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Started by FIREBLADE, February 08, 2012, 07:14:53 PM

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OMG all sorc/sps will emoleave now....!!  :'(

"Omfg, i can't use Cancel and pown every1 so easy now" QQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQ


kurwa cant resist. this game not only about faking oly.

p.s. and for ur info fire, this talisman works perfect against cancel in dagger too. test it 1st after post bullsh1t.
Onu3DeHeJIa - EE/SpS > TK/SWS
DramaQueen - EE/SwS

Infinity/Zenith player since 22.08.2005


Quote from: FIREBLADE on February 08, 2012, 07:14:53 PM
Well i want just say ty for make completely useless a skill of sps,and sorcerer..ty for white talisman of protection..
Another qq.

Btw there exist any talisman that give 100% resist vs cancel from weapons?
Exixst any talisman that give u protection from anchor 100%? cause in 2 matches i used it and got 4x times paralizy (in each match)

So explain why u make this unbalance...Yes SPS EE OVERPOWERED
i suggesto to all to play it vs tanker class(90% server)
Vs orc class
Vs daggers
is not about (u cant own all) is about make the same balance for all..
Yes exist talisman that break silence and instabilyty movements but did u try it to cast?
Why all chars can use talisman of lifeforce that give su 100% mp back?

how many unbalances u want on this list?why pp heal get so many critic and definitely a pp can handle an orc with battle heal?(and without end mana)

What i can say more gz..and this topic is after read all u done.all qq about own class so  i qq about my useless skill now.

This talisman also gives 100% protection against Cancel from Daggers and Fists, but just for CANCEL, skills like Block WW and Block Shield for example gonna still work.

There's a talisman against Anchor, but the rate isn't like white talisman of protection.

And just this talisman have this rate cause buffs to prevent cancel r not working correctly, just when the bonus is 100% it rly works (lol, it's rly strange), even if the rate of protection is 99% the cancel gonna land, and we checking all skills to find a way to make it more balanced, but atm to have some protection against Cancel, we made the talisman like it was before.

In future we can change his stats? Yes it's possible, and we r working for that. Cancel is rly diff if u compare to debuffs, cause debuffs have some trait and cancel don't have it, so the protection system for debuffs doesn't applies for Cancel skill. That's the main problem on solving the issues about Cancel Skill and Cancel Resists.

About other talismans the casting is a fixed number, maybe we can change that.

About the Lifeforce talisman what's the problem? U can have that too, same like any other player have a chance for that... u wanna complain cause it works like a Blessing of Eva and just EE should have such a skill? Like i said all can have it, farm KE and try to get it, since u EE u will have Blessing + Talisman, others will have just Talisman for oly, u still gonna have MP advantage over all other classes.
Event Manager

YouTube Channel: http://www.youtube.com/user/dragonnetwork20x


ye and maybe sell me some mp so that i can fking use Guard STance!! Gideon whats the eta on the fix? Wtf is wrong with fixing that mp consumtpion?? Tribunal needs a fix asweel but for me Guard stance is a must! why do i want that skill wich gives me alot more p def if i can't use it for more than 1 min??


White Talisman of Protection is same as it was 1 year already, aka official value. I do not understand reason of complaining when you were playing like this 1 year already.
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