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Some thoughts before server opening



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Some thoughts before server opening

Started by =^TrackZero^=, January 04, 2014, 06:33:10 PM

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While we are doing our things , i would like to say some things you should consider also.

- Everyone talking about what char/class will be OP, how to choose most overpowered solo char to play and so forth, and then some of you are trouble with pvp zones.

I would like to remind you Lineage 2 is an [multi]player game, the game made for teams, friends and allays. Instead of bothering playing most overpowered combo, better consider making or joining some of the clan you may like (im sure they have plenty of sites with their own rules, what they do etc..). Lets recall the moments when clan fight for farming / spoiling spots, when clans revenged their PKed member , when we have waves of pvps for the EPIC raid spawn. Considering you have friendly clan you like , game becomes more exciting, more adventurist , with clan you can visit all the areas in the game. So guys instead of bother which skill will be nerfed before game even started, better bother how you will organize your clans, what (as clan) are your goals, what and where you will do/go 1st. Which supports you will create 1st? Who will be active crafter/spoiler? When you will organize spoil parties , make some sort of the list who will get crafted items 1st , etc... etc...

Thank you and excuse me for my modest suggestion.
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Quote from: =^TrackZero^= on January 04, 2014, 06:33:10 PM
While we are doing our things , i would like to say some things you should consider also.

- Everyone talking about what char/class will be OP, how to choose most overpowered solo char to play and so forth, and then some of you are trouble with pvp zones.

I would like to remind you Lineage 2 is an [multi]player game, the game made for teams, friends and allays. Instead of bothering playing most overpowered combo, better consider making or joining some of the clan you may like (im sure they have plenty of sites with their own rules, what they do etc..). Lets recall the moments when clan fight for farming / spoiling spots, when clans revenged their PKed member , when we have waves of pvps for the EPIC raid spawn. Considering you have friendly clan you like , game becomes more exciting, more adventurist , with clan you can visit all the areas in the game. So guys instead of bother which skill will be nerfed before game even started, better bother how you will organize your clans, what (as clan) are your goals, what and where you will do/go 1st. Which supports you will create 1st? Who will be active crafter/spoiler? When you will organize spoil parties , make some sort of the list who will get crafted items 1st , etc... etc...

Thank you and excuse me for my modest suggestion.
You have a point - Disable dualbox and make it banable = more fun.
For example i love BD/SE style - was my beloved char, but not when every 1 got dualboxed bd/se...

PS Did you all notice that most PPL qq for a lot of boxes allowed or even NPC Buffer and almost all servers have it and they Die, just think how fun could be to play support chars then...

Have a nice day
- Infinity in Heart -


Quote from: Tvit on January 04, 2014, 07:28:43 PM
You have a point - Disable dualbox and make it banable = more fun.
For example i love BD/SE style - was my beloved char, but not when every 1 got dualboxed bd/se...

PS Did you all notice that most PPL qq for a lot of boxes allowed or even NPC Buffer and almost all servers have it and they Die, just think how fun could be to play support chars then...

Have a nice day
Do you want me to write you full list of advantages of ACTIVE support char vs BOT? 1+1 is a fair trade for all in my opinion. And this thing shouldn't  stop any of you from playing active support char, i personally long ago played always support even when it was botting heaven times and it never bothered me.
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Actually doesn't matter how many boxes are allowed, PvP always needs active supports, and what is L2, if not the most PvP-based mmo out there? Yup, probably catacomb farming or leveling with neutral/clanless chars in general can be done with boxes, but as an active support, there is always place in clans with active wars, daily raids, etc. You rarely see "LF DD for x or y", but there are countless shouts looking for dance, bishop, wc, smthing. And you don't even have to get good gear, to get a party invite. :p My only problem with supports is always the terrible pre60 leveling, but getting a wolf pet can help with that a lot as well. After you have the important buffs, you can find a party any time.
Shadow x10: Zsu
Tarantula: Lycan


I already said in one post, the clan with active supports will rule the server, by that I mean every pvp every epic raid everything.
Anyway with dances/songs lasting only 2 min good luck to those who will decide to drag bd/sws bot with them...


Pvp always needs active support. You'll get destroyed without.

Multiboxes were useful for levelling or solo PVP (pp/wk + bd/se + sws/ee trailing is handy!). Everything is more fun in groups though.
TehPwnage: Hierophant/Arcana lord
Malus: Soultaker/Hell knight // Cardinal
evaliZe: Phantom ranger/Phantom summoner
Muslim: Hawkeye/Warlord

Dan: Storm Screamer


I don't even understand, how would anyone decide to have a bd or sws box, screwing around every 2 min with switching, instead of sub it with sps, se, pr etc... It's so easy to have all the buffs, and only the healer should've been full support in a party... Which is 10% of the players? Really? Such a reason to argue about. :D
Shadow x10: Zsu
Tarantula: Lycan


Quote from: =^TrackZero^= on January 04, 2014, 07:41:51 PM
Do you want me to write you full list of advantages of ACTIVE support char vs BOT? 1+1 is a fair trade for all in my opinion. And this thing shouldn't  stop any of you from playing active support char, i personally long ago played always support even when it was botting heaven times and it never bothered me.
Track did u ever considered like some 1 wrote already make a newbie buffs up to 75? Try to imagine, like it was back in FG, LOA times, when active Prophets was selling buffs, scam ppl sometimes, generate flame and frustration when some 1 died. Now in all servers of Lineage i see only ppl running with army of bots on back, trying to exp ASAP without any fun...

ps allowing 1 box is pretty good for mages - they have prophet and se buffs all the time then
- Infinity in Heart -


Multiple computers with macros for the songs/fallow/attack my target/root my target/ heal me/ whatever it depends on the support I used to pull 2 boxes like that playing on 3 computers behind my char for leveling back in 2006/7. Not saying Ill do it again, technically I can and even way easier, but, I do not have any HC ideas that would include whole night exping with boxes + whoever else wants to join in, if support I log off mine...

It was easy, effective, independent, and it worked. People always wanted my services only in key pvp /raid /siege moments, never else. And it was simply more effective to do my stuff then try to organize the unwilling to actually do some PVP unrelated teamplay.

Mostly I understood later how extremely wrong I was and how annoying it is to actually exist in such environment with people like that as active support (which I tried on other server one day). The frustration was trough the roof at times. None actually wanted PP if they can get boxed WC. In the end the only really viable way was to exp another SE just for vampiric, and duo with some kind TY or DE the cata's, while the SE was hidden out of the party just to give the vampiric.

I do not want to see such a situation again so ill simply not do that and hope people will be sensible enough to not do that. But drawfs are screwed anyway, they cannot sub anything useful which already pushes them to alts only pretty much. That would be the only thing to change, I would allow mutants but just for dwarfs.

Tbh I decided to try more because I more want to see some familiar faces and have a chat then achieve some "glory" or anything on the new server. This is just great moment to have some fun, regain some lost contacts, recruit for some greater future goals ( Yeah Cyberia you hear me hehehe. ). So I think Ill just make Warlock and PP and just try to survive... eh, gheh yeah welcome to hell. But I like hell more then paradise. :P Now I'm sure whole generation, especially people that played L2 till now will rush up, calculate the most effective characters, etc. But those are also very likely to QQ and quit early, so yeah, will see how server stabilizes after this first wave.
Infinity 5x: LadyZENITH - sps/sws - retired :(


Quote from: =^TrackZero^= on January 04, 2014, 06:33:10 PM
While we are doing our things , i would like to say some things you should consider also.

- Everyone talking about what char/class will be OP, how to choose most overpowered solo char to play and so forth, and then some of you are trouble with pvp zones.

I would like to remind you Lineage 2 is an [multi]player game, the game made for teams, friends and allays. Instead of bothering playing most overpowered combo, better consider making or joining some of the clan you may like (im sure they have plenty of sites with their own rules, what they do etc..). Lets recall the moments when clan fight for farming / spoiling spots, when clans revenged their PKed member , when we have waves of pvps for the EPIC raid spawn. Considering you have friendly clan you like , game becomes more exciting, more adventurist , with clan you can visit all the areas in the game. So guys instead of bother which skill will be nerfed before game even started, better bother how you will organize your clans, what (as clan) are your goals, what and where you will do/go 1st. Which supports you will create 1st? Who will be active crafter/spoiler? When you will organize spoil parties , make some sort of the list who will get crafted items 1st , etc... etc...

Thank you and excuse me for my modest suggestion.

I see your point there, but even though it definitely is multiplayer game, there has always been and always will be large number of solo players who just plays for fun and don't want to "mingle". With all due respect, all your previous were complete middle finger for us, and this topic is simply beating a dead horse.

There I said it. But I fully understand there are probably more players in huge clans, so in the name of democracy, let's make this game only and purely for them :)



Quote from: LadyZENITH on January 04, 2014, 09:11:00 PM
Multiple computers with macros for the songs/fallow/attack my target/root my target/ heal me/ whatever it depends on the support I used to pull 2 boxes like that playing on 3 computers behind my char for leveling back in 2006/7. Not saying Ill do it again, technically I can and even way easier, but, I do not have any HC ideas that would include whole night exping with boxes + whoever else wants to join in, if support I log off mine...

It was easy, effective, independent, and it worked. People always wanted my services only in key pvp /raid /siege moments, never else. And it was simply more effective to do my stuff then try to organize the unwilling to actually do some PVP unrelated teamplay.

Mostly I understood later how extremely wrong I was and how annoying it is to actually exist in such environment with people like that as active support (which I tried on other server one day). The frustration was trough the roof at times. None actually wanted PP if they can get boxed WC. In the end the only really viable way was to exp another SE just for vampiric, and duo with some kind TY or DE the cata's, while the SE was hidden out of the party just to give the vampiric.

I do not want to see such a situation again so ill simply not do that and hope people will be sensible enough to not do that. But drawfs are screwed anyway, they cannot sub anything useful which already pushes them to alts only pretty much. That would be the only thing to change, I would allow mutants but just for dwarfs.

Tbh I decided to try more because I more want to see some familiar faces and have a chat then achieve some "glory" or anything on the new server. This is just great moment to have some fun, regain some lost contacts, recruit for some greater future goals ( Yeah Cyberia you hear me hehehe. ). So I think Ill just make Warlock and PP and just try to survive... eh, gheh yeah welcome to hell. But I like hell more then paradise. :P Now I'm sure whole generation, especially people that played L2 till now will rush up, calculate the most effective characters, etc. But those are also very likely to QQ and quit early, so yeah, will see how server stabilizes after this first wave.



Quote from: User on January 04, 2014, 09:15:34 PM
I see your point there, but even though it definitely is multiplayer game, there has always been and always will be large number of solo players who just plays for fun and don't want to "mingle". With all due respect, all your previous were complete middle finger for us, and this topic is simply beating a dead horse.

There I said it. But I fully understand there are probably more players in huge clans, so in the name of democracy, let's make this game only and purely for them :)
Can you explain what you just said? How did i kill a single player guy? If we speak about pvp zones (EPICS only), how a single player guy can kill them? How a single player guy (even party of 9)can survive vs populated clan ?
So except these pvp zones for epics, how a single players are "killed"?
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