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TW bug / Anakim Transform

Started by lasombra, January 09, 2012, 06:05:10 PM

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Astramael      [db/tr]


Quote from: PvtStuka on January 11, 2012, 11:41:12 AM
Smashing large armies of zergs with terrans ftw !

dont liek that race :) even watchign it boring (except some pr0 koreans :) :)


gm has proofs about my holy resistance and my post was for gm 100%...weezer i was not talkign about siege thats reason i didnt screen my attr too..this is costrucrive topic?ok im talking about believe me i have over 400 holy attr and dmg from anakim is huge and fast..this is not complain this is a fact..thats all..
awe i dont understand why if u not playing ,not living l2 u are here rly..u dont play and wants know more than ppl that plays?Wow !!what i can say u are rly great...i suggest u if u like forums to read only instead tell stupid things.Topics are for solve problems and i think this is thats all..do i asked any nerf?show me any post about my complaining about op chars or skills...then u open your mouth..

i made tests on anakim with my over 400 holy reist and damage from ee (with icarus +3 full holy ) is 2800 //3k....without get ANY debuff damage still that..reported to gm and he made tests too.

How i tested?? we have 3 in ally..so my discussion is not for siege and i close here.U free to answer all u want.

Im free for made all tests u want and show you my attribute resists..after u can talk like u did i think.
aniway i end here is useless talk when ppl take only bad part of your words..gl do what u want.


Quote from: FIREBLADE on January 11, 2012, 04:20:17 PM
gm has proofs about my holy resistance and my post was for gm 100%...weezer i was not talkign about siege thats reason i didnt screen my attr too..this is costrucrive topic?ok im talking about believe me i have over 400 holy attr and dmg from anakim is huge and fast..this is not complain this is a fact..thats all..
awe i dont understand why if u not playing ,not living l2 u are here rly..u dont play and wants know more than ppl that plays?Wow !!what i can say u are rly great...i suggest u if u like forums to read only instead tell stupid things.Topics are for solve problems and i think this is thats all..do i asked any nerf?show me any post about my complaining about op chars or skills...then u open your mouth..

i made tests on anakim with my over 400 holy reist and damage from ee (with icarus +3 full holy ) is 2800 //3k....without get ANY debuff damage still that..reported to gm and he made tests too.

How i tested?? we have 3 in ally..so my discussion is not for siege and i close here.U free to answer all u want.

Im free for made all tests u want and show you my attribute resists..after u can talk like u did i think.
aniway i end here is useless talk when ppl take only bad part of your words..gl do what u want.

y, sure, you made tests, but can't post any proof, funny guy xD
why am i here?  to not let idiots like you ruin server gameplay  w/o any valid proof till the time i might be back.
Btw, learn english a bit before adressing me next time, didn't understand half of your bullshit.... including Epic red part


as i said..u arent playing l2 ,u are here cause u hate some ppl and u wants make some confusion..if u taling about idiots that ruinese server look yourself in a mirror ...i never shouted or called "retard "my enemy so better u shut up ...u cant play cause u have 0 friends here thats all...
i am funny guy? yes i am funny and dont need to proof anithing to a poor man that pass more time flaming in forums than real play.So plix stop answer with your bullsh1ts ..i dont need to proof anithing to u, like i said in aod forum several times: u are less than 0 for me.


Quote from: FIREBLADE on January 11, 2012, 05:17:36 PM
as i said..u arent playing l2 ,u are here cause u hate some ppl and u wants make some confusion..if u taling about idiots that ruinese server look yourself in a mirror ...i never shouted or called "retard "my enemy so better u shut up ...u cant play cause u have 0 friends here thats all...
i am funny guy? yes i am funny and dont need to proof anithing to a poor man that pass more time flaming in forums than real play.So plix stop answer with your bullsh1ts ..i dont need to proof anithing to u, like i said in aod forum several times: u are less than 0 for me.

reading red part i wanted already to stop, since saw that you know 0 about what i do, what i am, and so on, but.. decided to laugh till the end xD


Quote from: FIREBLADE on January 11, 2012, 04:20:17 PM
gm has proofs about my holy resistance and my post was for gm 100%...weezer i was not talkign about siege thats reason i didnt screen my attr too..this is costrucrive topic?ok im talking about believe me i have over 400 holy attr and dmg from anakim is huge and fast..this is not complain this is a fact..thats all..
awe i dont understand why if u not playing ,not living l2 u are here rly..u dont play and wants know more than ppl that plays?Wow !!what i can say u are rly great...i suggest u if u like forums to read only instead tell stupid things.Topics are for solve problems and i think this is thats all..do i asked any nerf?show me any post about my complaining about op chars or skills...then u open your mouth..

i made tests on anakim with my over 400 holy reist and damage from ee (with icarus +3 full holy ) is 2800 //3k....without get ANY debuff damage still that..reported to gm and he made tests too.

How i tested?? we have 3 in ally..so my discussion is not for siege and i close here.U free to answer all u want.

Im free for made all tests u want and show you my attribute resists..after u can talk like u did i think.
aniway i end here is useless talk when ppl take only bad part of your words..gl do what u want.

Ok, u tested with an EE, even considering that on Anakim we have have the same status there's a lot of things that r diff than me, so let's explain again:

- as a NE i play with +4 INT dyes i don't remember but i think EE can't add INT dyes
- i have +1 INT as aug on my IC+A+3 Full Holy
- i will consider the EE have Vesper Robe Set too (must be Llamame, so she have it)
- i have +3 INT (i think it's +3, need to check later) from wards, she don't have it
- i have a passive called Necromancy (Increases resistance to dark attacks and increases magic power) and EE don't have this skill.
- my Sigil Mastery (need to confirm, but as i remember it adds) adds M. Attack, EE Sigil Mastery don't add M. Attack

So i have +8 INT (+4 from Dyes, +1 from aug and +3 from wards) than Llamame and better Passive Skills than her, so i will make MORE DAMAGE than her with the same buffs, same equips and on same target.

She did 2,8/3k on u, ofc i will make more damage than her, as i explained before i have more INT and better passives than she have. If u wanna discuss about it we can do it, but show me some strong arguments about Anakim cause atm u just showed an eddited screen and some tests u did (without screens) with an EE that don't even have the same status as i have.


was nice reading all this forum wars but....seriously now... this transform kills pvp

on last event in talking island village this transform killed our 2 parties on black screen after tp  .... this was shorter then 3 seconds ...that first tp in event zone became the last one also .... i think except the reward for CB it was really a nonsence event cause noone could  stand up there more then 3 seconds 
Quote from: ShowStopper on July 02, 2012, 11:11:53 AM


lool weez u just confirmed what i was saying..if ee gave me that dmg ofc u do more!!! we discuss about op anakim or not?i know about your wards  and int ofc u do that dmg but as i told u is not cause ppl doesnt have holy resist..is about power of that transform...i agree with u about u do more dmg ofc!;Dbut u see my wiew point?...dmg can be but u give 3 hits in 1,5 sec!!XDand almost without using mana;D u agree with me on that?no1 discussing about how to use it,who use better and who is more experienced..

if u read up i told thats op cause with even 400 attr u cant stand alive for more than 3 seconds..thats all..is not normal pvp^^


gideon tested anakim alrdy so u dont ve to explain nothing ppls lol he checked dmg/reuse/mana/heal and so and so so stop the wars lolz
  Nightmare 30x


Quote from: jygh on January 11, 2012, 09:18:19 PM
gideon tested anakim alrdy so u dont ve to explain nothing ppls lol he checked dmg/reuse/mana/heal and so and so so stop the wars lolz

I know he tested, but when i saw that he told that most of people on server don't have protection against Holy i rly start to think if the problem is Anakim or players... :D

Check on CB and u will find a lot of players that have protection against Holy cause we know that shit hits rly hard.

If i don't have protection against FIRE can i ask to nerf all SS too? xD

Quote from: FIREBLADE on January 11, 2012, 08:50:21 PM
lool weez u just confirmed what i was saying..if ee gave me that dmg ofc u do more!!! we discuss about op anakim or not?i know about your wards  and int ofc u do that dmg but as i told u is not cause ppl doesnt have holy resist..is about power of that transform...i agree with u about u do more dmg ofc!;Dbut u see my wiew point?...dmg can be but u give 3 hits in 1,5 sec!!XDand almost without using mana;D u agree with me on that?no1 discussing about how to use it,who use better and who is more experienced..

if u read up i told thats op cause with even 400 attr u cant stand alive for more than 3 seconds..thats all..is not normal pvp^^

Yes and now tell me 1 thing, IF Llamame is able to make 2,8/3k on a person with 400 of Holy Defense (as u claim u have) why u don't use it like we do?

It's simple Llamame is on FB (outside ally), if she use it in sieges she gonna kill CB and FTP at same time, if Nitopami gonna use it he gonna kill CB and BA, if MissViva gonna use it gonna kill CB and BA.

U have the same power than we have atm, and to tbh if those 3 players could use it in the same time u would be able to kill us rly rly fast.

The main point is that people is asking to nerf cause Anakim's on FTP can't be used the same way as we can use it, cut the crap about being OP or not, cause it's OP for both sides, we r not talking about something just 1 side HAVE IT, we talking about something just 1 side CAN USE IT.

If u can see on topic about GOK on clan section Felissin tells about problems with OL debuffs in ur ally, it's not the same, but it's similar to this point, so we also should ask to nerf OL debuffs? Ofc not, this problems happens the way ur ally works (3 diff clans and 1 Anakim outside those clans) and how our clan works (all in same clan, no problem with our Anakim killing us and no OL debuffs).

When i was on Yuuki (same ally with CB) with Weezer i killed CB on sieges and mass pvp too, so i joined then to prevent this problem. Why u can't invite Llamame in BA so she gonna be in ally and split ur sides when going to attack us? This way u wont die cause of ours Anakim's, is that hard to think on solutions about this? Ofc is easier to ask for nerf since u can't use properly and ur enemies can.

Imo the whole problem happens cause the way CB is atm is better to use Anakim and not have problems and the way u have on FTP creates a lot of problems to use it, cause Anakim is OP to all who have and atm u have more than us.

And about mana, anakim hits consumes mana, if u dont have people to recharge u when u using it soon u gonna be without mana, what dont use a lot of mana is the healing skill.