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bug char help me



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bug char help me

Started by PoliceBot, January 30, 2013, 09:20:39 PM

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have 2 char class equal
Jumentinho: Doombringer/SoulHund
D4rKsQu4LL: Doombringer/SoulHund
can add this skill me char ?? help me thanks u attention

list skill : Warp / Ultimate Escape /Rapid Attack/Erase Mark


As i explained ingame.
You are Doombringer/Male soulhound, the other guy is Doombringer/Female soulhound.
Female soulhound have low level skills from Arablaster (rapid attack,ultimate escape and some more)
It can be compared with Treasure Hunter, Treasure Hunters have low level skills from Hawkeyes (Stun shot)
Male soulhound have low level Doombringer skills, and since you are Doombringer sub you have them high level.
This happens because when you start as Doombringer and use Astral to add DN sub, it automaticly gives you the female class.
And if you start as Male soulhound you will not get any of the low level Arablaster skills.

To sum it up, you are not bugged. And no, we cant give you these skills.


U have erase mark skill, look between Change weapon and Cleanse, and about rest skills, are you sure u learned them from kamael master ? Check again. Go learn them with SLH stats not on DB one.

edit: Oh yes, i forgot u could stucksub male char with female. Well then Naroo is right, there ain't any bug.
Thry - Sagittarius/Arcana Lord


thanks more no have more skill read

need oly  warp /ultiment escape


Quote from: Jumentinho on January 30, 2013, 09:38:02 PM
thanks more no have more skill read

need oly  warp /ultiment escape
wtf............. then give me Hide and Miracle skill from TH !!!!!!!
Jumentinho top db/slh doesn't know his skills? LOL hard, seriously.
Thry - Sagittarius/Arcana Lord


Ugh... Maybe you can get a friend that speaks a little bit better english to explain what i mean.
Those skills are for Female soulhound. you are Male soulhound.


Warp + Ultimate Escape = Female Soulhound skills

You Male Soulhound

understand you?