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Seal stone rates



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Seal stone rates

Started by GenghisKhan, December 31, 2013, 09:39:27 AM

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Greetings everyone. Since this server is aiming to become base for many old school players, I figured it would be nice to implement old AA system, from back in c3. I am not sure if that was WAD or a bug, since DNet was only c3 server I played at the time, but for me it was much more reasonable that you need to spend quite some time in cata/necro until you get enough AA to unseal your equipment. At regular interlude it won't take alot even on bit higher rates than x1 to farm enough adenas to unseal A and S sets, even jewelry.

So basically, this poll is just to see if there are more people who thinks that some of the focus should be restored on catas/necro , which lost quite some importance in newer chronicles and even on Interlude.

In any case, I prolly won't be reading this topic in a few days, so please keep it without insults and spam and just give your opinion of what Seal Stone / AA rates should be.

Happy New Year :)

Quote from: =^TrackZero^= on January 01, 2014, 10:16:44 AM
There will be no armors nor weapons at donny. Spoil/craft them.


Even on Interlude it would take forever, don't forget that most of us now are working/studying and only play a few hours/week.
And since the server will be crowded, I say good luck finding a spot in Catacombs or Necros.


Quote from: GenghisKhan on December 31, 2013, 09:39:27 AM
Greetings everyone. Since this server is aiming to become base for many old school players, I figured it would be nice to implement old AA system, from back in c3. I am not sure if that was WAD or a bug, since DNet was only c3 server I played at the time, but for me it was much more reasonable that you need to spend quite some time in cata/necro until you get enough AA to unseal your equipment. At regular interlude it won't take alot even on bit higher rates than x1 to farm enough adenas to unseal A and S sets, even jewelry.

So basically, this poll is just to see if there are more people who thinks that some of the focus should be restored on catas/necro , which lost quite some importance in newer chronicles and even on Interlude.

In any case, I prolly won't be reading this topic in a few days, so please keep it without insults and spam and just give your opinion of what Seal Stone / AA rates should be.

Happy New Year :)

If i remember well in c4 were drop rate of seal stones around 70%.
About amount of dropped stones... i remember best u could get 2-4/5k green stones (from highest lvl mob in cata) i guess it was good and hope will be same.


Quote from: KheopsDZ on December 31, 2013, 09:43:19 AM
Even on Interlude it would take forever, don't forget that most of us now are working/studying and only play a few hours/week.
And since the server will be crowded, I say good luck finding a spot in Catacombs or Necros.

so more pvping for exp spot !