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about drop Lesser Trinkets - Page 2



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about drop Lesser Trinkets

Started by pulupaker, December 18, 2011, 05:29:03 PM

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Quote from: Exitus on December 21, 2011, 02:59:57 PM
for greater trinkets Track u can always make boss that look like low lvl (but have lvl 85)  rb and add him drop of greater trinkets and give him spawn 48 +12 or smthing like that this can give some chance to get them.

And u said that it will be for all players and not all whant to go to big clans (AoD or CB)

What you want in week whole server with  this new sets ? why should he add some boss with this red trinkets if you dont  wanna join any big clan try to  group ppl from you small clan or merger 2-3 small clans to can kill some raid 
Neposlushko ty/destro - noobl
Exaron BD/PR - noobl ( not mine now)
Sometime HE/WK
Patrokul Glady/DA- noobl


Quote from: Exaron on December 21, 2011, 03:06:36 PM

What you want in week whole server with  this new sets ? why should he add some boss with this red trinkets if you dont  wanna join any big clan try to  group ppl from you small clan or merger 2-3 small clans to can kill some raid 

well, they could make prices for items a lot bigger, but items accessible for everyone
example of hard to get, but accesiible for all - s80 in HB, in IoP. Ppl DO farm them, and not in a short period of time.


Quote from: Exitus on December 21, 2011, 02:59:57 PM
for greater trinkets Track u can always make boss that look like low lvl (but have lvl 85)  rb and add him drop of greater trinkets and give him spawn 48 +12 or smthing like that this can give some chance to get them.

And u said that it will be for all players and not all whant to go to big clans (AoD or CB)

u cant kill even baium? sad story....... and rly start cooperate, accept wars and try kick big clans from epics cuz for now as i see u can only cry: we small clans, we 5 ppl, big clans got all and ofc we wanna. mb try do smth for get smth?
Onu3DeHeJIa - EE/SpS > TK/SWS
DramaQueen - EE/SwS

Infinity/Zenith player since 22.08.2005


Quote from: J4cKDan13L on December 20, 2011, 08:36:52 PM
and later cries about other multiboxes in forum...  ::)

gtfo no life moronu :D


Quote from: Shadow21 on December 21, 2011, 03:26:49 PM
u cant kill even baium? sad story....... and rly start cooperate, accept wars and try kick big clans from epics cuz for now as i see u can only cry: we small clans, we 5 ppl, big clans got all and ofc we wanna. mb try do smth for get smth?

Sorry Onu but by "big clans" we are refering to we're able to gather 4 parties..in comparision to old times (400 ppl at siege- yest thats old like hell times) our curent communiti has dwindled.

Point is if this event was created to lure ppl back to game and make this community alive it should be more or less accessible to all(with high dificulity level that is). And you can't kill Tiat 10 times a day as far as i remember. You need 36 ppl( even if half of those are bots) baium or Anty are dying from far more lesser numbers of ppl. Thats why ive brough Tiat to this topic.



well i have around 100+ boxes 76-85lvl so ~3 pt xD when sod have lvl1 tiat up all the time so 10 ppl clan with enought amount of boxes can kill 10 times tiat, ofc if they wont be bored. btw 1 good pt enought for kill tiat. rest can be boxes. also u have ally so why u dont cooperate with them for kick our or cb asses and get an epic?

about new ppl. imo they alrdy got enought good bonus. every new char can get d-s grade armor/weapon for free, so not bad bonus. when i started play here i farmed for my equip 24/7 now u just need lvlup char.
Onu3DeHeJIa - EE/SpS > TK/SWS
DramaQueen - EE/SwS

Infinity/Zenith player since 22.08.2005


Quote from: Shadow21 on December 21, 2011, 06:15:56 PM
well i have around 100+ boxes 76-85lvl so ~3 pt xD when sod have lvl1 tiat up all the time so 10 ppl clan with enought amount of boxes can kill 10 times tiat, ofc if they wont be bored. btw 1 good pt enought for kill tiat. rest can be boxes. also u have ally so why u dont cooperate with them for kick our or cb asses and get an epic?

about new ppl. imo they alrdy got enought good bonus. every new char can get d-s grade armor/weapon for free, so not bad bonus. when i started play here i farmed for my equip 24/7 now u just need lvlup char.

well when i started doom set was a dreem come trueXD

Sure newbies have nice boost but it's been years sinc L2 kicked off so its hard to lure ppl to start from cold zero x1 exp rate:) And top s grade are meet pupets on any decent pvp so thats just a boost not to get bored to fast:)

We do have ally but as many others half of it is in official now..don't have to explain i'm sure you know the story sinc all allys/clans have same problem with it.

Annyway an event that few(and i do meet few) ppl will be able to achiev is not much interesting to server i think. Even those few will stay in game with new sets for what 2/3 more months? theres a limit of things that you can achieve and in the end when equip level betwen top and rest is huge then how long it will be fun to play? You have everything and can kill everyone..sounds like time to move on ^^

Its more fun if we'll be able to sustain some chalange in game and for that more ppl should have access to new shiny stuff:)
