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Started by FIREBLADE, February 08, 2012, 07:14:53 PM

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Well i want just say ty for make completely useless a skill of sps,and sorcerer..ty for white talisman of protection..
Another qq.

Btw there exist any talisman that give 100% resist vs cancel from weapons?
Exixst any talisman that give u protection from anchor 100%? cause in 2 matches i used it and got 4x times paralizy (in each match)

So explain why u make this unbalance...Yes SPS EE OVERPOWERED
i suggesto to all to play it vs tanker class(90% server)
Vs orc class
Vs daggers
is not about (u cant own all) is about make the same balance for all..
Yes exist talisman that break silence and instabilyty movements but did u try it to cast?
Why all chars can use talisman of lifeforce that give su 100% mp back?

how many unbalances u want on this list?why pp heal get so many critic and definitely a pp can handle an orc with battle heal?(and without end mana)

What i can say more gz..and this topic is after read all u done.all qq about own class so  i qq about my useless skill now.


No one was complaining about talismans before, we had them since gracia start.. and now it suddenly become op.


dude u wont get cancel from dagger or fist so u should be happy  :D :D :D :D

                                                                       WHEN IM SAD I STOP BEING SAD AND BE AWESOME INSTEAD ;)







who told u no1 crying?i sent personally to gideon 3 or 4 pms about this question...just cause U dont made any topic this doesnt mean no1 cryed..ofc not all knew but now all know it..
i just asking balance if there is talisman for 100% resist cancel should be talisman for 100% resist all debuffs (pvp weapons and tankers)

prolly u dont get my point but try to fight in oly vs classes i told before and let me know..

ask hoyden when he hit me i get cancel all time..

2) i asked u to fight at oly and tell me...i get all time cancel from daggers and all warirors pvp weapons..ofc each ppl try to post something is a good time for all u to take him around..

3) nice image zegladis;D ty^^ now i know your face and is much better than i was thinking;D


just +1 for topic
Dylvish SPS/SPS  :D
I come in peace,u go in pieces..
How to improve L2 texture loading:


Quote from: FIREBLADE on February 08, 2012, 07:53:08 PM

i just asking balance if there is talisman for 100% resist cancel should be talisman for 100% resist all debuffs (pvp weapons and tankers)

With working buffs against cancel, nerfing talisman wouldn't be a problem, but right now only TOL(100%) and ud/vengeance(max 2 buffs) working. And for what u want talismans against debuffs when u have plenty buffs/passives against stun/silence/etc which are working perfectly.


Why dont u ask to fix resist cancel buffs/skills?
You cant kill a guy using white talisman?
You know u can get it aswell and use it to prevent getting cancel from figthers?
You know how much KE it takes to get one white talisman?
Why you only talk about this now?

rly the same old story, cant win cant do better??  lets send pm`s or open topics saying its OP its BUG


Quote from: FIREBLADE on February 08, 2012, 07:53:08 PM
3) nice image zegladis;D ty^^ now i know your face and is much better than i was thinking;D


Quote from: Voodoo on February 08, 2012, 08:05:13 PM

With working buffs against cancel, nerfing talisman wouldn't be a problem, but right now only TOL(100%) and ud/vengeance(max 2 buffs) working.

tottaly right about this +1 .... main problem??? will need alot of time or ur best word "soon"  to start work  the cancel ressits .... cheers


THIS talisman is the one thing what REALLY WORKS againts cancel so if u want nerf it? NERF cancel to have 2min reuse or to take 1-2 buffs max and then we can talk, actually 15s reuse with 5 buffs its bullsh!t sps/tk using vege + ud + sof can cancel u 6 times what mean - 25-30buffs, so it equals to cancel ALL ur buffs and then pew pew bb, in oly he need just 2-3cancels cuz all buffs dont work, when i use lionheart (80% resistance) what cancel do? cancelled 4 buffs + lionheart :D