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mana potions, mana burn and more



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mana potions, mana burn and more

Started by faucolt, December 29, 2013, 12:51:59 PM

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1. How about Mana Potions? Mana crafting system will be implemented same as old one. Herbs and ivory crafting? Combat Haste Potions?

2. Mana Burn and Mana Storm will be not touched?

3. Sub item tradeable or not?

4. UD/Venegance in light/robe?

5. Recipes S 100% will be or not?

6. Quest lv 1 and lv 2 marks will be available in shop?

7. Spellbooks leaves normal?

8. Buff slots leaves normal?

9. Frenzy, Totems how will work on TY/DE?
Infinity x5 Faucolt AW/SK
Frintezza's zajebisty SPS/EE
Gaia x5 Lelouch SPS/ES


Hello Faucolt, thank you for subbmiting this important questions. I am out next 3 days with family, therefor checking things and answering will take a bit longer then usual. But other gm-s will answer in short notice. Thank you for patience and understanding.
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All those suggestions are making me sick, if you want easy server guys go to some high rate crap.
NO autolearn, NO SB in shop, NO easy 3rd occupation.
Quote from: =^TrackZero^= on January 01, 2014, 10:16:44 AM
There will be no armors nor weapons at donny. Spoil/craft them.


Getting C grade is also easy, getting soulshots D, C also very easy, does that mean we should start with those items? We all did rd occupation dozens of time , does that mean we should be able to switch automatically on 3rd occu once we reach 76lvl? No and no, if things that we did dozens of time before should be "automatically obtained", than there wouldn't be anything left to do. I am sorry, but I will stick to my previous opinion, meaning NO to anything that would make server easier. Actually, I 'm thinking how to make server harder, like implementing "old DN" sealstone system when it was pretty hard to get enough AA to unseal some set. Now it's couple of hours and you're done.
Quote from: =^TrackZero^= on January 01, 2014, 10:16:44 AM
There will be no armors nor weapons at donny. Spoil/craft them.


Quote from: Abaddon on December 30, 2013, 08:34:08 PM
Little suggestion: make it possible to "dance" with any weapon not only duals, it doesnt change anything in balance and makes playing classes like sh/bd or pr/bd way more enjoyable.

You should consider increasing reuse time on mana burn (or making it static reuse of like 3sec-4sec), cuz pvp between nuker pts will be pure mana burn war, pt which will drain mana faster will win.

For me 1st and 2nd class can be obtainable from "cat npc", lets be honest, everyone wants to skip this phase as soon as possible, even rates on hs/varka/ketra(1st and 2nd lvl)/700s quests could be boosted . Class Quests in L2 are freaking boring.
About skillbooks, you could add them to the shop (at least 2nd class) i wouldnt mind if you even make it autolearn, dropping&learning, another thing in l2 that is extremly boring.
[(Get 3 lvls > go to town > learn skills> go back to the hunting ground) x 30] On higher chronicles spellbooks were completly removed (except high lvl skills).
Lets remove that boring and kinda annoying parts of the game.


ExCiDiuM <3


Well, if it were for me I would say NO to autopick up as well. However I completely understand what are you saying, it's just that we experience low levels on different ways. I do enjoy farming spellbooks, and hey it's very good feeling once you farm whole set of books for your PP and give yourself "full buffs" for the first time.
Quote from: =^TrackZero^= on January 01, 2014, 10:16:44 AM
There will be no armors nor weapons at donny. Spoil/craft them.


I think that Interlude is an old boring chronicle, but there are things because of which players still plays on it all the time. I agree in 100% that players want to exp,  gear and pvp. That are 3 most important things in Lineage and many people agrees with that people who were doing quests for Interlude were brainless. Quests are senseless, boring and stupid. In new chronicles many things changed and were added to attract people and make gameplay much more interesting and fun. In my opinion books should not be needed to learn skills and 1st and 2nd occupation should be changed in npc; when 1st is not that bad then 2nd just takes too much time and it is boring as hell.  Furthermore, people hate to do same thing all the time and doing long, boring quests all the time is really painful and discourage from playing.


On old DN, 1st and 2nd class transfers you could do or buy.

3rd everyone had to do, and it was reasonable. First it is not hard, and second it was a bottleneck.

By bottleneck I mean you had to do stuff (especially the grindy parts) where you collided with others, your enemies especially and that was where all the drama and PVP forced itself in. That is good, that is what I like on L2.

Not having to do them is like not having to get blood from Baium for your retailsub... that is just nonsense, it kills the bottleneck and PVP point. Everything that lowers tension or erases a chance of conflict is not doing the game good.

If it was by me I would implement the C4 drop rules, aka chance of random drop from inventory on death even without karma. Now that would add some tension and drama.
Infinity 5x: LadyZENITH - sps/sws - retired :(


Quote from: GenghisKhan on December 30, 2013, 08:49:34 PM
All those suggestions are making me sick, if you want easy server guys go to some high rate crap.
NO autolearn, NO SB in shop, NO easy 3rd occupation.

KillerOfGolka De/Wc 85 ( subbed 50% of infinity players )


Quote from: TheBlackPhoenix on January 02, 2014, 02:55:27 PM
Ahahahah no please ahaha
I already can see posts under posts of ppl crying on forum // flame wars ahahah

Ouh, I see, you must have remembered the fate of Antartis! :P

Infinity 5x: LadyZENITH - sps/sws - retired :(


1st class and 2nd class available from shop, 3rd class and retail - the quest. Best thing In my opinion. It's stupid if u could buy,or easy obtain the 3rd class change, same as stupid as if u can click an npc and get the retail sub.
SePaRaToR - PR/PS - Infinity X5


Quote from: LadyZENITH on January 02, 2014, 04:02:00 AM
On old DN, 1st and 2nd class transfers you could do or buy.

3rd everyone had to do, and it was reasonable. First it is not hard, and second it was a bottleneck.

By bottleneck I mean you had to do stuff (especially the grindy parts) where you collided with others, your enemies especially and that was where all the drama and PVP forced itself in. That is good, that is what I like on L2.

Not having to do them is like not having to get blood from Baium for your retailsub... that is just nonsense, it kills the bottleneck and PVP point. Everything that lowers tension or erases a chance of conflict is not doing the game good.

If it was by me I would implement the C4 drop rules, aka chance of random drop from inventory on death even without karma. Now that would add some tension and drama.


And I agree on that C4 drop style. It was so nerve racking to either die from a mob or get Pked, but it was hell of fun in the end.

Quote from: LadyZENITH on January 02, 2014, 04:50:21 PM
Ouh, I see, you must have remembered the fate of Antartis! :P


See, its that kind of stuff that make wars and all, not some pvp zones arround bosses...
Now its just boring, -4% at worst... There wont be those "vendetta" we had in c3 when we got pked and the bastard stole our pants! or any part of our gear!