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Started by Maneuver, February 20, 2014, 08:11:18 PM

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Last night we reported some issues regarding olympiad to evacuate and artur but we were told to also make a post about it!!so here it is...

fist issue was that in some occasions character seemed to be floating in the midle of nowhere and you couldnt do anything!other example is when they both made it ok to the arena the momment the game started got critical errors on both characters!after we reported that to gm we were called to test it with them and after 1 lucky good round problem appeared to them also...
so here i have some questions,are those issues fixed?will we be able to make olympiad games this month??

ps. We lost some points on 4 chars cause of criticals and testing with artur and evacuate,will we get those points restored??
ps2. there is also an issue with command /olympiadstat  but thats an issue on many servers and you can make some sense on it with some thinking!


The fix will be active from next reboot


Quote from: =drake= on February 20, 2014, 09:00:07 PM
The fix will be active from next reboot

Btw. many ppl asking if olympiad gonna be disabled this month, can we expect any official announcement as it is 1 week to the end of month ?


ok,thanks for the answer!!!furthermore though,should we expect our points to be fixed also??cause starting with so many wasted points gets us a disadvantage for no reason!!!


Quote from: Falatko on February 20, 2014, 11:32:32 PM
yeah such a big disadvantage when there are 50 nobl chars and u still sh1t to ur pants about hero LOL
stop qq that u dont have nobl yet :D


Quote from: Falatko on February 20, 2014, 11:32:32 PM
yeah such a big disadvantage when there are 50 nobl chars and u still sh1t to ur pants about hero LOL

if you were half the retard you are you would know that starting the same competition with any number of ppl when you have less point in the start than the rest is the definition of disadvantage!!you are not in those 50 and you will not be in the next 50 either!!so gtfo and let us talk seriously!!


you made a post about oly classes and sh1t,asking for ppl to comment!!and btw i didnt even read that post of yours...i dont care about your answer here,srsly!!i just w8 for a response from a gm that does not seem to come...

ps. i find interesting how gms answered your non-important request about the buff protection icon and still no answer here!!anw i consider our points allready lost cause of the whole raid respawn thing...as a punishment probably!Sick but i guess next time we should act like you!


There will be zero heroes as in total, included GM testing olympiads, there have been just 6 matches made by 3 people!
Makes no sense to have heroes this way (also there is minimum requirement of matches to be hero and they of course did not accomplished it)


drake hommie enable oly there are like 100 + nobles already and one week left so will be even more nobles ...theres no reason to disable it since there is probably nobles for every class /

ps: The lack of hero Glow hurts my eyes T_T
FlyMe3Up->SPS/EE->HERO 34x
Caiba->TY/Ol->HERO 15x
Qute->BS/DA->HERO 8x
Kuelthalas->NE/PP->HERO 8x
Cablle->TY/DE->HERO 6x
Fuc kOly->TH/PP->HERO 6x
RaidB00S->TH/WL->HERO 4x
LoveRevolution->GL/PP->HERO 2x
other forgotten heroes to xD


Quote from: =drake= on February 21, 2014, 12:52:49 AM
There will be zero heroes as in total, included GM testing olympiads, there have been just 6 matches made by 3 people!
Makes no sense to have heroes this way (also there is minimum requirement of matches to be hero and they of course did not accomplished it)
7days left till oly end, not sure what are u talkin about, if u disable oly/hero for this month  u can count on another -10% of population on server


Quote from: raidb00s on February 21, 2014, 02:25:32 AM
drake hommie enable oly there are like 100 + nobles already and one week left so will be even more nobles ...theres no reason to disable it since there is probably nobles for every class /

ps: The lack of hero Glow hurts my eyes T_T



Quote from: =drake= on February 21, 2014, 12:52:49 AM
There will be zero heroes as in total, included GM testing olympiads, there have been just 6 matches made by 3 people!
Makes no sense to have heroes this way (also there is minimum requirement of matches to be hero and they of course did not accomplished it)

Dude, stop kidding us, 5 guys from my cp played olys already (so they're not made by 3 ppl, not even including GM), we were who reported the bug issues so i know what i am talking about.
And yea, dont expect us to play the minimum of 9 games when your olympiad system were not even working fine and was bugged.


Now, after rushing nobles, sacrificing other things to achieve like sub stack.. u want to cancel olympiads? so we wasted our time from the start of server?

Even if u dont cancel em, i cant believe GM's asked us to test olympiads bugg without giving us back our lost points testing em and with that bugged olys.

RESTART our points lost with your bugged olympiad and with our help for testing and fixing with GM's. I dont feel like asking for something imposible lol...