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My turn to qq!

Started by Javardsnegger, January 28, 2012, 03:46:15 PM

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Quote from: Javardsnegger on January 28, 2012, 03:46:15 PM
You guys didn't tuched stun rate...you "fixed" vesper armors... same sh1t diferent name as far as i'm concerned cause, fact is, if b4 i managed to land 1 stun in 10 trys no i can't land 1 in 15 and i stoped there cause if i would go on to 20/30/40 would be same result!

So if my char wasn't able to defend himself properly since guard stance was fuked up, wasn't able to atak properly cause skills "tribunal", "rapid fire" are fuked up to (you know whats wrong with them so nothing new to ad) all i could was hoping for one stun to land in order to kill some1!

SO ppl, don't waste your time with sr/tk's atm, it's a lost cause!!

So one last try b4 giving up:

Track since you caused stun to land even less (and thats a fact) when it wasn't really an issue! Plz unnerf Rapidfire and fix guardstance mp use and tribunal... I took i could try my chance also before moving on since QQ here actualy pays...

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