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Started by NiToPaMi, February 11, 2014, 01:10:18 AM

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Quote from: NunoPitbull on February 11, 2014, 05:55:16 PM
Your full of sh1t. POint here is not HOW EASY you kill or HOW EASY it becomes after you enchant it, its how your suposed to start lethaling at 74, and here u have 0% chance of doing it. You missing the whole point. I've got it also +4 and its fine.

At 74 you can easily lethal mobs from YOUR SAME LVL.


Quote from: vaiper on February 11, 2014, 05:57:20 PM
At 74 you can easily lethal mobs from YOUR SAME LVL.

If you ahven't noticed yet by the 1k posts and topics, thats how it works in retail(worked, in IL), you lethal Pagans since lvl 74. Im the living proof of it as many of the people here posting. Now please, make some foundated post and not random sh1t.

Watch my DN Videos @ https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLv5j4v3iXRu4_tUU2rtBM8coghoTjQUtR

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If you want drop me on PM some nice songs 4nextvid


Quote from: NunoPitbull on February 11, 2014, 06:11:06 PM
If you ahven't noticed yet by the 1k posts and topics, thats how it works in retail(worked, in IL), you lethal Pagans since lvl 74. Im the living proof of it as many of the people here posting. Now please, make some foundated post and not random sh1t.
1k posts from 10 players. (*some even match the same IP but i wont go there now)

On the other hand, we didn't made 1k posts about UT , but few of them with facts and reasons that explain whole case clearly.
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Quote from: =^TrackZero^= on February 11, 2014, 06:17:24 PM
1k posts from 10 players. (*some even match the same IP but i wont go there now)

On the other hand, we didn't made 1k posts about UT , but few of them with facts and reasons that explain whole case clearly.

Im just giving an example, not beeing literal lol.

If they have same IP or not, that I dunno, but one thing i'm 100% sure, i've played INTERLUDE and leveled in Pagans with lvl 10 TU unechanted ;) (i'm not here complaining about rates AFTER you enchant it) just weird here its 0% chance on 74->80mobs :)

Watch my DN Videos @ https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLv5j4v3iXRu4_tUU2rtBM8coghoTjQUtR

Subscribe for more and be updated: https://www.youtube.com/user/NunoPitbull?sub_confirmation=1

If you want drop me on PM some nice songs 4nextvid


Quote from: NunoPitbull on February 11, 2014, 06:11:06 PM
If you ahven't noticed yet by the 1k posts and topics, thats how it works in retail(worked, in IL), you lethal Pagans since lvl 74. Im the living proof of it as many of the people here posting. Now please, make some foundated post and not random sh1t.
I googled this problem and found a lot of forums topics (including several on offi l2 forum) that say u need to enchant the skill if u want to xp pagans and that TU has almost zero success rate on higher lvl mobs
I even found a post with the actual code of the skill and how enchanting it influences it which confirmed, to the point, drake's post about how the skill works..


I still dont know why ppl keep creating this kind of topic.

it was clear to me, reading what drake and track wrote:

>>>>>>TU will not be changed/boosted/fixed/whatever<<<<<<

Necro (psy)
RedKnights Clan


made my skill +7 now (it lethal's between the 1st - 4th try, but sometimes (around 1 per 10 mobs) it failes for 8-10 times).
BabyPew - MS/SWS (hero)
BUFFCAT - BP/WK (hero)
KypBe - SWS/SR


As neutral i can said only one:

Some ppl still think that turn undead works in interlude like in hellbound chronicle...
KillerOfGolka De/Wc 85 ( subbed 50% of infinity players )