobry1983, October 24, 2011, 08:10:15 PM

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Hi i started to play on this server about 8 week ago and it was fine.About week ago i have a problem with my main account.When i first log in its fine,after about 30 min getting lags,dc and freezes all the time.But in same time on other account with my support its fine all the time.My internet works fine exept this.Maby someone have an idea what can ber wrong?Or maby admin can solwe this problem??


sarcasm on
u have suxx inet and low pc
sarcasm off

check forum abit, there alot of spam about it

from me and track i can say: be patient, he (track) working on it

p.s. dunno how  :P

Quote from: =^TrackZero^= on January 09, 2013, 10:44:54 PMi removed ur sig for obvious reasons....same goes for 6bik
im Edited :D


I have 30 mb/s internet my pc its maby bit oldf but on oficial server works fine :)


Quote from: 6bIK on October 24, 2011, 10:14:47 PM
sarcasm on
u have suxx inet and low pc
sarcasm off

check forum abit, there alot of spam about it

from me and track i can say: be patient, he (track) working on it

p.s. dunno how  :P
He already wrote that he have lags only on MAIN character not support
",after about 30 min getting lags,dc and freezes all the time"
"on other account with my support its fine all the time"

And Track please check its problem its annoying that smoeone cant play his main cuz of lags (only there)


he should try to play w/o box on his main to check if lags will appear.. (and turn bot off xD)


I tried it already.iven when only my main is loged in same problem.but when I log in my box without main its ok