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No mutans o0 ?

Started by StanchA, December 27, 2013, 03:39:06 PM

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Quote from: qwertyzxc on December 31, 2013, 12:15:21 PM
huhuhu  time to back to dn ?   u said will be no nerfs and at start u want nerf ty/des vs rbs :D  accept it they are good for farm but for pvp etc shit :D
one shotting on pvp if they get close isnt shit :D
co ty tu wogle patrzysz na il? :D


I wold play mutants like necro/ee or necro/sk ;) i dont like ol ;) nwm  i will own you a s s whit no mutants,just saying IL dragon-netowrk was best time,most people,best pvp, mags can kill archers,mags can kill dagers etc :) evry one cold kill evry one ;) heppy new year to all and to igi .i. ;)


The no-mutant as long as couple other rules and IL client (cause any chronicle after that was just not the good old L2 anymore) is what is actually making this server worth considering. The other future plans are still far away, so... so...

Most of the people on these forums probably do not remember, but speaking from old Infinity perspective, it was the pre-mutant times that were the best. Back then when they first appeared in mid 2007 they were considered a banable exploit.... we were actually waiting for someone to come and ban the exploiters that broke the subclass system and managed to sub to other race, huh, unfortunately that never happened thus it (combined with economy exploits) snowballed in to disaster.

So now we have our mutant free server. 6 Years too late, but maybe still worth trying.  If for something I would allow dwarfs to sub cross-race, thus they are not completely useless, but none else.
Infinity 5x: LadyZENITH - sps/sws - retired :(


Killed it 1v1! Those daamn orcs... Killed it with my sps/sws, ice vortex + entangle on him / sprint + wind song on you = they never catch you. :P  And actually way better was TY crossed with WC or OL, simply cause the defense stats stacked and you had casting skills which you could combo for self-btb from the Deadman's staff, mental, and other significant buffs whuuh...

Speaking of the ugly muscular creatures, where is Mercy4Darkness? If he fails to report then I gotta search for a new bodyguard... :(
Infinity 5x: LadyZENITH - sps/sws - retired :(


Hmm well we are interlude so sleep nerfed I guess. The other one that EE has for example not tho... So I guess we will see a lot of SPS/EE as usual. But they were not gamebreaking (compared to cristacked archers) before and I guess will not be now. And if this is the easiest thing to balance. You just change the landrate of the skill or how much mental decreases the landrate.
Infinity 5x: LadyZENITH - sps/sws - retired :(


Quote from: TheBlackPhoenix on January 02, 2014, 04:56:30 PM
I remember when i could kill S grade he/pp  with a level 68  sorc/da  LOL sleep sleep hit hit hit sleep sleep hit hit hit sleep sleep hit hit dead

yea c4 sleep was just broken, i remember ty/de with bow hitting for 10k crits also.