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Drakes "alternative" TU FIX.

Started by NunoPitbull, February 08, 2014, 01:25:51 PM

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Quote from: NunoPitbull on February 08, 2014, 03:52:04 PM
Please I kindly asked if you have no idea what you talking about to don't reply :)

Im there with tatoo and still I use more then half mp for one mob, unless i get really lucky ;D Please don't reply if you don't know sh1t :)
lol dude everyone has a right to share his opinion... U cant ask ppl not to post here if they dont agree with u... Unless u want to create some image that everyone agrees with u thus making u right...

Drake gave u the actual formula how TU works and u said this is sh1t and not true means u can not be convinced all u want to achieve is TU to be changed to 80% chance so u can power lvl your CP with a healer....oh wait u said u play solo, why would you chose a healer class?? Who r u planing to heal?

p.s. If TU has 30% chance doesnt necessarily mean that every 3rd strike will be lethal..

To be honest I still havent tested TU in Pagans but I tested it on lower lvls and on my lvl and higher lvl mobs land rate on my lvl mobs was a lot better and on higher lvl mobs lethals were a lot rarer.

And stop talking shit about u playing on retail and rest of us r sheep here that dont have a clue... In L2 ure not supposed to xp on red mobs.. proving the fact that now on retail red mobs dont even give xp.. and if the mob is light red or yellow it gives u less xp than if its white..


Quote from: igi on February 08, 2014, 04:22:18 PM
lol dude everyone has a right to share his opinion... U cant ask ppl not to post here if they dont agree with u... Unless u want to create some image that everyone agrees with u thus making u right...

Drake gave u the actual formula how TU works and u said this is sh1t and not true means u can not be convinced all u want to achieve is TU to be changed to 80% chance so u can power lvl your CP with a healer....oh wait u said u play solo, why would you chose a healer class?? Who r u planing to heal?

p.s. If TU has 30% chance doesnt necessarily mean that every 3rd strike will be lethal..

To be honest I still havent tested TU in Pagans but I tested it on lower lvls and on my lvl and higher lvl mobs land rate on my lvl mobs was a lot better and on higher lvl mobs lethals were a lot rarer.

And stop talking shit about u playing on retail and rest of us r sheep here that dont have a clue... In L2 ure not supposed to xp on red mobs.. proving the fact that now on retail red mobs dont even give xp.. and if the mob is light red or yellow it gives u less xp than if its white..

1) Same asnwer goes back to u.
Im not censoring opionions, im censoring every1 who talk without proofs and say what "they thik" and not what is real.

2) Strangly enough, Drakes formula goes agaisnt what every players here is pointing out, in acse u didn't read yet, and also goes agaisnt retail players testimonys. Strangly enough.

3) Mobs in pagan aren't red m8, not even close. Im lvl 76, and in case U didnt read yet, skill lvl seems to make the difference. Not lvl.

4) Please refrain for replying and spamming this thraed like you do on the others just to come with "thoughts" that everyone already figured out. The problem in hands is that TU is not lethaling correctly. The chance is nowhere near retail, and take the point of going to Pagans.

5) The way i play, solo or with party doesn't concerns you or any1, Paga is there for a reason, mainly first rooms, and thats comon sense.

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I want to see outcome of this tu spam on forum, if they will change it cuz some1 qq long enough, then i will start doing same yay


Quote from: Peorexo on February 08, 2014, 04:47:26 PM
I want to see outcome of this tu spam on forum, if they will change it cuz some1 qq long enough, then i will start doing same yay

Just because you are 12 years old and dont know what is QQ, and what is facts because of something broken, you shouldnt be allowed to post:)

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Quote from: NunoPitbull on February 08, 2014, 04:53:51 PM
Just because you are 12 years old and dont know what is QQ, and what is facts because of something broken, you shouldnt be allowed to post:)
when i pmd gm's with facts about my class and what is not working, it ended faster than u think with simple words "its retail like", the same answer u got, so why u still open topics and qq ? =) U want ur "char" to works, same do i, but if they will only boost ur skills cuz u QQ, i will do the same.


Quote from: Garro on February 08, 2014, 05:02:47 PM
It's not qq mode from 1 guy who cant play how he wants, or non skill that dunno how to use skills in pvp. We all have been playing in many servers, most of us on servers similiar to Global Lineage 2 like RPG, Dex or even global itself. Also there is tons of ppl that actually played in retails low rates, without any custom modifications and It's always been like that -> when EE or BP got enough lvl to go pagans, he went there with some of his pt members or even alone to exp himself. Sometimes it was even unfair that supports got faster lvls than nukers or archers but again it was nothing unusual. It's not about nerf or boost skills for PVP or Oly and for sure it wont hurt any of clan, since each of us got a lot of EE/BP in clan that are actually forced to wait for a good trains to get at least decent exp.

Revell i know that you are playing in fighter clan that actually doesnt give a shit about any pagan or even turn undead itself, propably your BP got already 79 without leaving Stakato nest or FoG but its not only about trains and it wont change anything in your gameplay since your own BP or EE will go there too if you aren't grouped for trains. Also you wont loose any Adena since you can get much more of it in trains than EE or BP in pagan, same about full drops.

Thanks for replying for me:)

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Quote from: Garro on February 08, 2014, 05:02:47 PM
It's not qq mode from 1 guy who cant play how he wants, or non skill that dunno how to use skills in pvp. We all have been playing in many servers, most of us on servers similiar to Global Lineage 2 like RPG, Dex or even global itself. Also there is tons of ppl that actually played in retails low rates, without any custom modifications and It's always been like that -> when EE or BP got enough lvl to go pagans, he went there with some of his pt members or even alone to exp himself. Sometimes it was even unfair that supports got faster lvls than nukers or archers but again it was nothing unusual. It's not about nerf or boost skills for PVP or Oly and for sure it wont hurt any of clan, since each of us got a lot of EE/BP in clan that are actually forced to wait for a good trains to get at least decent exp.

Revell i know that you are playing in fighter clan that actually doesnt give a shit about any pagan or even turn undead itself, propably your BP got already 79 without leaving Stakato nest or FoG but its not only about trains and it wont change anything in your gameplay since your own BP or EE will go there too if you aren't grouped for trains. Also you wont loose any Adena since you can get much more of it in trains than EE or BP in pagan, same about full drops.
i totally understand u, but u got reply "works as retail" i got the same reply from drake, im just pointing that if one thing will get changed, u can expect much more topics open soon, doesnt matter what the facts are.


Quote from: Peorexo on February 08, 2014, 05:08:56 PM
i totally understand u, but u got reply "works as retail" i got the same reply from drake, im just pointing that if one thing will get changed, u can expect much more topics open soon, doesnt matter what the facts are.

Your right about that, cause I reached the same conclusion. But with the bug you might have, u can live with it. People who solo with healers or want taht extra mile for exp/idependency since 73, cant have it untill 76 and on 76 u need to enchant it to +10 to make it minimal viable. You might understand it this way.

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Since L2 exists what counts for landing a skill is not the character level but the skill level.
This is the hard truth since L2 PRELUDE (before C1)
The character level is there just for two things: higher stats and unlock new skills

If skills landing was based by player level and not skill level:
-why ever level up Trick/Switch after level 1? The skill does same effect and base% from lv1 to lv10. What changes is purely the magic level of it.
-why level up Banish Seraph? The skill does same effect and base% since lv1
-why level up Curse Weakness over lv6? From level 6 to level 18 it have the same base% and effect (this same applies to 90% of curses, after the first 1-5 levels the effect is static and the % same, changes just the magic level)
-why ever level up Cancel? the skill does the same since level1 and have same base%.

this is just few examples, but much many other skills works in this same specific way (effect static, changing only the magic level)
TU is no different.


Quote from: =drake= on February 08, 2014, 05:25:25 PM
Since L2 exists what counts for landing a skill is not the character level but the skill level.
This is the hard truth since L2 PRELUDE (before C1)
The character level is there just for two things: higher stats and unlock new skills

If skills landing was based by player level and not skill level:
-why ever level up Trick/Switch after level 1? The skill does same effect and base% from lv1 to lv10. What changes is purely the magic level of it.
-why level up Banish Seraph? The skill does same effect and base% since lv1
-why level up Curse Weakness over lv6? From level 6 to level 18 it have the same base% and effect (this same applies to 90% of curses, after the first 1-5 levels the effect is static and the % same, changes just the magic level)
-why ever level up Cancel? the skill does the same since level1 and have same base%.

this is just few examples, but much many other skills works in this same specific way (effect static, changing only the magic level)
TU is no different.

Drake, please get this, we ALL (who got the experience about it) know it. The only thing is, TU not working as it should, its not like we played IL on retail or any other servers. You either acept it or you don't. We jsut want a definitive answer. Read all the posts in thi thread and maybe you can understand what we feeling.

Watch my DN Videos @ https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLv5j4v3iXRu4_tUU2rtBM8coghoTjQUtR

Subscribe for more and be updated: https://www.youtube.com/user/NunoPitbull?sub_confirmation=1

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Quote from: NunoPitbull on February 08, 2014, 04:43:33 PM
1) Same asnwer goes back to u.
Im not censoring opionions, im censoring every1 who talk without proofs and say what "they thik" and not what is real.

2) Strangly enough, Drakes formula goes agaisnt what every players here is pointing out, in acse u didn't read yet, and also goes agaisnt retail players testimonys. Strangly enough.

3) Mobs in pagan aren't red m8, not even close. Im lvl 76, and in case U didnt read yet, skill lvl seems to make the difference. Not lvl.

4) Please refrain for replying and spamming this thraed like you do on the others just to come with "thoughts" that everyone already figured out. The problem in hands is that TU is not lethaling correctly. The chance is nowhere near retail, and take the point of going to Pagans.

5) The way i play, solo or with party doesn't concerns you or any1, Paga is there for a reason, mainly first rooms, and thats comon sense.

And where is your proof?

I just tested TU again (I already did 1 post like this)
Im lvl 71 bp tested on 73 Cursed Guardian in BS
First 20 min I got very good land rate almost all the time I lethal with the 3rd try, some times on first try or second only 3-4 times it took me 5-6 tries
Second 20 min I got not so good land rate most of the time I needed 7-8 times to lethal max 9 but I still got some on 1-3 tries
Third 20 min first and last 2-3 mobs were pain in the ass it took me 8 times each.. to lethal them but all the other mobs in between were almost constant 3 tries per per mob...

Now I know u will say that this is bullsh1t so maybe I will make a video with this and post it (if it doesnt turn out to be a lot of work)
p.s. I tried recording this test with fraps but didnt know I have to crack it to record more than 30 sec videos... :/ Noob me... u would have had your video now.


=drake= i think when bunch of ppl are sayin that it isnt working u should make a SMALL change/boost just to try it. With every response, ur basicly sayin "fu all i wont do sh1t".
And we all know where that leads...

PS:this place is full of fail trolls just ignore them.