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7s/ Olympiad/ Hero/ Sieges



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7s/ Olympiad/ Hero/ Sieges

Started by Navaro, January 14, 2014, 04:41:41 PM

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What about 7s/olympiad.

1. Maybe change 7s to 4/3 days, and set Castle Sieges on every weekend to have fun?
2. Also change Olympiad Period to 2 weeks. Otherwise, we won't have many fights, only at the end.

3. Crucial question. If i start for example MAIN:  Paladin, get Hero on Paladin, than i will make Retail and chose HE. Can I take on sub again palladin. And if have on Retail HE/PAL theorically, Hero skills will be available ?


Quote from: =^TrackZero^= on January 01, 2014, 10:16:44 AM
There will be no armors nor weapons at donny. Spoil/craft them.


Quote from: Scaryy on January 14, 2014, 04:47:37 PM
on phoenix 3. yes and yes. dunno what kind of files are here :)

It was the same on Valkyrie. I think you couldn't make 2x same 3rd class q on 1 char, tho. So it wasn't working there.
Vash aka Mardun / SoBOtA / ChriSBrowN

Naiz  / Teutates

ExCiDiuM / CaerSidi


I think that GM confirmed you will be able to do multiple 3rd occu, but I am not 100% positive. Anyway, I can't say about valkyria, but I truly hope it won't be working here, it wouldn't be fair to win oly as spoiler/crafter and (ab)use hero skills as let's say sps/ee where it's 10 times harder to win olympiad.
Quote from: =^TrackZero^= on January 01, 2014, 10:16:44 AM
There will be no armors nor weapons at donny. Spoil/craft them.


1- I would like if 7s starts at the first days of server (or even at the first)
But sieges must keep 2 in 2 weeks, as always.

2- Olympiad must remain 1 month, like retail.
There will be so many good ppl, that I think there will be a lot of fights.

3- I asked the same question, and some ppl told me it was not possible. But i also wants to know GM's answer, even though, I think its not possible the same doing 2 times the same quest on same char
Necro (psy)
RedKnights Clan


Quote from: GenghisKhan on January 14, 2014, 04:56:53 PM
I think that GM confirmed you will be able to do multiple 3rd occu, but I am not 100% positive. Anyway, I can't say about valkyria, but I truly hope it won't be working here, it wouldn't be fair to win oly as spoiler/crafter and (ab)use hero skills as let's say sps/ee where it's 10 times harder to win olympiad.

It wasn't like this. You couldn't use hero skills on EVERY retail. For example, i had WL/TH hero on phoenix. I was hero on WL stats and i made HE/WL retail and i was able to use hero skills on my retail too(only on WL stats).
Vash aka Mardun / SoBOtA / ChriSBrowN

Naiz  / Teutates

ExCiDiuM / CaerSidi


Correct me if im wrong, but sieges should be every weekend Sat-Sun , i dont see the reason why question is made then?
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Quote from: =^TrackZero^= on January 14, 2014, 05:13:26 PM
Correct me if im wrong, but sieges should be every weekend Sat-Sun , i dont see the reason why question is made then?
Why? Retail sieges are every 2 weeks. 1st week SEAL period, 2nd week UNSEAL period ... gosh. Whole siege concept MUST be bonded with 7s quest.
Quote from: =^TrackZero^= on January 01, 2014, 10:16:44 AM
There will be no armors nor weapons at donny. Spoil/craft them.


Quote from: =^TrackZero^= on January 14, 2014, 05:13:26 PM
Correct me if im wrong, but sieges should be every weekend Sat-Sun , i dont see the reason why question is made then?

Maybe he ment every castle siege in every weekend? :D



About Olympiad , how it work in IL ? Cant' remember ^^.
About points , match , token , hero recquierment etc ?
Dragon x15 :
- Zaleah Ps/se Hero Off
- iBraskah Glad/Pal Off
- Zalitzz Glad/PP Off
Tarantula ;
- Braskah Da/Pp Hero
- Zalerah Ps/Sk Hero
Gaia ;
-Zaleah Ps/Bd Hero


Quote from: TheSplichO on January 14, 2014, 05:21:11 PM
-7Signs is affecting the Sieges and Castles it self
-Sieges are in Reward period of 7Sings not in Quest period of it
-Depending on Dusk or Dawn castle walls are weaker or stronger
- So to take as conclusion sieges are every 14 days (half of sieges occur at Saturday and other half at Sunday) this is for Interlude
- Only changes that happen in later Chronicles is when they implant Territory wars is that TW is every 2 nd Saturday and all Sieges are on every 2 nd Sunday, and they are still affected by 7Signs (and I am speaking up to H5, there is more changes in GoD but sieges are still every 2 weeks)
+1 Sieges always have been every two weeks and I think we should keep it that way


Quote from: GenghisKhan on January 14, 2014, 05:18:01 PM
Why? Retail sieges are every 2 weeks. 1st week SEAL period, 2nd week UNSEAL period ... gosh. Whole siege concept MUST be bonded with 7s quest.

It was 3,5 days, instead of 7 on Dragon. So sieges were able to run every weeks, which was awesome. It would be awesome to set 2 sieges saturaday and 2 sunday,which will provide more awesome pvp. Like a good castle mixed with kinda worst one. Sth like Satruday Rune/gludio, suday goddard/dion next week saturday Giran/Innadril and sunday Aden/Oren and so on.
Vash aka Mardun / SoBOtA / ChriSBrowN

Naiz  / Teutates

ExCiDiuM / CaerSidi