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2 skills not working correctly.

Started by ForgotPass, January 28, 2012, 11:51:23 AM

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Since it's being ignored. i'll give it another try.

Tribual (Paladin / Temple knight skill). In the discription it says: ... and greatly PROVOKES the enemy.
And that is NOT happening (which was in Hellbound).

Guard stance (a Toggle shillen knight, Temple knight skill). Mine is +16 and it SHOULD consume 7 MP. But HEY someone decided that its more fun letting the toggle consume 30MP extra! Which makes the skills useless cause your MP will be 0 within 1 minute (couldnt even imagine howfast on fighter chars). Isn't that just wonderfull people?


Basicly all Toggle skills consme more mana they should  but i bealive  something wrong in  passivs recover mana  donno if have somone notice   each sec recovering w/o any pot for mana is no more then 8-9 per sec  and for some classes who have  focus minde . high mana gain fast recover mana  is realy low coz ic of the skills give 4 mana per sec {noneechanted}... so my bealive is with the recovary mana not toggle cost or may be wrong   any way up on ur post.


dont worry
drain health is magic skill and and u need atak speed to cast it :P




and may i ad sr's should be boosted a bit, they have huge handicap vs all other archers class since atk speed cap! Maybe lower range reduction a bit or a little mor p atk boost than only 100 or smthg!.... <----RapidFIre i meaned*

Anyway i'll be happy with those tk skills fixed also...


Quote from: Javardsnegger on January 30, 2012, 06:58:42 PM
and may i ad sr's should be boosted a bit, they have huge handicap vs all other archers class since atk speed cap! Maybe lower range reduction a bit or a little mor p atk boost than only 100 or smthg!

Anyway i'll be happy with those tk skills fixed also...

Fix all the skillz ! :D


I'm playing sk/sh. I agree that guard stance is freaked and it's sucking mana like crazy. same goes for passive mana recovery skills. All enchanted to power and with just one togles and 30 sec pvp my mana is close to nothing.

Any chance to get some charts on actual togles mana consumption and mana regen percentage? that's the only way to ballance some of passive skills and actualy have some mana with togleses on.

PS: it's not only Guard stance..all SK togles are eating mana like crazy with cost enchants enabled


remember that guard stance skill its made to be used from 1 class only (sk/tk) taht usually dont use so much skill so can manage his mana without any problem
remeber also that we have enched mana potion and regen pots

and OFC drain health magic skill with attack speed casting !!! XD

The only Necro/Da HERO!
oly record 303 point!!


Quote from: Argriev on January 31, 2012, 12:13:59 PM
remember that guard stance skill its made to be used from 1 class only (sk/tk) taht usually dont use so much skill so can manage his mana without any problem
remeber also that we have enched mana potion and regen pots

and OFC drain health magic skill with attack speed casting !!! XD

Not sure what you mean....but have you used that skill? Have char with it? Emp can't manage guardstance consumption, even if you don't use any other skill and spam mana pots it will dry out your mana gauge in less than a min! And beside the fact that it's not suposed to be like that...!!


waiting for an answer.

Its not only about Guard Stance,  judgment should be fixed aswell.


Quote from: ForgotPass on January 31, 2012, 03:35:14 PM
waiting for an answer.

Its not only about Guard Stance,  judgment should be fixed aswell.

something about judgment  to work like was 1 time in hb { provoke enamy   for 15 sec w/o to can cancel ur target } will be a bit OP and hendicep  vs alot classes like healers  with the land rate as is working now all tanks will use on BP`s in pvp  and with land on that skill will be so ussles  bp

at last is mine thinking about this skill i think is enough  reducing critical chance and critical power  and in the moment when land provoke u  but  keeping provoking w/o to change target  or able to heal ur self is kinde of to much ...