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Question about Attr in weapond (Track plz answer)

Started by Phonex, November 20, 2011, 09:11:12 PM

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Again + 1 super Stupid update , now what ? ppl have to refarm 43k fame it will take me 2 months with new "style" of non dead mode in siege zone ! 
Gms Doesnt care anymore they just do the updates like this server is a Beta one and have no players online , and it will be like this soon with this stupid updates 1 after other ....

Next update will be : all Dnet Vepser set deleted , only Vesper normal set will be allowed so all can start farm evrythign again!!!

Keep it up , sv gona die


Quote from: devastah on November 22, 2011, 06:14:46 AM
Again + 1 super Stupid update , now what ? ppl have to refarm 43k fame it will take me 2 months with new "style" of non dead mode in siege zone !  
Gms Doesnt care anymore they just do the updates like this server is a Beta one and have no players online , and it will be like this soon with this stupid updates 1 after other ....

Next update will be : all Dnet Vepser set deleted , only Vesper normal set will be allowed so all can start farm evrythign again!!!

Keep it up , sv gona die

I personally think the server is far from all the doom and gloom people talk about, but still I'm going to support you by saying this : L 2 is goin live with G.O.D on the 30th, free, so all the private servers gotta make an extra effort to keep its people from defecting. I´ve been poking arround several servers and there is mass exodus to retail servers, that as many people say is not L2 anymore, but still with almost 0 bugs, and tons of content.

I´m not against the att update, mas some stuff on general update arent called for.


Quote from: Naku on November 22, 2011, 09:46:55 AM
I personally think the server is far from all the doom and gloom people talk about, but still I'm going to support you by saying this : L 2 is goin live with G.O.D on the 30th, free, so all the private servers gotta make an extra effort to keep its people from defecting. I´ve been poking arround several servers and there is mass exodus to retail servers, that as many people say is not L2 anymore, but still with almost 0 bugs, and tons of content.

I´m not against the att update, mas some stuff on general update arent called for.
Off L2 is f2p quite for long more or less 2 years on l2r , however this update they made is really really unreasonable trying to make aion from something that shouldnt be aion. Also they fuked up whole system about Multplayer  RPG part , its now a single player RPG cause you can do most of things alone, and as i said many times 7e month wasnt really a main problem why players prefer pvt server instead official one (x1 rate/no stack sub etc.. etc..).
However it will be just f2p to join them, but they will make system that will kinda make you to donate.
To sum up this is really one of few updates i wouldnt like never to come on DN , and speaking of bugs BELIEVE ME DUDE NCsoft have more bugs then you think, its just huge zerg to be noticed ! Not to mention all the dupes and exploits working there grrrr horror! In the end we have true off files just not GoD (and believe me was full of bugs and craps)
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Quote from: TrackZero on November 22, 2011, 10:38:26 AM
Off L2 is f2p quite for long more or less 2 years on l2r , however this update they made is really really unreasonable trying to make aion from something that shouldnt be aion. Also they fuked up whole system about Multplayer  RPG part , its now a single player RPG cause you can do most of things alone, and as i said many times 7e month wasnt really a main problem why players prefer pvt server instead official one (x1 rate/no stack sub etc.. etc..).
However it will be just f2p to join them, but they will make system that will kinda make you to donate.
To sum up this is really one of few updates i wouldnt like never to come on DN , and speaking of bugs BELIEVE ME DUDE NCsoft have more bugs then you think, its just huge zerg to be noticed ! Not to mention all the dupes and exploits working there grrrr horror! In the end we have true off files just not GoD (and believe me was full of bugs and craps)

Track i do believe in your work, do not get me wrong, and I´ve played on Naia long enough to know how L2 is. Most of the exploits and bad systems, Oly, Fame etc...are made possible cause N C S O F T isnt giving a crap, they get money anyway and the more dual box the better. F2P model is wrong IMO because u gotta donate to even have a decent xp rate, and old L2 is dead now, similar to Aion which i also know very well from playing there on a big clan for 1.5 years. All I want to say is that we gotta be one step ahead of other servers. In all aspects including balance, and PvP balance is a long way from balance. I think u need to log on invisble mode and check pvps. We have stack subs, which messes arround with characters natural weaknesses, go check pvps and you will see a class that almost has none. pretty unbalanced vs all. As for attr, we gotta live with the changes you made.


problem here is not about updates, its about gms that dont give a damn for ppl that plays, they cant even answer a damn simple question, the only close topics, but hell if u dont donate u have no voice and vote, that really suxs, dunno why they freaked the server with this kind of shits-...
DX Brain Doctor, Not Miracle Doctor!!!


Quote from: Naku on November 22, 2011, 11:00:50 AM
Track i do believe in your work, do not get me wrong, and I´ve played on Naia long enough to know how L2 is. Most of the exploits and bad systems, Oly, Fame etc...are made possible cause N C S O F T isnt giving a crap, they get money anyway and the more dual box the better. F2P model is wrong IMO because u gotta donate to even have a decent xp rate, and old L2 is dead now, similar to Aion which i also know very well from playing there on a big clan for 1.5 years. All I want to say is that we gotta be one step ahead of other servers. In all aspects including balance, and PvP balance is a long way from balance. I think u need to log on invisble mode and check pvps. We have stack subs, which messes arround with characters natural weaknesses, go check pvps and you will see a class that almost has none. pretty unbalanced vs all.
2 new big projects that are coming this week new armors i told before and new system of farming them will bring a lot of fun including a lot of pvps aswell, do not worry there are many stuff that are boiling in dn dev laboratory all unique for dn and believe me ull like them all! About pvps and balance i cant make all happy ofc but really i try to be objective in all nerfes we make and to consult players and other gms always i never do those staff for any other purposes cause as you know i dont play on nm but this will be one of the last nerfest we are aproaching slowly to really well balanced things theese days which ill keep monitoring on following days
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Quote from: Phonex on November 22, 2011, 11:11:38 AM
problem here is not about updates, its about gms that dont give a damn for ppl that plays, they cant even answer a damn simple question, the only close topics, but hell if u dont donate u have no voice and vote, that really suxs, dunno why they freaked the server with this kind of shits-...

Even if you are donator not all questions are answered. And yes, some issues are pending for way too long, maybe there is a way to solve all this rage goin on with the community but i guess much work is to be done.


Quote from: Naku on November 22, 2011, 11:15:17 AM
Even if you are donator not all questions are answered. And yes, some issues are pending for way too long, maybe there is a way to solve all this rage goin on with the community but i guess much work is to be done.

yeah u are right, problem is that they aint fixing what they need to, and they are fuking what they dont need to, ppl (almost all community) asked for some answers and 2 weeks later we just got fuked, but well almost 6 years playing here and never had saw so much shit in so less time.
DX Brain Doctor, Not Miracle Doctor!!!


Quote from: Phonex on November 22, 2011, 11:20:25 AM
yeah u are right, problem is that they aint fixing what they need to, and they are fuking what they dont need to, ppl (almost all community) asked for some answers and 2 weeks later we just got fuked, but well almost 6 years playing here and never had saw so much shit in so less time.
Enlight me please what is a good fix for you? And what are those fixes that community wait answer - fix so long, please tell me?
P.s do u think that l2off ever reply on players request on forum etc... NEVER they care -1 for their players and believe me ive feel it on my own skin so please im the last gm to who u can say that i dont care for my ppl cause in most of cases (sadly) i put this server infornt of my rl for past 6 years so please have some respect .:-/
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Quote from: Phonex on November 22, 2011, 11:20:25 AM
yeah u are right, problem is that they aint fixing what they need to, and they are fuking what they dont need to, ppl (almost all community) asked for some answers and 2 weeks later we just got fuked, but well almost 6 years playing here and never had saw so much shit in so less time.

From my point of view, and its worth crap, the only problem with GM attitude is that they let things get too personal. Name an MMORPG and I´ve played it, I´ve been in a lot of forums and what really stands out is the impersonal way GMs do things there. Also they answer almost all the questions even if the answer is : NO we wont fix that, or YES you are nerfed. On L2 off the GMs attitude changed recently, was a very dramatic change, just check their forums. Those are my 2 cents, for a private server INFNM is pretty good believe me, it just needs a little overhaul on how some stuff is done.


Quote from: TrackZero on November 22, 2011, 11:25:06 AM
Enlight me please what is a good fix for you? And what are those fixes that community wait answer - fix so long, please tell me?
P.s do u think that l2off ever reply on players request on forum etc... NEVER they care -1 for their players and believe me ive feel it on my own skin so please im the last gm to who u can say that i dont care for my ppl cause in most of cases (sadly) i put this server infornt of my rl for past 6 years so please have some respect .:-/

This may have been the only good change on L2 in the past year, check their forums, they do answer now. Dunno what happened but its trve. Still what goes on there has nothing to do with us :)  lets look at us, not at them.


Quote from: Naku on November 22, 2011, 11:26:04 AM
From my point of view, and its worth crap, the only problem with GM attitude is that they let things get too personal. Name an MMORPG and I´ve played it, I´ve been in a lot of forums and what really stands out is the impersonal way GMs do things there. Also they answer almost all the questions even if the answer is : NO we wont fix that, or YES you are nerfed. On L2 off the GMs attitude changed recently, was a very dramatic change, just check their forums. Those are my 2 cents, for a private server INFNM is pretty good believe me, it just needs a little overhaul on how some stuff is done.

yeap u are right in that :D they take everything personal, but well, thats they way they are, cant change every people  :P

Quote from: TrackZero on November 22, 2011, 11:25:06 AM
Enlight me please what is a good fix for you? And what are those fixes that community wait answer - fix so long, please tell me?
P.s do u think that l2off ever reply on players request on forum etc... NEVER they care -1 for their players and believe me ive feel it on my own skin so please im the last gm to who u can say that i dont care for my ppl cause in most of cases (sadly) i put this server infornt of my rl for past 6 years so please have some respect .:-/

fix so long? ok lets start, golkondas took almost 5 months to get fixed, u talked about attr system and u  fixed after 5 months or more, and thats cool, but u never said nothing about weapons, now ppl that got pvp in weapons are fuked, cuz gm´s thought that getting fame after dying was not right, now ppl must farm for more then 2 monts to get back what they own, TW aint working since never, lots of bugged chars, bugged weapons, unspected restarts, skill bugged and i can continue if u wish, and BTW i can bet that enhanced mithrill shirts will be putted in donny, so ppl can donate more.

P.S. dont take so personal this stuff, its your work, u work here cuz u like it so dont get rude on post, and dont ask respect when u dont give it :D cheers.
DX Brain Doctor, Not Miracle Doctor!!!