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Just a Thought

Started by TheDead, January 25, 2014, 06:26:57 PM

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Server is new and if we waited until all was fixed before we opened you would almost as old as me :) Instead of asking for changes at this time why not leave the devs be so they can fix the important things like geodata, general protection errors, spoil etc. etc.. If you find issue with geodata get a location  "/loc" and a ss  and put in bug report section. spoil, what mobs, where and what is happening. Same with any thing else you find, get the info, and relay it to the devs via bug report.
While they are doing the fixes for those, gather data, you know hard facts then before we start begging for the changes that it seems that most want. Having statistics will make any case for change stronger than just "I want this changed" for those of us that have been on DN for a time know that drake and track are good about listening to reasonable people and doing what is best for everyone.   

"You have been playing an excessive amount of time keep it up"   Best line I have ever seen thanks drake and track and rest of development team
Sometimes the light's all shinin' on me;
          Other times I can barely see.
Lately it occurres to me What a long, strange trip it's been.