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True info about atr?



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True info about atr?

Started by Peorexo, November 17, 2011, 03:29:35 PM

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Track u saying that u cant decompile files to change that from start, so now few questions
1. Why did u put energies to donny, and later make a discount to buy them?
2. Why u make energies spoilable, if u already knew that it will be changed?

True is that if u'd like to fix it as fast as posisble u wont do point 1 and 2... Cuz u wont allow players to waste everything, but its was ur plan.
U should kick energies from server until u fix it to make it fair for all, some guys from start had 600atr in set and all was fine, they donated for coins, bought energies and make set, whatever. But when all started making attributes looong farming them u just decreasing it to 240?
In my opinion even 600atr wasnt OP, becouse there was fights like they were years ago when attribute didn't exist at all, so only pure skill

There is another thing, if u already can edit  files FIX PASSIVES !, there is only 1 passive for robe/light/hvy what is totally bugged:
a) Robe there is only 1 robe passive what allow ONLY class ol and wc to enchant it, when off like all mages should do that (2/3different passives)
b) Light it gives only bonus for enchanter class (pp/wc etc) becouse it  gives 90% cast bonus, not chance to evasion for daggers like it should (and its not avaiable to enchant)
c) Heavy all class what cna learn that passive have additional critical reduction WHAT SHOULD ONLY TANK CLASS HAVE, pp/sws/bd/wc shoould have only cast bonus etc.

U exaclty now what u were doing... (TO ALL DONT SPAM HERE I WANT TRACK REPLY)


another QQ topic about atr system... :P

btw. i still cant enchant robe mastery on sps/ee.IMO it not working fine..
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