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Question about Attr in weapond (Track plz answer)



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Question about Attr in weapond (Track plz answer)

Started by Phonex, November 20, 2011, 09:11:12 PM

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well just wanna ask if its true that now weapon is 540? and if it is, then how (we the ppl with pvp in weapon) well get fame again, doing 36.8k of fame is not a funny thing to do, its a long farm way, and now that we got at least our goal, we are just gonna loose it?, can  u plz dunno make something like, "ok show me ur weapon if its with pvp ill give u fame back so u can go and put more attr"? if not, this will sux and more ppl will leave.
DX Brain Doctor, Not Miracle Doctor!!!


and with new retarded update farm fame much harder cuz dead ppl cant get fame in siege zone. rly funny this was considered as an exploit but on off server np with it. ncsoft made exploit for players!!! personally i dont care about fame at all, but rly intresting how nowdays ppl in small clans can farm fame if they will be killed for sure and dont tell me they can defend themselves.
Onu3DeHeJIa - EE/SpS > TK/SWS
DramaQueen - EE/SwS

Infinity/Zenith player since 22.08.2005


next step , enforce legit oly with no bot char transfer xD

+info about weapon Att would be great.


Quote from: Shadow21 on November 20, 2011, 09:17:08 PM
and with new retarded update farm fame much harder cuz dead ppl cant get fame in siege zone.

lol, so this is what they called an exploit?  :D :'( :D
instead of fixing Epic boss exploit(tezza), they "fix" what is not counted an exploit even on off xDDDDDDD

about attr track wrote it's 540, but who will test it with a chance it will be wiped back to 450 later? x


Thats the problem flame, think about this, u take off pvp of you weapon to make it to 540, u reach ur goal, and then gm makes the funny joke to put it back to 450, at the end u will loose ALL ATTR and COINS u used to make it 540 and u still need to farm 9999999999xxxx Fortress to get 36+ fame for put back again pvp in weapon,  so u think will be nice to taste it?  :-X 

dunno whats going on with gm's but wtf was that of taking off fame from dead ppl, and then making more attr in weapon, shoulnd do things w/o saying it, ppl never complain about getting fame in dead mode and gm NEVER said nothing about attr in weapons, he talked about Sets but never Weapons, so we all really need a true answer and no shits plz, server is hanging on a rope and still doing crazy changes? plz answer track.
DX Brain Doctor, Not Miracle Doctor!!!


Quote from: Phonex on November 21, 2011, 02:14:05 AM
Thats the problem flame, think about this, u take off pvp of you weapon to make it to 540, u reach ur goal, and then gm makes the funny joke to put it back to 450, at the end u will loose ALL ATTR and COINS u used to make it 540 and u still need to farm 9999999999xxxx Fortress to get 36+ fame for put back again pvp in weapon,  so u think will be nice to taste it?  :-X 

dunno whats going on with gm's but wtf was that of taking off fame from dead ppl, and then making more attr in weapon, shoulnd do things w/o saying it, ppl never complain about getting fame in dead mode and gm NEVER said nothing about attr in weapons, he talked about Sets but never Weapons, so we all really need a true answer and no shits plz, server is hanging on a rope and still doing crazy changes? plz answer track.
The answer is easy they 1 made bigg att on sets to ppls donate for it, then he fuked up the sets, now they make more att on weapon so now u donate for att on weapon and when many ppls have it they will nerft it and they will put more att on jewels , then on tattos, then on shields, then o hair accesorys, etc, so u have to donate again and again and again.
ur the NOOB


Quote from: flamingAwe on November 20, 2011, 11:00:05 PM
lol, so this is what they called an exploit?  :D :'( :D
instead of fixing Epic boss exploit(tezza), they "fix" what is not counted an exploit even on off xDDDDDDD

about attr track wrote it's 540, but who will test it with a chance it will be wiped back to 450 later? x

some ppl make 540 atry but they dont remember what dmg they make with 450 atry:P

TheSniper - Dreadnought/Sagittarius 85/85/TH-80/BP-80/Titan-80


LOL nice way to fuk the server and gain some damn fuking donations -.-
DX Brain Doctor, Not Miracle Doctor!!!


Quote from: Phonex on November 20, 2011, 09:11:12 PM
well just wanna ask if its true that now weapon is 540? and if it is, then how (we the ppl with pvp in weapon) well get fame again, doing 36.8k of fame is not a funny thing to do, its a long farm way, and now that we got at least our goal, we are just gonna loose it?, can  u plz dunno make something like, "ok show me ur weapon if its with pvp ill give u fame back so u can go and put more attr"? if not, this will sux and more ppl will leave.
Bad news... is true: max att to 540 so bb 27k fame for me
PS: to reach 540 u can do it with jewels or energies?


i think will be with energy, cuz the point of all this is to get more donations -.-
DX Brain Doctor, Not Miracle Doctor!!!


I already checked it, is with damn fuking energys, nice fuking noob move gm did to get some coins for christmas LOL go go keep fuking server, i bet we will not have even a damn help for those that have pvp in weapon. the answer will be "just go and farm for 2 more months, ahhhh but remember not to die cuz now its fuked up, if u die u dont get fame" "nice move"
DX Brain Doctor, Not Miracle Doctor!!!