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nujna sobrat ruska ezichni klan ...

Started by SilentMove, April 29, 2012, 12:47:59 AM

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Quote from: mr_Facke on May 14, 2012, 05:56:13 PM
Unskilled mages from valky kicked from SG -> catched by ES.
И да, на словаÑ... Ñ,Ñ‹ лев могучий, а на деле черÑ, ебучий.

The only thing u can do in your own language is to flame? :D Come on, ideolog retard!  ;D
They were BG members aka ur ex-ally members so don't try to be smart  ;)


Quote from: SauroN on May 14, 2012, 06:00:33 PM
The only thing u can do in your own language is to flame? :D Come on, ideolog retard!  ;D
They were BG members aka ur ex-ally members so don't try to be smart  ;)

Before been BG members they was kicked from SG. Olololololo0000000 !!!111 Ke-ke-ke...
И да, на словаÑ... умом Ñ,Ñ‹ блещешь, а на деле яйца чешешь.

ЕсÑ,ÑŒ ПуÑ,ин â€" есÑ,ÑŒ Россия, неÑ, ПуÑ,ина â€" неÑ, России ! (с)


Quote from: mr_Facke on May 14, 2012, 06:02:46 PM
Before been BG members they was kicked from SG. Olololololo0000000 !!!111 Ke-ke-ke...
И да, на словаÑ... умом Ñ,Ñ‹ блещешь, а на деле яйца чешешь.

That doesn't mean that we invited them after you kicked them from SG, right? I know that u are retard already so you don't need to prove it to me. Also I'm sure that u were dying to invite them back to SG but sadly they chose us ;/ Cuz at those times u couldn't even make 1 mage pt that's why u invited Hyuga and rest sh1t into your clan and that's why u made ally with CB on first day of merge. Your pro clan was going to collapse otherwise  :D


Quote from: SauroN on May 14, 2012, 06:08:36 PM
That doesn't mean that we invited them after you kicked them from SG, right? I know that u are retard already so you don't need to prove it to me. Also I'm sure that u were dying to invite them back to SG but sadly they chose us ;/ Cuz at those times u couldn't even make 1 mage pt that's why u invited Hyuga and rest sh1t into your clan and that's why u made ally with CB on first day of merge. Your pro clan was going to collapse otherwise  :D

ЭÑ,о значиÑ,, чÑ,о вы, нищеброды, подобрали после нас Ñ,ого, кого мы кикнули, и поÑ...ер каким пуÑ,ем. И никогда мы иÑ... назад не звали, поскольку они нам наÑ...ер не нужны, иначе пошÑ,о нам бы иÑ... кикаÑ,ÑŒ перед Ñ,ем. Олололололо0000000 !!!111 Ке-ке-ке...
И да, Ñ,Ñ‹ на словаÑ... â€" пацан реальный, а на деле â€" лоÑ... педальный.

ЕсÑ,ÑŒ ПуÑ,ин â€" есÑ,ÑŒ Россия, неÑ, ПуÑ,ина â€" неÑ, России ! (с)


Quote from: mr_Facke on May 14, 2012, 06:13:07 PM
ЭÑ,о значиÑ,, чÑ,о вы, нищеброды, подобрали после нас Ñ,ого, кого мы кикнули, и поÑ...ер каким пуÑ,ем. И никогда мы иÑ... назад не звали, поскольку они нам наÑ...ер не нужны. Олололололо0000000 !!!111 Ке-ке-ке...
И да, Ñ,Ñ‹ на словаÑ... â€" пацан реальный, а на деле â€" лоÑ... педальный.

You still have our members in your clan also so what, nigga? I don't get ur stupidity really. Do you realise that you russaks can't make 1 full pt of your own w/o them?


Quote from: SauroN on May 14, 2012, 06:16:09 PM
You still have our members in your clan also so what, nigga? I don't get ur stupidity really.

А Ñ,уÑ, дело другое, они ушли из вашего клана по собсÑ,венному желанию, а не вы иÑ... кикнули. КсÑ,аÑ,и, почему-Ñ,о возвращаÑ,ься к вам они не Ñ,оропяÑ,ся. А наша чисÑ,о русская паÑ,и ваш синдикаÑ, ебала на Ñ,рансÑ,,ормаÑ... на Ñ...б и в Ñ...восÑ, и в гриву. ПруÑ,, - моя сигнаÑ,урка с плачем Ñ,воей калисы, эÑ,о оÑ,Ñ,уда, я гаранÑ,ирую эÑ,о. Ололололо00000 !!!111 Ке-ке-ке...
И да, на словаÑ... Ñ,Ñ‹ клерик ПресÑ,он, а на деле â€" Ñ...уй облезлый.


ЗЫ. Клерик ПресÑ,он - эÑ,о из Эквилибриума. Школоло, не впадай в сÑ,упор и оÑ,омри, Ñ'ба.
ЕсÑ,ÑŒ ПуÑ,ин â€" есÑ,ÑŒ Россия, неÑ, ПуÑ,ина â€" неÑ, России ! (с)


Quote from: =^TrackZero^= on January 09, 2013, 10:44:54 PMi removed ur sig for obvious reasons....same goes for 6bik
im Edited :D


 1stly you tell that we were top-const party & you only 7 randoms, then you change the topic on our kicks later you were talking about selebrating smth and in the end epic spech about our rus team. just realize kido that we were raping sev/es/sindy all hb and even after half team stop play we r still able to keep you on the ground like it was in this small action in varka today.
And last thing. When you will start leadering smth more then your right hand you can start to give me advices about clan.
/moar hate pl0x.
ЕсÑ,ÑŒ ПуÑ,ин â€" есÑ,ÑŒ Россия, неÑ, ПуÑ,ина â€" неÑ, России ! (с)


Ты Ñ...очешь сказаÑ,ÑŒ, чÑ,о он лысого гоняеÑ,? ХоÑ,я, наÑ... я спрашиваю, я ж его Ñ,,оÑ,о видел.

ЕсÑ,ÑŒ ПуÑ,ин â€" есÑ,ÑŒ Россия, неÑ, ПуÑ,ина â€" неÑ, России ! (с)


Quote from: mr_Facke on May 14, 2012, 06:36:30 PM
1stly you tell that we were top-const party & you only 7 randoms, then you change the topic on our kicks later you were talking about selebrating smth and in the end epic spech about our rus team. just realize kido that we were raping sev/es/sindy all hb and even after half team stop play we r still able to keep you on the ground like it was in this small action in varka today.
And last thing. When you will start leadering smth more then your right hand you can start to give me advices about clan.
/moar hate pl0x.
You forget some things really fast XD How did u forget that u were dog of Azwraith on Interlude, lmao and how can u even compare ur garbage called "clan" with Severance/Syndicate? Not to forget the fact that your clan is based on ex-Syndi members Jola, Felo, Blizzer and etc. Better watch your words cuz some of them might be hurt. I didn't change anything I'm answering your ideolog retard of clan. You and your girlfriend are the one who's changing topic all the time cuz you just can't deny some things and prefer to change conversation. The things which I've mentioned above are pure truth and it hurts, I know but you should face the reality russaks. I'm not making up stories like your retard always does. About keeping someone on the ground check our 9vs9 u were really on the ground 3x times and you couldn't even kill anyone.
/Now keep raging more and talking about the chronicle which u became something cuz on rest you were an absolute ZERO.


Quote from: mr_Facke on May 14, 2012, 07:00:20 PM
Ты Ñ...очешь сказаÑ,ÑŒ, чÑ,о он лысого гоняеÑ,? ХоÑ,я, наÑ... я спрашиваю, я ж его Ñ,,оÑ,о видел.

I'm not hiding myself, unlike you, tard.
P.S Don't masturbate on it so much.


Quote from: SauroN on May 14, 2012, 07:02:22 PM
You forget some things really fast XD How did u forget that u were dog of Azwraith on Interlude, lmao and how can u even compare ur garbage called "clan" with Severance/Syndicate? Not to forget the fact that your clan is based on ex-Syndi members Jola, Felo, Blizzer and etc. Better watch your words cuz some of them might be hurt. I didn't change anything I'm answering your ideolog retard of clan. You and your girlfriend are the one who's changing topic all the time cuz you just can't deny some things and prefer to change conversation. The things which I've mentioned above are pure truth and it hurts, I know but you should face the reality russaks. I'm not making up stories like your retard always does. About keeping someone on the ground check our 9vs9 u were really on the ground 3x times and you couldn't kill anyone.
/Now keep raging more and talking about the chronicle which u became something cuz on rest you were an absolute ZERO.
Who are you to tell me how alex was treated me while you were unknown random frag ? Mb i should tell you how your ex-members/co-leaders were speaking about you. And nigga pl0x about "how i make my clan" cuz for real you have no idea "how to make a clans" in fact your lovely es have been created from ex-sindy/valky/readeemer/severance/reserved members. So one more time grow up and then start to give me advices.
ЕсÑ,ÑŒ ПуÑ,ин â€" есÑ,ÑŒ Россия, неÑ, ПуÑ,ина â€" неÑ, России ! (с)