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Started by xin, December 10, 2011, 06:13:57 PM

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Why there are events for 1 clan?
atm only 1 big clan exist on this server and gm makes events for "big clans".  Rewards are high amounts of coins, so members of carebears (which are allready overpowered) are still upgrading their eqip, while other ppl can just kill "golkys" on giran harbor.

Chamstwu w życiu należy siÄ™ przeciwstawiać siÅ,om i godnoÅ›ciom osobistom
dla niedouczonych wyjasnienie:


Quote from: xin on December 10, 2011, 06:13:57 PM
Why there are events for 1 clan?
atm only 1 big clan exist on this server and gm makes events for "big clans".  Rewards are high amounts of coins, so members of carebears (which are allready overpowered) are still upgrading their eqip, while other ppl can just kill "golkys" on giran harbor.
Why you are so low lame?
I announced 4 days ago ill make 1 BIG clan event and 1 SMALL clan event.

In BIG clan event showed CB and BA (others didnt show), so BA left after a while and because of that i should cancel the event? Last time on very same event there was FTP 3x more then CB and did others complained? NO, so please dont speak about things you dont know or you talk lies!
About Small clans event in Giran Harbor they got 9 different raids (not QUEST raids) but RAIDS real one, they got Golkondas (not quest) around 4 and they got Quest Golkondas which for the small clans i think is more then enough.

Now i hope you learned something about saying the truth next time.

Take care
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Quote from: TrackZero on December 10, 2011, 06:49:12 PM
Why you are so low lame?
I announced 4 days ago ill make 1 BIG clan event and 1 SMALL clan event.

In BIG clan event showed CB and BA (others didnt show), so BA left after a while and because of that i should cancel the event? Last time on very same event there was FTP 3x more then CB and did others complained? NO, so please dont speak about things you dont know or you talk lies!
About Small clans event in Giran Harbor they got 9 different raids (not QUEST raids) but RAIDS real one, they got Golkondas (not quest) around 4 and they got Quest Golkondas which for the small clans i think is more then enough.

Now i hope you learned something about saying the truth next time.

Take care
as you said, there was 3x more but there was some ppl. today i've seen only 1 clan (cb) here, and some random ppl that was only dying.
and f.e. if there is siege and no1 registered, than siege is cancelled
so my opinion is sth like this: give 100 coins to every cb member, every time when you want to make some event, and don't make other ppl angry... and ofc change name of server from "infinite-nightmare" to "carebears"

Chamstwu w życiu należy siÄ™ przeciwstawiać siÅ,om i godnoÅ›ciom osobistom
dla niedouczonych wyjasnienie:


My clan is small and we have already participated in 2 events, one with this clan and one with a former clan that we left behind.
Its difficult to please everyone i guess, still we got events for every taste imo.


Quote from: xin on December 10, 2011, 07:31:20 PM
as you said, there was 3x more but there was some ppl. today i've seen only 1 clan (cb) here, and some random ppl that was only dying.
and f.e. if there is siege and no1 registered, than siege is cancelled
so my opinion is sth like this: give 100 coins to every cb member, every time when you want to make some event, and don't make other ppl angry... and ofc change name of server from "infinite-nightmare" to "carebears"

Jealousy is a rly rly rly bad behavior!

And it overflows you as hell ! ! !

Why are you looking at my Avatar?

Server:  Zenith/Infinity x5

I am here since 07:52 GMT+1 25.12.2005


1 event FTP (a ally) was 2x more than CB ,ad CB still went on event and fighted with honor...
now that ftp dont have same amoung  as b4.. its event for 1 clan.. funny is nobody said that when FTP had more...
and the nice stuff is.. cb went on event with 30 players, max.. on siege same...   we stoped ftp several times with 2 partys in goddard..

so IMPROVE ur gameplay and stop blame the system.

Quote from: ylim on March 28, 2013, 10:19:02 AM
setup with bp/wk only with diego, the best bp/wk in dn others would die easy.


Quote from: xin on December 10, 2011, 06:13:57 PM
Why there are events for 1 clan?
atm only 1 big clan exist on this server and gm makes events for "big clans".  Rewards are high amounts of coins, so members of carebears (which are allready overpowered) are still upgrading their eqip, while other ppl can just kill "golkys" on giran harbor.

its not our buisness thet FTP went to  l2off  :D

                            IceZero                  StrikeForce


Omg who would say that CB (immaculate clan XD) would someday rule the server....  :o


last night event was great and not only CB there :D pew pew pew


Quote from: Naku on December 13, 2011, 12:25:55 PM
last night event was great and not only CB there :D pew pew pew

accept war? ;p
Onu3DeHeJIa - EE/SpS > TK/SWS
DramaQueen - EE/SwS

Infinity/Zenith player since 22.08.2005


Quote from: Shadow21 on December 13, 2011, 03:01:18 PM
accept war? ;p

Still too early :) but we are honored to have a sword on our heads :P time will come.


Quote from: Naku on December 13, 2011, 12:25:55 PM
last night event was great and not only CB there :D pew pew pew

you mean Giran Harbor event ?? xD  cos in Talking Island i dont se you clan  >.....< so rly in Harbor is great event xD