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any Admin / GM, please help with problem on x15 serv



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any Admin / GM, please help with problem on x15 serv

Started by gamer#, July 09, 2012, 04:06:30 PM

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check these topic please: http://forum.dragon-community.net/index.php/topic,270109.0.html

GM from x15 server gave first time ban for chars (for multibox) - and forever. Now he want money for unban. What is it, where is rules?
ShowStopper : your party was more of 30 chars
want some char unjailed? nope prepare adena ( 5kkk each char )  or coins ( 4 dc each char ) !!!
So u learn lesson.
I loged many chars for tiat, i know i broke rules. Before ban my chars GM said: if i see it again- i ban perma. So i understand it and dont log it more, but why he ban me perma?
Many chars nobless, 3 rd prof just banned and he want money for each char, what is it? help me please.
It was Jul 5 2012.

Requiem For A Dream

u got caught with 30 boxes so why the freak now u are complaining?

pay or just stfu



Quote from: gamer# on July 09, 2012, 04:06:30 PM
check these topic please: http://forum.dragon-community.net/index.php/topic,270109.0.html

GM from x15 server gave first time ban for chars (for multibox) - and forever. Now he want money for unban. What is it, where is rules?
ShowStopper : your party was more of 30 chars
want some char unjailed? nope prepare adena ( 5kkk each char )  or coins ( 4 dc each char ) !!!
So u learn lesson.
I loged many chars for tiat, i know i broke rules. Before ban my chars GM said: if i see it again- i ban perma. So i understand it and dont log it more, but why he ban me perma?
Many chars nobless, 3 rd prof just banned and he want money for each char, what is it? help me please.
It was Jul 5 2012.

you know the news ?
Now i dont unjail ur char ever if u pay !
You are BAD USER 
You use walker / exploit / multibox all time
You was banned zillion time in those years
I wanted to be cool give u a chance to get chars again but now u LOST IT
Skype : Showstopper_Dragon

Facebook : http://www.facebook.com/#!/glasys ( glasy showstopper )


all chars witch banned-first time was in multibox. Show screen with any programm what i use in my pc or stop write that i use it. Show it first...

i never use walker and never have problems with hacked acc, coz i dont use any programm. For login many box i used 2x pc and my friend was with me.
BUT WHY you put me in perma for walker, if i didnt use it. Show me any screens why you ban me for walker? I used only multibox from 2x PC. all chars you ban first time and permament, i dont understand it rly... put my chars for Punishment: 1st time 200h ban 2nd time 360h ban from 3rd time 500h ban IF WANT, but stop take money from ppl, you killing server man.


lately i noticed there is less bot parties on any farming areas, thanks to such a action, one time i can say +1 glassy

still GOE should be checked

Slania SK/PR    Carebears


Quote from: Triuferkkk on July 09, 2012, 07:48:14 PM
lately i noticed there is less bot parties on any farming areas, thanks to such a action, one time i can say +1 glassy

still GOE should be checked

+1 for walker ban w/o reason ( still no see any screen). If are not from GM clan and havent gm friend- you can get ban forever w/o reason and no1 help you. +1 for it!


Quote from: gamer# on July 09, 2012, 10:03:00 PM
+1 for walker ban w/o reason ( still no see any screen). If are not from GM clan and havent gm friend- you can get ban forever w/o reason and no1 help you. +1 for it!

Listen little kid cheater i start be pissed of you

Quote from: TrackZero on April 02, 2012, 11:51:12 PM

Outside town (for pvp/exp) you can have 1 <MAIN> and 2 <SUPPORT> (*So it means 1 IP = 3 chars outside town, and we can make difference if behind is REAL PLAYER and if is A BOT , there is a test for it so you cant lie about it, so if you play from same house with REAL persons or from internet cafe as long its real players and not bots you have nothing to worry about)

Outside town (for raid boss) you can have 1 <MAIN> and 1 <SUPPORT> (*So it means 1 IP = 2 chars outside town, and we can make difference if behind is REAL PLAYER and if is A BOT , there is a test for it so you cant lie about it, so if you play from same house with REAL persons or from internet cafe as long its real players and not bots you have nothing to worry about)
Shops inside town and offline shops , there is no limit in amount you can open, as long as they are in TOWN.

(Punishment: 1st time 60h 2nd time 120h from 3rd time 200h )

Quote from: ShowStopper on June 13, 2012, 02:33:17 PM
For be unjailed
The players must pay 3kkk for each char ! ( if party consists of up to 3 chars )
The players must pay 5kkk for each char ! ( if party consists of more than 3 chars )

Rule is u can log 2 char for raids u logged 30 chars and u want normal ban ?

Quote from: TrackZero on April 02, 2012, 11:51:12 PM
- Not knowing or lack of knowledge about the in-game rules can not be used as a defense in any rule breaking occasion.
- Always use common sense. A GM or Supervisor can anytime judge you even with rules that aren't listed.
(Punishment will be judged by GM-s)

Skype : Showstopper_Dragon

Facebook : http://www.facebook.com/#!/glasys ( glasy showstopper )


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dla niedouczonych wyjasnienie:


The Special One
Blizzer TH/DA 43x HERO - reloaded as TH/PAL
20+ HERO on other dagger classes


Just do some kind of discount for Big Groups and he will be happy... XD