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Donny NPC Discussion

Started by naTiexu, February 28, 2014, 03:03:19 PM

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So lets discuss the donations here. Every1 can write his comment about everything u think is wrong. The idea of this thread is to introduce the community oppinion to admins.

My oppinion is that SC should be removed from NPC. As u can see in website there was 3 AM acumen on 26/02/2014. Today they are 8 am acumen. So since the donation is open there are 5 new AM acumen only for 1 day. So u will say where is the problem then !? The problem is that big clans gather like 60 people to kill an epic for only 9 SC, which they share with ally so 4-5 SC per clan. And this doesnt happen every day ( u know epic respawns).

On market every random can buy SC 13 for like 300kk adena and this make the efforts for hundreds of people thrown away. U know how many hours are wasted because this purchase. The idea so many people to gather on 1 place fighting between each other and spend more hours killing a raid then w8 for days to respawn another one is big effort for many peoples. U just dont respect the time people are spending in ur server buy adding this SC 13 so early on the market for NO MONEY. They idea of killing epics is to get advantage over other people and u just ruined the game. My oppinon is that u should make a pool and hear the people voice.

SC 13 is not impossible to take by clanless players or small clans. There are so many ways that they just dont use. By putting SC in NPC u just decreased the price of SC on the market and that affect big clans.

i know u need money to keep the server running but u need PEOPLE AKA GAMERS to play/pay on this server and with ur donation prices and decisions u ruin the desire people to continue play here.

P.S. I saw some fake post in forum about FC leaving the server. Its false dont trust every rumor in forum.

P.S.S. Please keep the thread save from spam and flood. Discuss only the topic.


But then if sc13 is exclusive right for every big clan, theb big clans have also right to sell that sc13 on the market for coins and with those coins to equip other members of clan to grow stronger. Im so so about sc13, however keep the server alive with hats only doesnt work either (look around how many of them there are). Sc13 is arguable indeed, but on the other hand we excluded majority of donny. In addition you need to craft weapon to put that very same sc13 so it kinda balances out
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Quote from: Falatko on February 28, 2014, 03:05:55 PM
you know u can stage lvl 13 in rift which mean u can make cry 13 a lot? and for 11 12 there are normal rbs?
Seems he dont :-)
Fr3zer - TH/PP


Go make cry 11-12 at T-Rex, u can get 5 each day.


Quote from: vaiper on February 28, 2014, 03:13:57 PM
Go make cry 11-12 at T-Rex, u can get 5 each day.
The cry here is about sc13. Ty u read it  with understanding
Fr3zer - TH/PP


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Quote from: zocha on February 28, 2014, 03:17:27 PM
The cry here is about sc13. Ty u read it  with understanding

I got around 8k dimension fragments in CWH.

For me its harder to get cry 12 than 13 lol (without buying it).

Quote from: =^TrackZero^= on February 28, 2014, 03:19:45 PM
So many?

No 5 crystals in a day for me, it was 5 crystals in total for pt.


Quote from: vaiper on February 28, 2014, 03:20:34 PM
I got around 8k dimension fragments in CWH.

For me its harder to get cry 12 than 13 lol (without buying it).
Notiexu need full ally to get it :-(. Maby take him one or two to rift:-)
Fr3zer - TH/PP


U got me wrong. Its not hard for my clan to farm them. Yes it cost us time and efforts but we prooved we do it best like no other clan in this server. (Just to give u example - 22Am on server and 12 in FC clan.).

My points is that with SC13 in donny admins are screwing with players wich spent such an efforts to  take an advantage over other people and admins removed the gap between big clans and ordinary people by making their efforts pointles...


anyway, its to early for so hard donation availability
some ppl can earn now same things as ppl who worked hard since the beggining to easily
..u should w8 a bit longer


Quote from: Falatko on February 28, 2014, 03:34:58 PM
just to give u point other clans are focusing on archers and soon or later everybody will get s+sa so u need to show skill buddy not just no life farming

I asked polite for keeping the thread save from spam and admins pls take care of that. With ur post u actualy says nothing.


Quote from: naTiexu on February 28, 2014, 03:30:40 PM
U got me wrong. Its not hard for my clan to farm them. Yes it cost us time and efforts but we prooved we do it best like no other clan in this server. (Just to give u example - 22Am on server and 12 in FC clan.).

My points is that with SC13 in donny admins are screwing with players wich spent such an efforts to  take an advantage over other people and admins removed the gap between big clans and ordinary people by making their efforts pointles...
We get your point. We know how much time it costed u....
But we trying to tell u there is much more easy way to make sc13 . So your theory about screwing market prices coz of donny is fail in this case
Fr3zer - TH/PP