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Was that... a Cruel tear?

Started by LadyZENITH, April 01, 2014, 04:17:10 PM

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Quote from: teqi on April 02, 2014, 04:14:33 PM
1, you are eurowarrior, go to your new dex for some cents, and you sold items and you are the almighty panda a.k.a sm0g on both this forum and maxcheaters, you were selling your friends accounts blacksheepwall and beyondthelaw
2, no1 gave a single cent for that valakas, moarponys gave to zenit since they go also to new dex, zenit was asking for antharas too but that was on hold for sale (euro) so your statements are invalid
funny some1 who still play la2 when server goes bad or seems to bad and he lost attraction to it selling items, and you are this kinda person, you were telling it on teamspeak
again the truth is sad.
3, about this I complex sh1t you are telling is a complete bullsh1t, zenit was that person who organised the first antharas, first ant queen even when you were stating IT IS IMPOSSIBLE TO KILL IT W/O CoV , ok
you were helping us killing aq until you get yours, not a single minute was spent on camping by you, it was always WE, denzo, me or zenit who were camping it with lvl 1 cams even 8 hours
so I ask now, should I mention the truth, that you sold your ant queen, your dc set your am acu? I have a feeling you sold even the account and later with TUNGI nick you created a topic which can be check back that your email was hacked faking hilarious kid you are

I know it can not be prooven probably, that you sold items but if gm would check tungi named char trades, he would see some interesting things :))
yes yes yes, we know "I guess" you gave it to your good friend who still plays here.

go your dex get some cents for mcdonalds burger, fkin lame ppl
next one please
there u go,zenit's pet arrived till the forumwarrior arrives from the school? :)
Why so mad? Since i have BSW's mail,and it was my char,dont you think i can zeff it by my own(the zaken,orfen,ant queen,maj robe set,dc set,am acu and the noble cardinal itself ) and sell them for euro as well,since im an euro warrior as you said. I can log him even now and drop those stuff on giran or whatever,but pointless to involve my friends to this chitchat because they have nothing to do with Zenit's trade with moarpony. As he stated hes selling the valakas for 500 euro,sure he give vala for zenit for free,because of his two starry eye,right? :) Dont be so mad.
About "camp",how can you expect a people with work to camp a 0-1-0-1-0-0-0-0 ingame when i have 9 hour scheduled from my life? Yap,i never camped,but logged whenever i was online or whenever i get called,but still its a different topic than the one i stated. Keep bragging things about me,they really entertain me. Some people know me from infinity times (aka Silvana) ,you know,it was in 2005 when you were at some hungarian l2j learning basics etc with 25 online playa.
Still,why so mad about writing a novel adressed to me if i didnt touch something fishy? :) Keep blackmailing me, but i think both of us know the truth about the whole story ;)

about the new account: since a guy started to sell his shits at mxc(http://www.maxi am stupid noobcom/topic/177110-dn-tarantula-items-acc/ i didnt want to get involved with items selling(like i got,thanks to you:) , coz you went butthurt to not giving back the items but gift away to old clannies)) because of same nick.
If i would sell any shit for euro,i would remain silent and hiding in my cave with the pocket money i got instead of bragging this whole story . I heard a few days ago zenit reported me after i left,thats why i wanted to drop the cards to the table, mr butthurt

Where the hell i had tallum set,or hd? Almighty zenit got a HD in our party because we ll organize superb raid parties,but apparently a hd+focus and two infernal master(without focus) was not enough to kill a single raid after we went 75:) but np, teach me some l2. All trick you shown me was the logout with frenzy destros shit,thats all what you can brag in? In a normal server with raidbuffing/healing you wont do it maybe 2-3x but let me clapclap you.
Lets wait to trackzero to investigate your shits as well as he did with mine.


Quote from: localh0st on April 02, 2014, 04:40:11 PM
there u go,zenit's pet arrived till the forumwarrior arrives from the school? :)
Why so mad? Since i have BSW's mail,and it was my char,dont you think i can zeff it by my own(the zaken,orfen,ant queen,maj robe set,dc set,am acu and the noble cardinal itself ) and sell them for euro as well,since im an euro warrior as you said. I can log him even now and drop those stuff on giran or whatever,but pointless to involve my friends to this chitchat because they have nothing to do with Zenit's trade with moarpony. As he stated hes selling the valakas for 500 euro,sure he give vala for zenit for free,because of his two starry eye,right? :) Dont be so mad.
About "camp",how can you expect a people with work to camp a 0-1-0-1-0-0-0-0 ingame when i have 9 hour scheduled from my life? Yap,i never camped,but logged whenever i was online or whenever i get called,but still its a different topic than the one i stated. Keep bragging things about me,they really entertain me. Some people know me from infinity times (aka Silvana) ,you know,it was in 2005 when you were at some hungarian l2j learning basics etc.
Still,why so mad about writing a novel adressed to me if i didnt touch something fishy? :) Keep blackmailing me, but i think both of us know the truth about the whole story ;)

how ironic la2 item seller saying other ppl sell items for real money
sup with sm0g acc?
why do you need so many accs on this forum? tungi,sm0g,localh0st   even the 0=O
the truth that u still keep mentioning is not on your side for sure

is the account being sold? or hacked? or what?

you were even creating a  topic on this forum selling items for real money and then we said on ts are you for real?
so after all, who's fishy little prick?

I replied only cause its annoying when I know who's selling items for real money and telling bullsh1ts here.
Brace yourselfs New DEX Factor is coming


Quote from: teqi on April 02, 2014, 04:56:56 PM
how ironic la2 item seller saying other ppl sell items for real money
sup with sm0g acc?
why do you need so many accs on this forum? tungi,sm0g,localh0st   even the 0=O
the truth that u still keep mentioning is not on your side for sure

is the account being sold? or hacked? or what?

you were even creating a  topic on this forum selling items for real money and then we said on ts are you for real?
so after all, who's fishy little prick?

I replied only cause its annoying when I know who's selling items for real money and telling bullsh1ts here.
Brace yourselfs New DEX Factor is coming
write only mode bro? i wrote why did i made this account. About tungi acc, its not mine :)
you are replying, coz ur afraid of something and trying to put me on the highlight.
btw who said i ll go to dex? give him a chocapic!


Quote from: localh0st on April 02, 2014, 04:40:11 PM
there u go,zenit's pet arrived till the forumwarrior arrives from the school? :)
Why so mad? Since i have BSW's mail,and it was my char,dont you think i can zeff it by my own(the zaken,orfen,ant queen,maj robe set,dc set,am acu and the noble cardinal itself ) and sell them for euro as well,since im an euro warrior as you said. I can log him even now and drop those stuff on giran or whatever,but pointless to involve my friends to this chitchat because they have nothing to do with Zenit's trade with moarpony. As he stated hes selling the valakas for 500 euro,sure he give vala for zenit for free,because of his two starry eye,right? :) Dont be so mad.
About "camp",how can you expect a people with work to camp a 0-1-0-1-0-0-0-0 ingame when i have 9 hour scheduled from my life? Yap,i never camped,but logged whenever i was online or whenever i get called,but still its a different topic than the one i stated. Keep bragging things about me,they really entertain me. Some people know me from infinity times (aka Silvana) ,you know,it was in 2005 when you were at some hungarian l2j learning basics etc with 25 online playa.
Still,why so mad about writing a novel adressed to me if i didnt touch something fishy? :) Keep blackmailing me, but i think both of us know the truth about the whole story ;)

about the new account: since a guy started to sell his shits at mxc(http://www.maxi am stupid noobcom/topic/177110-dn-tarantula-items-acc/ i didnt want to get involved with items selling(like i got,thanks to you:) , coz you went butthurt to not giving back the items but gift away to old clannies)) because of same nick.
If i would sell any shit for euro,i would remain silent and hiding in my cave with the pocket money i got instead of bragging this whole story . I heard a few days ago zenit reported me after i left,thats why i wanted to drop the cards to the table, mr butthurt

Where the hell i had tallum set,or hd? Almighty zenit got a HD in our party because we ll organize superb raid parties,but apparently a hd+focus and two infernal master(without focus) was not enough to kill a single raid after we went 75:) but np, teach me some l2. All trick you shown me was the logout with frenzy destros shit,thats all what you can brag in? In a normal server with raidbuffing/healing you wont do it maybe 2-3x but let me clapclap you.
Lets wait to trackzero to investigate your shits as well as he did with mine.

Actually its very sad, when a guy from a foreign country (Moarponys) is more trusty then you from my homeland. Do you rly think you have friends? When you heard about we can kill AQ after 5 day, you left your old clan (BA) and begged me for cp. You are that kind of person. You would sell even your mother for 50 Euro.

Ofc i cant proof i didnt bought my valakas, how could I? But i have a question. If i bought smth for real money, why i dont sell anything for real money? Why all that many epic what we got and dont use still rust in Warheads cwh or at lv1 dorf VonaGabor? :D


Quote from: localh0st on April 02, 2014, 05:00:00 PM
write only mode bro? i wrote why did i made this account. About tungi acc, its not mine :)
you are replying, coz ur afraid of something and trying to put me on the highlight.
btw who said i ll go to dex? give him a chocapic!

yes tungi is not yours and the sky is green.
sm0g on mxc is you here, for sure you deleted your wts topics there trying to tell something new here lmao
I'm not afraid of anything, not like you having 234234 forum accounts and keep writing craps
We are clean, we have nothing to hide,we can be checked, we didn't make trade for real money, not like you, again
what did u say? dropping cards on the table? it's like actually selfowning and ironic



ExCiDiuM <3


Quote from: teqi on April 02, 2014, 05:09:55 PM
yes tungi is not yours and the sky is green.
sm0g on mxc is you here, for sure you deleted your wts topics there trying to tell something new here lmao
I'm not afraid of anything, not like you having 234234 forum accounts and keep writing craps
We are clean, we have nothing to hide,we can be checked, we didn't make trade for real money, not like you, again
what did u say? dropping cards on the table? it's like actually selfowning and ironic
its nonsense ,i thought you will bring something what's actually worth to read.

@ Zenit:
I wasnt in BlackArmy in this server, not even in any clan before we joined warheads-also shall i mention denzo spoke with you not me,about joining n shit?So the begging story failed , your imagination is cool. About BlackArmy on Tarantula: I knew how it will end and since this BA is not the one i used to be as former member (and later leader on BFDE) i decided to stay away from the mass recruit policy.
I was in FatalIllusion dagger cp as prophet(zer0)((on paper, still not in clan)),but since that cp never formed,the dps' never logged (ask Songs, he was in that "CP" as well) we started to looking for an another one,because we was lv65ish' while there are still 0 info about the so called Fatal CP.
Get your shit straight before you trying to flame me,because apparently you just jumped out from your cave bragging all the small things you know about me(BlackArmy story ) trying to blackmail me. Half of your currently clan (even your enemies) knows me from previous servers,since 2005 and yea baby, im the one whos jumping around for epics, just ask them!


U must feel pro :) i took from 2 pt of exci for 3 my mates and what ?


Quote from: LadyZENITH on April 01, 2014, 04:17:10 PM
So, long story short, I stole bara after watching them to constantly fail at it for hour. BBla bla no big deal, happens every day.

Except the... tears I got from Cruel. I mean... from people that filled clan with nolifers, made ally with strongest clan ever, PKed and laid waste to everyone they could on every boss... and once there is a hiccup in the machine instant cry?

Oh, next time they will lose pvp once and half of the people will leave them, heh, if that isn't happening already.
You act like an ass for month and suddenly Im the selfish bastard and you are the people's hero and helper. Just suck it. I was even so nice I offered my help initially, you refused, your loss.

Here is the fun-slide. I suggest promoting mr Admiral in the clan, he represents well.

+1 on that action against cruel clan, full of scums that cheat/scam and sell for real money (based on hunches). May there be more actions in future and may they all cry and leave.
[img width=500height=200]https://i.imgur.com/PVvmb0S.jpg[/img]


never understand people who r moving their sh1t on public forums more over when they were playing in one clan.
Won a server in three month ? xD And now decided to throw your shits into a public? /Sad people are sad.
[Stalingard! Dnx15]    HNofs 2005-2014 Offline
[Fear Tarax3]             Narayan  2014     Offline


Quote from: N!k on April 03, 2014, 01:08:09 AM
never understand people who r moving their sh1t on public forums more over when they were playing in one clan.
Won a server in three month ? xD And now decided to throw your shits into a public? /Sad people are sad.
If i wouldnt got reported just because of butthurt, i would remain silent since  i have a thing called "honour among thieves"((cant translate it better tbh)).
I am far from sad, have no virtual things in the server besides the account i have since 2006/03/05 17:39 with a lv1 dwarf @ Tarantula,why would i bein' sad?


interesting story going on here, continue please