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Started by ribera, December 21, 2011, 02:22:47 PM

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well as everyone knows hb mobs have really big mdef and lvl mages are very very hard in this days, i have mage whit ic+a+13 / full rb set / vesper robe set and i hit mobs in hb as my dagger 3-4k dmg, mages are supouse to be nukers they should hit mobs like a archer 15-20k ( i mean dmg whit same equipments like my mage ic+f+13 / vesper hvy-light / rb set ofc), i think u should low down hb mobs m def a little bit cous lvl up mages now is so hard and its not fair ;D.
ur the NOOB


HB is not for mages, want a mage spot, go to dino xD mage rulz over there, same IOPs :D

P.S. btw HB supposed to be a not 1 person party xD
DX Brain Doctor, Not Miracle Doctor!!!


yup hb supposed to be a not for 1 person party, thats why smart asses and pro fighters like u 2 in 1, go there with 1-2 box for farm.

p.s. also dont compare exp on dino and exp on hb, there foking big difference.
Onu3DeHeJIa - EE/SpS > TK/SWS
DramaQueen - EE/SwS

Infinity/Zenith player since 22.08.2005


get a dagger/archer in ur pr0 mage pt and make him exp instead of u :P


xSTRAFKOx(not owner but i used it)


Quote from: ribera on December 21, 2011, 02:22:47 PM
well as everyone knows hb mobs have really big mdef and lvl mages are very very hard in this days, i have mage whit ic+a+13 / full rb set / vesper robe set and i hit mobs in hb as my dagger 3-4k dmg, mages are supouse to be nukers they should hit mobs like a archer 15-20k ( i mean dmg whit same equipments like my mage ic+f+13 / vesper hvy-light / rb set ofc), i think u should low down hb mobs m def a little bit cous lvl up mages now is so hard and its not fair ;D.

I said the same but nobody cares XD
Storm Screamer/Shillen's Saint 85

Infinity player since 15:53 gmt+1 of 28th june 2005 goddammit!


Quote from: Shadow21 on December 21, 2011, 07:29:24 PM
yup hb supposed to be a not for 1 person party, thats why smart asses and pro fighters like u 2 in 1, go there with 1-2 box for farm.

p.s. also dont compare exp on dino and exp on hb, there foking big difference.

is nto that im a smart ass, its just that im not so noob as u, make a damn orc and go and lvl ur self, why damn ppl as u always want easy things?, plz read damn info about ur char before u wanna go and kill HOLE server, u have so much places to lvl up, FOG, DINOS, MOS, inetrance of HB; IOP, etc, aaaaa but u wanna go and kill chimera of 1 hit, common dont be such and ass, dont like, change char, ur just ask friend to help u lvl and stop doing QQ topics.
DX Brain Doctor, Not Miracle Doctor!!!


Quote from: Phonex on December 22, 2011, 01:26:04 AM
is nto that im a smart ass, its just that im not so noob as u
:o :o :o :o :o

A tank that can be killed by any archer is talking, pliz respect lol

sixcessive1 PR/BD  -> Nightmare OFF
BAngelz Member


yeap u are right xD but that was time ago u were in vesper +hero weapon +full buff (with ur 2 bots +main )  and i was in dnet + ica dagger+ wc/bd  :D and btw u killed me 2 times and i killed u once, and didnt kill u a second time cuz u bose so STFUP, wanna try? go and try to kill me now, if i bad remember now that im in vesper y have killed u in siages and +ur party xD , no more archer pro, diference was just in items :d now we are equal :D.

so P.S. respect :D
DX Brain Doctor, Not Miracle Doctor!!!


Quote from: Phonex on December 22, 2011, 01:26:04 AM
is nto that im a smart ass, its just that im not so noob as u, make a damn orc and go and lvl ur self, why damn ppl as u always want easy things?, plz read damn info about ur char before u wanna go and kill HOLE server, u have so much places to lvl up, FOG, DINOS, MOS, inetrance of HB; IOP, etc, aaaaa but u wanna go and kill chimera of 1 hit, common dont be such and ass, dont like, change char, ur just ask friend to help u lvl and stop doing QQ topics.

where moron u see i cry in this topic? show me plz, u foking waste of cum. about noobs better dont talk, when u will be in some pvp clan with accepted wars then mb u can tell smth but for now gtfo dear moron. now also show me plox where in this topic some1 ask about killing chimera by 1 nuke u foking wannabel2guru? i guess u cant. and at end, u brainless animal which not able even read but wanna be pro, im playing on healer and got 85lvl+100% so if needed can get easy fighter or mage pt. bb for now my brainless dualbox user.
Onu3DeHeJIa - EE/SpS > TK/SWS
DramaQueen - EE/SwS

Infinity/Zenith player since 22.08.2005


onu he wont understand what u wrote for him, i tried too he badly need doctor, dont hurt his feelings pls, cos his situation proly will turn even more bad :S


Quote from: ylim on December 22, 2011, 08:14:20 AM
onu he wont understand what u wrote for him, i tried too he badly need doctor, dont hurt his feelings pls, cos his situation proly will turn even more bad :S

Onu3DeHeJIa - EE/SpS > TK/SWS
DramaQueen - EE/SwS

Infinity/Zenith player since 22.08.2005