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Tutorial: How to use Party Matching



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Tutorial: How to use Party Matching

Started by Tarma, March 05, 2014, 11:01:07 PM

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As an special petition from a special person, I am going to explain to the whole server how to use a simple and useful tool: the party matching.

Rarely, there is some party room registered there and overall there is absolutly nobody registered on waiting list. Let's assume that people do not know exaclty how this works.

1st of all, there is a Party Matching button next to our chat window, left lower corner. When you put the mouse over it, it says "Party". Only party leaders or solo players can check other party rooms and create party rooms.

When we click on it, it will open the Party Matching window with all the rooms registered on it. We can display the rooms by locations or by level range (close to ours or all).

If we want to open a Party, to recruit party members for some kind of activity or open a trade market (or to say bullshits, as many people end up using this for :D), we should click on the button "Create Room".

A new small window will display asking us to fill some information:
- Title: short description of the activity/reason you open the room
- Max. Members: where you can decide the maximun number of people that can join the room. Minimum is 1 and maximun is 12.
- Lv. Limit Min. and Max.: here it asks you to make the level range people need to be to join your room.

Once you are done, press "OK" button. It will auto open a new window, that is your party room. It will show the info of the room people on it by name, class icon (cls), level, location of that person and the rol into the party room (party leader, party member, party candidate).

Also the party leader will have a yellow message on their heads saying "Looking for party". This room has few additional functions:
- Chat
- Waiting List: where you can see the information of people who are waiting to be invited in some party room (THIS IS NOT WORKING PROPERLY). Party members can invite people from here to the room, but never to party. Once you click this option it will open a sub label where you can make a filter of the people in the waiting list. Also it gives you fast access to whisper them, invite them to room, or refresh the list information.
- Set Room: here the party leader can modify the original party room informaiton and limits.
- Kick: party leader can kick people from the room with this button.
- Invite: party leader fast access to invite a candidate into the party.
- Exit: just leave the party room. If it is the party leader, it will delete the room.

If we want to get into a party automatically, just press Auto Join from 1st step.

I hope this tutorial is useful and server start using this tool.

PD: Paint ftw.
Natami ee/es - Fear clan

Chisane aw/sk - Totally retired


Tl:dr :

1. Press button with 2 guys and arrow on it.
2. Create/Join party from other end of the map.
3. Use title instead of hero chat.
4. ? ? ?
5. Profit.


Lets hope it will help community. I am geting loled when i see 5 people searching for same action in different towns and they r not able to finde each other or gazilion of low lvl people hitting mobs like crazy while all bosses 45-65 are alive. xD I was needed to ask for hero voice to create some pts xD
+1. To a topic writer.
[Stalingard! Dnx15]    HNofs 2005-2014 Offline
[Fear Tarax3]             Narayan  2014     Offline


Quote from: Falatko on March 05, 2014, 11:57:28 PM
Or you can just %LF XXX to XXX pt for XP
10% of people can use hero chat that free + i am 2nd day on server and dont have my own heroes for now xD. and it's all about culture of gaming and using game options.
[Stalingard! Dnx15]    HNofs 2005-2014 Offline
[Fear Tarax3]             Narayan  2014     Offline


Quote from: N!k on March 06, 2014, 12:34:33 AM
10% of people can use hero chat that free + i am 2nd day on server and dont have my own heroes for now xD. and it's all about culture of gaming and using game options.
Nice to see ya here Niki  ;) and Marta to  :P
Tarantula SS2 Ninja TrIBaL The Shaman!
Dragon x15 Severance Ninja!
gl/he c2-c3 begin
TrIBaLu th/wl c3-c4-il-Hb
|TrIBaLu| he/pp c4-il-Hb
Always outnumbered! Never outgunned!


Good to see you too, triba :)

Quote from: Falatko on March 05, 2014, 11:57:28 PM
Or you can just %LF XXX to XXX pt for XP

Not everyone is a tinkerbell in the server, so they can use this thing :D

Let's make more parties to kill low bosses, pls
Natami ee/es - Fear clan

Chisane aw/sk - Totally retired


Quote from: reddragonjr on March 06, 2014, 12:37:59 AM
Nice to see ya here Niki  ;) and Marta to  :P
Thanks, i am trying to undestand why we are joined here xd like rly at off it's twice easier to lvl up.. but <3 fact that here playes alot of people from old dn. Too bad that Azwraith is lazy b1tch :D
Seems my friend Drakhoo didnt motivate him enough...
[Stalingard! Dnx15]    HNofs 2005-2014 Offline
[Fear Tarax3]             Narayan  2014     Offline


Quote from: N!k on March 06, 2014, 12:59:16 AM
Thanks, i am trying to undestand why we are joined here xd like rly at off it's twice easier to lvl up.. but <3 fact that here playes alot of people from old dn. Too bad that Azwraith is lazy b1tch :D
Seems my friend Drakhoo didnt motivate him enough...

I was reading and i can say that on official is bot so easy cuz it tooks me 1.9 year to male lvl 98 (from lvl 95 you can be happy if you're a le to male 3/4% per day) srry for disturb xD
Hpegasus Ne/Wk//Pal/Bp-->Off
xAlfyx Pr/Sk+N-->Off
OoAlfyoO De/ty-->Off
Alfy Soultaker//SH/SE//SR/SWS//DE/TY Noblesse-->Off
Rpg 5x


Quote from: alfy on March 06, 2014, 02:32:18 AM
I was reading and i can say that on official is bot so easy cuz it tooks me 1.9 year to male lvl 98 (from lvl 95 you can be happy if you're a le to male 3/4% per day) srry for disturb xD
Played half year there. 99/97/80 on my char, & people who were joning with me there are all 98/97/80+.
1 day-75/ 1 week -87/ 2-3 weeks 95/ 2-3 weeks 97/ 2-3 month 99.
[Stalingard! Dnx15]    HNofs 2005-2014 Offline
[Fear Tarax3]             Narayan  2014     Offline


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so now left to come real evilspirits and others from dragon
Tarantula   IL     Dragon H5          Hellraiser         Gaia         Infinity

BUFFSONG         BUFFCAT            SHAMANA         SHAMANA              NE/PP
sws/ee               best pp/wk ever       WC/OL         WC/OL        


Quote from: djvancho on March 06, 2014, 09:50:31 AM
so now left to come real evilspirits and others from dragon
evilspirits do play already wut