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SF fail Vol2.

Started by LadyZENITH, April 05, 2014, 06:56:57 AM

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Quote from: LadyZENITH on April 06, 2014, 03:19:24 AM
Yeah send the 10 undergeared guys to win the pvp against the zerg. Sure that's gonna work. Sure that is what you with all your bravery would do. Oh wait....

I think helping whoever is there to make you lose is good enough for now. The idea of SF = public enemy, will in due time, work out.

You sometimes try to flame so hard that you keep embaresing yourself.

"Yeah send the 10 undergeared guys to win the pvp against the zerg. Sure that's gonna work. Sure that is what you with all your bravery would do. Oh wait.... "

You just prooved and denied all your pervious statements of the main reason of this post...go figure...your agaisnt yourself or trying to show off? Now you got me confused xD

Anyways, fail topic.

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Your confusion is correct and expected. It would probably require average intelligence to keep up with the logic. :P
Hint: There is a difference between bragging and mocking.
Infinity 5x: LadyZENITH - sps/sws - retired :(


Quote from: LadyZENITH on April 06, 2014, 03:49:55 AM
Your confusion is correct and expected. It would probably require average intelligence to keep up with the logic. :P
Hint: There is a difference between bragging and mocking.

Your IQ is lower then I expected your no fun.

My confusion isn't about what you thinking, so you even more burried then I though lol.

Again, hope your delighted with this incredible and awsome fail, and your pro, I mean, your AWSOME PLANNED to the milimiter actions to take Barakiel. You sir deserve my entire respect. Your mind-calculated-pressure-in-time-super-fast-logic-adaptation to situations is outstanding. Wounder why no1 hired you for the predictment teories at NASA yet... :) You should apply! :)

Yet again, I give you my sincere cgz!

Watch my DN Videos @ https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLv5j4v3iXRu4_tUU2rtBM8coghoTjQUtR

Subscribe for more and be updated: https://www.youtube.com/user/NunoPitbull?sub_confirmation=1

If you want drop me on PM some nice songs 4nextvid


No need to congratulate me. Accept your weakness and bring more parties and more destros next time.

And don't try to steer it. We are talking about your failure, not the 1st time it happened, lets not forget that. So there are only 2 choices. Either you suck very hard. Or those who stole it.... planned it better. Make your choice. Either way its very humiliating considering all the circumstances. :P First let 80% of the people die by raid curse (2 times) and then fail to take the boss with 3 parties and blame the games invite system? Ok, noted. 
Infinity 5x: LadyZENITH - sps/sws - retired :(


Quote from: LadyZENITH on April 06, 2014, 06:02:37 AM
No need to congratulate me. Accept your weakness and bring more parties and more destros next time.

And don't try to steer it. We are talking about your failure, not the 1st time it happened, lets not forget that. So there are only 2 choices. Either you suck very hard. Or those who stole it.... planned it better. Make your choice. Either way its very humiliating considering all the circumstances. :P First let 80% of the people die by raid curse (2 times) and then fail to take the boss with 3 parties and blame the games invite system? Ok, noted.

Your mind is still making u feel like ur a GOD. Lets give you the facts on your reply.

1) More parties? We were 2 parties, 3-4 people without pt on boxes, 1 party for bara(on which it only had 3 destros), and another for pvp with figther buffs(and we were mages xD)
2) Yes, your so pro stealing it 2 times, not even about luck, its really planned. Keep telling yourself that xD
3) RaidCurse? Yeah what about it? That didn't keep destro pt for re-killing barakiel did it? We still did it, you just last hited with 800 dmg from 3 destros criting 5k or whatever(No sit, it was ALL part of your PLAN cause you KNEW that you WOULD HIT those 800 dmg at that SPECIFIC time, and that on THAT specific time the detros wouldnt hit the boss, neither fo the 3. Dude, your BRILLIANT!!!)

4)We didn't die first time of RC cause fo invited system. Destros died to barakiel, cause they couldnt invite for damn 30 secs.Hope your destro can tank 30secs barakiel...aw wait...)

5) We didn't die 2x, we died 4x. And got curses alot mroe fo the time. As I told you, this RC system or whatever is it, kinda funky as well.

6) On all your acusation you try to distorce the facts, but i'm so sorry, you ain't got any luck wioth me. You may think your somewhat the king of drama/flame but ye, sorry :) Not with me here :D

Watch my DN Videos @ https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLv5j4v3iXRu4_tUU2rtBM8coghoTjQUtR

Subscribe for more and be updated: https://www.youtube.com/user/NunoPitbull?sub_confirmation=1

If you want drop me on PM some nice songs 4nextvid


I thank you for favoring me with you attention I did not read it whole as your rants get progressively bigger and more desperate.

So unless you want to repeat yourself once more in even angrier way, is there any other nice story you are gonna tell us?
Infinity 5x: LadyZENITH - sps/sws - retired :(


Quote from: LadyZENITH on April 06, 2014, 06:41:10 PM
I thank you for favoring me with you attention I did not read it whole as your rants get progressively bigger and more desperate.

So unless you want to repeat yourself once more in even angrier way, is there any other nice story you are gonna tell us?

Thats your department, the story one. As you prooved yourself, and us, countless times.

"When a man doesnt stand any arguments left, the best he can do its leave the fight like a man"

Gf lady.

Watch my DN Videos @ https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLv5j4v3iXRu4_tUU2rtBM8coghoTjQUtR

Subscribe for more and be updated: https://www.youtube.com/user/NunoPitbull?sub_confirmation=1

If you want drop me on PM some nice songs 4nextvid



Quote from: ZeniT on April 05, 2014, 02:37:41 PM
Noone can stop this badass madafaka LadyZenith

Thats why our clan employed him. He can provoke wars with anyone. Or talk to death anyone :D


Quote from: Trp on April 07, 2014, 07:10:00 AM

Thats why our clan employed him. He can provoke wars with anyone. Or talk to death anyone :D

So goodluck to your clan. He is a cursed.  ;D


Quote from: NunoPitbull on April 06, 2014, 03:03:10 AM
Yeah we failed...30secs with barakiel on 5% hp and damn invite not working thx to this DN uber feature...we surely did fail :) Beleive in it so you can sleep better, almighty uber power ladyZenith.

Again, hope ur last hits work on epics too.

Pls dont mystify. I was there too lying next to barakiel telling our nuker when to log in to KS. He didnt KS in time of your "DN invite bug" but after when hp started moving again. Or you want to tell me that Zyks KS barakiel at 5% HP with 800dmg hit ?

And isnt this what you wanted? Your member are PKing at every corner, pissing ppl off hard. Than you QQ when you get your medicine back. Than QQ than we dont accept war (ye, 10 ppl vs whole ally - you would like it, right?). Newsflash bro: You dont act in way rest of serve wants - so rest of server will not act like you want.

Enjoy partisan war till we finish some gear/exp :)



Quote from: kramligz on April 07, 2014, 07:15:21 AM
So goodluck to your clan. He is a cursed.  ;D

He is hardcore nolife crazy motherfreaka. Sometimes he talks to much. But you hardly find someone with better skills. Anyway we are used to end every server in 1CP clan with wars to everyone. Seems here we will get them before endgame, but whatever, maybe its time for change :D