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Was that... a Cruel tear?



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Was that... a Cruel tear?

Started by LadyZENITH, April 01, 2014, 04:17:10 PM

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So, long story short, I stole bara after watching them to constantly fail at it for hour. BBla bla no big deal, happens every day.

Except the... tears I got from Cruel. I mean... from people that filled clan with nolifers, made ally with strongest clan ever, PKed and laid waste to everyone they could on every boss... and once there is a hiccup in the machine instant cry?

Oh, next time they will lose pvp once and half of the people will leave them, heh, if that isn't happening already.
You act like an ass for month and suddenly Im the selfish bastard and you are the people's hero and helper. Just suck it. I was even so nice I offered my help initially, you refused, your loss.

Here is the fun-slide. I suggest promoting mr Admiral in the clan, he represents well.

Infinity 5x: LadyZENITH - sps/sws - retired :(


Quote from: LadyZENITH on April 01, 2014, 04:17:10 PM
So, long story short, I stole bara after watching them to constantly fail at it for hour. BBla bla no big deal, happens every day.

Except the... tears I got from Cruel. I mean... from people that filled clan with nolifers, made ally with strongest clan ever, PKed and laid waste to everyone they could on every boss... and once there is a hiccup in the machine instant cry?

Oh, next time they will lose pvp once and half of the people will leave them, heh, if that isn't happening already.
You act like an ass for month and suddenly Im the selfish bastard and you are the people's hero and helper. Just suck it. I was even so nice I offered my help initially, you refused, your loss.

Here is the fun-slide. I suggest promoting mr Admiral in the clan, he represents well.


Now u`ve nobl, gz.  :)
ЕсÑ,ÑŒ ПуÑ,ин â€" есÑ,ÑŒ Россия, неÑ, ПуÑ,ина â€" неÑ, России ! (с)


Did you really make topic about ks'ing raid boss ? what the big deal, find something to do man coz you will end miserable


Quote from: tihic on April 01, 2014, 06:45:29 PM
Did you really make topic about ks'ing raid boss ? what the big deal, find something to do woman coz you will end miserable
btw gz for noblesse
Garn3tt  GS/SS exDN 15x
First Hero GS on server :D


Quote from: LadyZENITH on April 01, 2014, 04:17:10 PM
So, long story short, I stole bara after watching them to constantly fail at it for hour. BBla bla no big deal, happens every day.

Except the... tears I got from Cruel. I mean... from people that filled clan with nolifers, made ally with strongest clan ever, PKed and laid waste to everyone they could on every boss... and once there is a hiccup in the machine instant cry?

Oh, next time they will lose pvp once and half of the people will leave them, heh, if that isn't happening already.
You act like an ass for month and suddenly Im the selfish bastard and you are the people's hero and helper. Just suck it. I was even so nice I offered my help initially, you refused, your loss.

Here is the fun-slide. I suggest promoting mr Admiral in the clan, he represents well.


ur first and last goal on this server (thx to pure luck). I hope u made enough screenshot or video, because 99.9% that will be your best achievement till the server gonna be end.


Starts chat with you. Place you to his ignore list because you pm'ing him.

Scumbag Steve anyone?:p
professional retarded driver


@ zenit aka nostermagmus:
i heard pvping with boxed ol/wc 24/7 is an achievement.  also holding balls just to be able to enter epics then claiming 'i did everything alone' is also a huge milestep. in before  you ask who am i,  i am the one who was in your cp and u reported me after i quit (mostly coz of your "I" complex) coz you thought i sold my acc.  sadly gm's dont think in the same way after checking.
shall i mention to trackzero, you bought the valakas from sung (aka moarponys) or i should remain silent and let the tears flow? :)


Quote from: Abruzzi on April 02, 2014, 01:09:18 PM
Bara is like epic for random LIFERS. They think they are part of pvp for epic maybe :D
Maters not, the point was.

- PK everyone I can for 2 months.
- Single failure and cry cry cry, pretend I'm here to help the randoms.... err what?

Explain that you nuthead, do not comment on my goals those do not concern you.
Infinity 5x: LadyZENITH - sps/sws - retired :(


Quote from: localh0st on April 02, 2014, 02:52:49 PM
@ zenit aka nostermagmus:
i heard pvping with boxed ol/wc 24/7 is an achievement.  also holding balls just to be able to enter epics then claiming 'i did everything alone' is also a huge milestep. in before  you ask who am i,  i am the one who was in your cp and u reported me after i quit (mostly coz of your "I" complex) coz you thought i sold my acc.  sadly gm's dont think in the same way after checking.
shall i mention to trackzero, you bought the valakas from sung (aka moarponys) or i should remain silent and let the tears flow? :)

1, you are eurowarrior, go to your new dex for some cents, and you sold items and you are the almighty panda a.k.a sm0g on both this forum and maxcheaters, you were selling your friends accounts blacksheepwall and beyondthelaw
2, no1 gave a single cent for that valakas, moarponys gave to zenit since they go also to new dex, zenit was asking for antharas too but that was on hold for sale (euro) so your statements are invalid
funny some1 who still play la2 when server goes bad or seems to bad and he lost attraction to it selling items, and you are this kinda person, you were telling it on teamspeak
again the truth is sad.
3, about this I complex sh1t you are telling is a complete bullsh1t, zenit was that person who organised the first antharas, first ant queen even when you were stating IT IS IMPOSSIBLE TO KILL IT W/O CoV , ok
you were helping us killing aq until you get yours, not a single minute was spent on camping by you, it was always WE, denzo, me or zenit who were camping it with lvl 1 cams even 8 hours
so I ask now, should I mention the truth, that you sold your ant queen, your dc set your am acu? I have a feeling you sold even the account and later with TUNGI nick you created a topic which can be check back that your email was hacked faking hilarious kid you are

I know it can not be prooven probably, that you sold items but if gm would check tungi named char trades, he would see some interesting things :))
yes yes yes, we know "I guess" you gave it to your good friend who still plays here.

go your dex get some cents for mcdonalds burger, fkin lame ppl
next one please


The Special One
Blizzer TH/DA 43x HERO - reloaded as TH/PAL
20+ HERO on other dagger classes


Quote from: localh0st on April 02, 2014, 02:52:49 PM
@ zenit aka nostermagmus:
i heard pvping with boxed ol/wc 24/7 is an achievement.  also holding balls just to be able to enter epics then claiming 'i did everything alone' is also a huge milestep. in before  you ask who am i,  i am the one who was in your cp and u reported me after i quit (mostly coz of your "I" complex) coz you thought i sold my acc.  sadly gm's dont think in the same way after checking.
shall i mention to trackzero, you bought the valakas from sung (aka moarponys) or i should remain silent and let the tears flow? :)

why u made new account? what wrong with sm0g account? :D