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Started by Shadow21, December 13, 2011, 10:12:33 PM

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Quote from: flamingAwe on December 14, 2011, 11:38:01 PM
actually it's community forum. and community includes those who play, those who played, and those who will play (new or comebacks)
simply, those who post here still care about server and believe me, hate is much better, than not caring at all...
cause hate might be gone, when cituation changes
People like Feli , keeps me up and still doing things here, such a mature and decent way of talking even if he flame he does it with style and really makes you wonder! I couldnt agree more for what you said Feli , really, and well they started it so when they mentioned it i explained why that happened so they dont create new Myths!
@Ave i disagree with you on some point, bout the point that players who dont play here have full right to judge others and server while they play "Forumage2" with 0 time in game,i totally disagree. Even more further i dont understand a point that people who QUITED/HATE THIS SERVER/HATE ME/AND WHOLE DN STAFF , why they are still keeping their forum account and keep on insulting.
Ill really start cleaning this forum from haters/flamers/insulters and all other people who are not part of this community anymore! (AAAAAAAND make a straight line between constructive advise and suggestion from everything else you guys do)
[url=https://discord.com/invite/uhaWxzH7NP] JOIN OUR DISCORD[/url]


Quote from: Shadow21 on December 14, 2011, 10:06:28 PM
sry friend but patheitc when gm joined clan vt when most of ppl left server and try explain smth for ppl who dont play on server. did he tried explain smth for ppl who still stay on server? i dont think so. before he dont care so much about our clan and now he so intrested, not so strange abit?

When we thought he dont care it was bad. When he wanted to show us that he care and joined our vt to explain some things its bad too. -.-  Cmone ppl...!
Anyway I get ur point Onu but you have to understand that on this vt are sitting ppl who plays on Infi too... AND those ppl said to others what he told us and there is no sence for Track to pm all others with same thing xD I dont get Onu what you expect from him right now... Better would be if he wouldnt join vt and keep us on thinking that he have us deep in ass? I dont get it... seriously...


Quote from: TrackZero on December 15, 2011, 01:06:36 AM
People like Feli , keeps me up and still doing things here, such a mature and decent way of talking even if he flame he does it with style and really makes you wonder! I couldnt agree more for what you said Feli , really, and well they started it so when they mentioned it i explained why that happened so they dont create new Myths!
@Ave i disagree with you on some point, bout the point that players who dont play here have full right to judge others and server while they play "Forumage2" with 0 time in game,i totally disagree. Even more further i dont understand a point that people who QUITED/HATE THIS SERVER/HATE ME/AND WHOLE DN STAFF , why they are still keeping their forum account and keep on insulting.
Ill really start cleaning this forum from haters/flamers/insulters and all other people who are not part of this community anymore! (AAAAAAAND make a straight line between constructive advise and suggestion from everything else you guys do)

actualy U toss up a ball which was knock off and aftr that u go in rage mode which borned future flames (but yeah u always do everything perfectly, u didnt said u dont post here anymore ?). Actualy funny that if sdy have diffrent opinion that u or dont agree with the others he is allready hater. U should have so much hate in ur life if u can hate things/ppls for such things. I need much more for HATE. That i disslike things is other thing.

And no i DONT HATE this server, even if u try to point that. mby u can implement ur ideas in some ppl brain with ur propaganda talk. Actualy i liked this server cos gave so much fun in past, but lately there is no fun for me here cos i dont like camping stairs.

Anyway gl with ur updates gl to ur propaganda war hf :)


Quote from: Nathela on December 15, 2011, 02:30:32 AM
When we thought he dont care it was bad. When he wanted to show us that he care and joined our vt to explain some things its bad too. -.-  Cmone ppl...!
Anyway I get ur point Onu but you have to understand that on this vt are sitting ppl who plays on Infi too... AND those ppl said to others what he told us and there is no sence for Track to pm all others with same thing xD I dont get Onu what you expect from him right now... Better would be if he wouldnt join vt and keep us on thinking that he have us deep in ass? I dont get it... seriously...

1. he start care when almost whole clan left server. only then, not early no late.
2. he dont have u deep in ass now only cuz ppl leave server so server almost dead for now if not count dot pvp deep at night. how looks sieges now? 10 aod+20bangez+3 barmy vs ~same amount of cb+sheva+theheroes+gok? ofc its average number but quite similar to this.
3. yup ppl who on vt told to others and these others laught yesterday whole evening in clan chat from his fairytales cuz actually except few ppl like u no1 belive him.
4. as i said most of ppl who sit at vt dont play on dn anymore.
5. if u still didnt got my point, sad.... but not my problem.

in total i guess ur post can be named: "thx trackzero for my pink title", nothing personal just some truth.

p.s. for trackzero: u can call me hater or how u wanna, its ur choice, but as i said u few days ago in game, there no any hate, just i say what i think and prefer say bitter truth than sweet lie.
Onu3DeHeJIa - EE/SpS > TK/SWS
DramaQueen - EE/SwS

Infinity/Zenith player since 22.08.2005


Quote from: TrackZero on December 15, 2011, 01:06:36 AM

@Ave i disagree with you on some point, bout the point that players who dont play here have full right to judge others and server while they play "Forumage2" with 0 time in game,i totally disagree. Even more further i dont understand a point that people who QUITED/HATE THIS SERVER/HATE ME/AND WHOLE DN STAFF , why they are still keeping their forum account and keep on insulting.

ppl who really hate everything, leaving server for real and for good
ppl who don't like something in game ATM, leaving server temporary, staying on forum, reading, giving ideas, with a chance to return. They keep connections to ppl, who actually play, and have info, what's going on.
And believe it or not, ppl who you call haters here, and are still playing on server, do not hate it, just want it to become better, or at least stable (i'm talking about predictable gameplay, not machine stability now)


Quote from: Shadow21 on December 15, 2011, 08:21:49 AM
1. he start care when almost whole clan left server. only then, not early no late.
2. he dont have u deep in ass now only cuz ppl leave server so server almost dead for now if not count dot pvp deep at night. how looks sieges now? 10 aod+20bangez+3 barmy vs ~same amount of cb+sheva+theheroes+gok? ofc its average number but quite similar to this.
3. yup ppl who on vt told to others and these others laught yesterday whole evening in clan chat from his fairytales cuz actually except few ppl like u no1 belive him.
4. as i said most of ppl who sit at vt dont play on dn anymore.
5. if u still didnt got my point, sad.... but not my problem.

in total i guess ur post can be named: "thx trackzero for my pink title", nothing personal just some truth.

p.s. for trackzero: u can call me hater or how u wanna, its ur choice, but as i said u few days ago in game, there no any hate, just i say what i think and prefer say bitter truth than sweet lie.

1. Earlier he didint had to. We always had piccy/ next Gideon who were talking with us. I would like to remind u what contact skybh or Zord had with piccy. Or now how many pms Gideon get from Zord.
2. Better late than never and about pvp... Im glad we have some.
3. I never said if I believe or not. (from where u get that?) Im hoping its true. Why from start I should believe thats a lie. Everything is a lie. Its a foking matrix.
4. But our leader is still there and Track was talking with Zord. And cmone but Zord deserved for it and Im glad that Track did talk with him personally. Who like who but he always cared about server and I dont know any other person who was spending such hours here.
5. And my post wasnt about I dont get ur post was about I dont get what u expect now from him bcus when he didint talk with us it was bad and now when he actually do its bad too. f u still didnt got my point, sad.... but not my problem.

About sentence with pink nick u r pathetic and its time to grow up.


Quote from: Shadow21 on December 15, 2011, 08:21:49 AM
how looks sieges now? 10 aod+20bangez+3 barmy vs ~same amount of cb+sheva+theheroes+gok? ofc its average number but quite similar to this.

at sieges sheva is vs all, theheros try to kill cb ... gok i cant say because i still didant saw em helping in siege...

Quote from: ylim on March 28, 2013, 10:19:02 AM
setup with bp/wk only with diego, the best bp/wk in dn others would die easy.


Quote from: flamingAwe on December 15, 2011, 09:36:40 AM
ppl who really hate everything, leaving server for real and for good
ppl who don't like something in game ATM, leaving server temporary, staying on forum, reading, giving ideas, with a chance to return. They keep connections to ppl, who actually play, and have info, what's going on.
And believe it or not, ppl who you call haters here, and are still playing on server, do not hate it, just want it to become better, or at least stable (i'm talking about predictable gameplay, not machine stability now)


Quote from: ylim on March 28, 2013, 10:19:02 AM
setup with bp/wk only with diego, the best bp/wk in dn others would die easy.