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Is dest/ol still viable?



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Is dest/ol still viable?

Started by Reaver22, January 09, 2014, 09:31:12 PM

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As the tittle says is Dest/OL going to be a good combo as i played it in c4/c6 and it kicked ass the only problem was the ranged attacks was usually always face smashing me lol, so should i rebuild the class i always loved or should i try out something different? like dest/wc or ty, or just scrap the Dest idea and do something completely different, I'm sort of drifting towards my old class but i don't want to get smashed by the population being mostly ranged class's, any advice would be good. Thanks


It is my opinion that the server will predominantly have ranged classes. The rest of the decision is up to you!


If you want to perform well in 1v1 or oly, do small-scale ganks and PK actions and die-trying to get to the enemy when there is many of them with some range, go for it.

If you want to score kills in mass pvp for raids or sieges then no.
Infinity 5x: LadyZENITH - sps/sws - retired :(


Quote from: Reaver22 on January 09, 2014, 09:31:12 PM
As the tittle says is Dest/OL going to be a good combo as i played it in c4/c6 and it kicked ass the only problem was the ranged attacks was usually always face smashing me lol, so should i rebuild the class i always loved or should i try out something different? like dest/wc or ty, or just scrap the Dest idea and do something completely different, I'm sort of drifting towards my old class but i don't want to get smashed by the population being mostly ranged class's, any advice would be good. Thanks
Well you can expect soul guard  nerf for oly like it was on IL here. They might make it work normaly on pvp , but i wouldn't be so sure about it . InTrackWeTrust !
F3LO - GS/PK  VanFelo - MM/ES     TheHulk - T/D  iFelo - PK/AL


Range chars are imba anyway but if you have "straight" hands you can find comfortable way of gameplay and pown your enemys
SnoopD0g - Adventurer/Hierophant  - trying to survive
Snoopyd0g - Stormscreamer/Shilen knight (R.I.P)
4k2pac -Soultaker/Hierophant (R.I.P)
xBigBenx - Grand Khavatari/Doomcryer (banned)


i miss De/OL also... but woo passive skill weapon mastery 42 from des/OL its weak as normal destro only with  OL buffs. with HD+focus you can reach 10-11k p attak and if he would have weapon mastery 42lvl its over 15k this is much more and give a opportunity to be good at oly, rb and also if you know how to play with it and i belive you know becouse you played with it than you can also be good at pvp. unfortunently on tarantula de/ol its just running target nothing more


Necro (psy)
RedKnights Clan