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Donny NPC Discussion

Started by naTiexu, February 28, 2014, 03:03:19 PM

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Quote from: zocha on February 28, 2014, 03:40:20 PM
We get your point. We know how much time it costed u....
But we trying to tell u there is much more easy way to make sc13 . So your theory about screwing market prices coz of donny is fail in this case

Why u think i dont now these ways !?. My idea is that ordinary people can just use these ways instead of admins puting SC in their hands. They should make some efforts to obtain something like every other person on server. Maybe its time admins to make a POOL in forum and see what the community desire


Quote from: naTiexu on February 28, 2014, 03:30:40 PM
U got me wrong. Its not hard for my clan to farm them. Yes it cost us time and efforts but we prooved we do it best like no other clan in this server. (Just to give u example - 22Am on server and 12 in FC clan.).

My points is that with SC13 in donny admins are screwing with players wich spent such an efforts to  take an advantage over other people and admins removed the gap between big clans and ordinary people by making their efforts pointles...

U are getting it for free! :) u still can trade it and make adena from ur efforts, 20â,¬ for a cry is not cheap at all, is real money u know, not adena! Still, u could just have rdy 600 dc for what I know (as anybody else) and trade it in sc13 and then ask for it to get deleted... That sound like IG business to me :) ... Too late for start a cry IMHO


donny set of items and prices is actually pretty liberalized towards non-donating players to say the least
ShowStopper having a break from hard GM work:

Dagger Allstarsâ,,¢


Ppl must be extreme stupid to purchase a soul crystal from donny, while at my shop it cost half cheaper.

When nothink goes right, go left


Quote from: naTiexu on February 28, 2014, 03:42:18 PM
Why u think i dont now these ways !?. My idea is that ordinary people can just use these ways instead of admins puting SC in their hands. They should make some efforts to obtain something like every other person on server. Maybe its time admins to make a POOL in forum and see what the community desire

And should make efforts to sub etc etc... Still server needs money, some people have no time to play and prefer donate, some people are just nolifers and want to own everytging IG... W/e, u will always find something to cry about donny, but u still want to play for free and w/o lags ( ok, they are working on that hopfully )


Quote from: Falatko on February 28, 2014, 03:34:58 PM
just to give u point other clans are focusing on archers mostly and soon or later everybody will get s+sa so u need to show skill buddy not just no life farming
ur so brainless with ur spam dude
ur doing it only to make score with posts ? u dont even know what ur talking about and ur knowledge is pitiful..



sc 13 at donny is really nice .this can balance all ppl in server and not rule the server only that ppls in big clan.ofc u must first craft s weapon or buy from market.


I'm  a new player to the server so you may not think my views matter, but I can give you a bird's eye view on the situation.

If anything, the donation system here is perfect. The server needs income to keep going, and if it isn't silly things like SC or tattoos or horns, it would be weapons, armours and ++ stuff, which is the much worse option.

You should only be moaning about donnation items if they are next to impossible (or require a long time) to achieve by a normal player - and this instannce that is not the case.

The fact that you are moaning about this seems a bit pedantic to be honest. Don't forget that working people and solo players/small groups of frends need some means to get little things as well.

We have a perfect saying in my mother language, "You are turning a fly into an elephant"
Your friendly neighbourhood forum troll.


Quote from: kostsuba on February 28, 2014, 07:01:31 PM
sc 13 at donny is really nice .this can balance all ppl in server and not rule the server only that ppls in big clan.ofc u must first craft s weapon or buy from market.
Quote from: silent_death on March 01, 2014, 06:10:41 PM
I'm  a new player to the server so you may not think my views matter, but I can give you a bird's eye view on the situation.

If anything, the donation system here is perfect. The server needs income to keep going, and if it isn't silly things like SC or tattoos or horns, it would be weapons, armours and ++ stuff, which is the much worse option.

You should only be moaning about donnation items if they are next to impossible (or require a long time) to achieve by a normal player - and this instannce that is not the case.
Don't forget that working people and solo players/small groups of frends need some means to get little things as well.

Well this is the actual problem, people thinking that GMs should balance out big clans with "normal" players.... this is not how it works big clans r BIG for a reason and normal ppl want to be more like the BIG clans for a reason..

Im fine with everything at donny except the sc13... u could put it later in game.. and dont say its 20euro cuz DC r tradeable so u can buy it with adena or buy half DC with adena and half with real money.

Thing is.. its just like naTiexu said big clans go through the trouble of organizing 50+ ppl, pvp enemies and win epics so we get 9 sc13 which r shared between clans and then between CPs
and "normal" players just click a button and puf a sc13 shows up in their inventory...
GMs say they want to improve the pvp experience in the server but SF r farming Antharas, Baium, Ant Queen, Zaken, Orfen, Core, Barakiel undisturbed on a server with 2.5kk population... last night we even posted on forum that we r camping AQ and still no1 came....


"My little spam feel free to ignore"

And none will. People are incapable of uniting a big overwhelming zerg and in smaller clans (even stuff like Excidium is considered a smaller clan in this case) will never have a chance if they come as they are. And the difference will be only bigger and bigger as you farm more and more bosjwels. Without SC13 for coins most would not even get S grades.

Thats how it is. Someone flamed me for bringing "philoshophy" to the game but we actually need it like in the old days. People loyal to an idea not just bunch of friends and own greed. And people are not so they cannot stand-up against something like SF represents now. The only thing they can do is "bore to death" strategy. Aka just not fight, make it not funny experience for the enemy and wait till they leave. Thats horrible but I feel like people can do no more. So many people want the SC13 or noble yet I see there no cooperation nor real effort to get it.

Hint - Assembling a last-hit attempt party is not considered an effort. Bringing 200+ people to take the raid is, and I haven't seen that.

Ill be honest ATM I'm working on cooperating with bunch of oldschool comrades, they still need exp, DNsub, etc. After its done we will either fight, or they will turn cowards (which I hope not) and try to join clans like those in SF. If that is the case ill be alone and most likely fail. But ill rather fail then asslick.

To be more clear I do not blame FC or Cruel or anyone like this. I compliment them, they organized ATM dominating force that finally actually kills people and prevents their progress. That is how it should be. But I question why there is no sign of any counter-force.

Infinity 5x: LadyZENITH - sps/sws - retired :(


i dont get the point of the discussion about big clan need to get award because they involve time to make it.

server need money to run;
server data for login, server data for game, money for bandwitch, money for time passed by owner and Gms etc...

how could big clans would enjoy the game if server closed because of lack of incomes?
server will not pay bills with hats and hairpins...

so if donators dont donate you dont play anymore, its simple as that..
Quote from: pieh on April 08, 2008, 12:07:43 AM
i like the result of aden siege: Hexa, one of few clans that really deserve (i mean overall not only pvp/siege skills) to have castles