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BEST subclass for main destroyer



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BEST subclass for main destroyer

Started by draako, November 12, 2011, 06:53:13 PM

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Heya guys.
What sublass you suppose for main destroyer, and why ? what benefits it give ?






Question is, how you inetend to play? How many supporters you want to take with you? Which you have?

For playing solo with very less supports, WC would be a good choice. You have the 4 most effective ImproveBuffs for Fighters:
+ Movement = Evasion + Windwalk
+ Combat = Shield + Might
+ Critical = Focus + DeathWhisper
+ Bloodawakening = Haste + VR
If you sub to de/ty and want all those buffs, you need an extra EE and SE. With the WC sub, you only miss a BD for the basic red-dances. If you prefer to play on low HP or use no VR, you can just buff fury-chant instead of blood. The CoV is still one of the most powerful of these skills and if it is enchanted with decrease-penalty (over +10), you don't really feel an effect in running-speed reduction. The soulcry toggle of WC additionally boosts your p.atk. Another good point is the Gatechant. If you don't play alone or with boxes, you can just summon them to your location and noone has to walk. (not working on HB)

For BTB and BTS buff (Improve Condition from PP) there are 3 options:
1. you get yourself a SoES (BTB) which gives you BTB level 5 (not as much as maximum)
2. you go rune-npc-weaponstore and buy that c-grade staff that also gives BTB (level 4)
If you wear one of those while buffing up yourself, you get the BTB buff sooner or later.
3. you get yourself an Improved Baby Pet - Kookaburra. Can be obtained by doing a small quest and levels up fast. When the pet has a level of 60 or so, it instantly buffs you BTB and BTS level 6 (with 20 min duration) when you summon it.

Another option is Overlord sub. You've got some more skills:
+ Combat = Shield + Might
+ Critical = Focus + DeathWhisper
+ Condition = BTB6 + BTS6
You also get windwalk, guidance, zerg (what wc not has) and some other things, but NO Greater Might/Shield and NO VR skill. That means you have to bring a PP or WC with you, and your VoP is not so powerful as the CoV. You have SoulCry for p.atk and SoulGuard for p.def but they drain your MP. You have a lot of debuffs for crowds of enemies, but only a few are useful for farming. The other problem is, you don't have infinite MP. Most Fighter/WCs are already busy enough to keep their MP up for buffing only. Anyway, some people like it.

Subbing it to Tyrant is the old way. You have a high HP damage machine but you need supporters, at least a WC and BD and depending on the skills you want to use, a healer wouldn't be wrong. Frenzy, Guts and Bison got nerfed in effectivity and re-use. Most totems only work with Fists as well as Bison. You can move quicker, but you need a 2nd damage weapon. Many skills of the Destro don't work with fists. It is still very powerful anyway. I have no real experience with that class, maybe the other guys can tell you more.

Making a mutant I do not recommend. Your level border will be 80, what means that most mobs on HB are red and dark red for you. That doesn't look bad at the beginning, but the damage you deal with skills will be lower, sometimes you read things like "you it for 0 Damage". Many times stun-skills don't land and sometimes their evasion will be too high. You won't be able to get 81+ skills and ofcourse your skill enchant rate is very low.
currently playing GuildWars2 [Ring of Fire]


Let me to be Captain Obvious a bit.
1. L2 in main way (even in official variant x1) suppose pvp-content in final of evolution player during all his actions. In free x-rates u will reach this final lvl very fast.  It means, that in the end of ur progress like a player u will got fun basicly only from pvp-gameplay... and money also u will got. How? Castles=bog mastery, pwn enemy near epic bosses=epic jewels, fs, etc.  (In this case i don`t count Alpina, cuz for play many years w/o pvp-fun and just farm bosses with multyboxes-friends this person must have special mind-set. He is exception to the rule).
2. De/xxx atm useless in pvp lesser a bit then totally.
3. Then, make some pvp-usefull class. Better if it will be half support / dd, cuz all more or lesser top clans need it. Beauty of this classes, that u don`t need to have top equip, enough to have only normal (ofc not total bullsh1t gear) and for sure increase own gameplay alltime.
P.S. For pseudosmart-asses, who will qq about everyone need char for single-duo farm. Ratio of time-benefit from material results of clan pvp-activity (if it`s not Vendetta clan ofc) > single-duo farm 24/7 like a geek. Profit, kurwa.
Yours Prof, Blind.  ;)
ЕсÑ,ÑŒ ПуÑ,ин â€" есÑ,ÑŒ Россия, неÑ, ПуÑ,ина â€" неÑ, России ! (с)





Its good to take destro/tyr if i have buffer bd,pp and wc ?



