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Why not quest for horn?

Started by unhandledexeption, April 08, 2014, 02:34:59 PM

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Quote from: unhandledexeption on April 08, 2014, 02:34:59 PM

I'm camping golkondas since two months i was at about 100 golkies, yet i didn't get any horns, and i'm not alone with this, and this probably makes a lot of ppl leave (i'm also thinking about leaving the server, cuz this is really boring). About 15 times our party made the last hit, but of course nothing dropped to me. (and the funniest, that it seems i will make noblesse before i get a horn... as i already have a lvl 65 offsub)

But as everybody is subbed already in my clan except me, some ppl are coming to help with their offsubs and alt chars... and guess what happened at all times when they come to help... of course they got the horn.

However the whole golky system is a fail, but this is the biggest fail, that ppl can't come for help only, as there is a chance that they will get the horn. In old times there was a quest for it, so who wanted to help only, didn't take this quest, so they didn't get horn.
However it's also really bad, that ppl with offsubs have the same chance to get their second horn, as the ppl who never got a horn.


Quote from: =drake= on April 09, 2014, 12:13:01 AM
The dynamic system could seem fail for the adena drop but you forget to consider that on high levels mats are more useful than adena.

You can have a char lv50 farming adena constantly (and if is a bot is just going to be banned) but if you invest your time at lv80, you MAY get same or (rare case) less adena but at same time you gain items with much higher value.

(plus the dynamic adena curve kills totally inflaction)

For the horn: true no more needed the quest because well: is not needed at all (it would have done the same checks as now directly the raidboss is doing).
So: you can approach quest golkies if you are not in subbed status.

I may offer those 3 conditions if we really want to change it:
a) we stay like now (quest golkie you can do if you are not in sub status)
b) we allow do golkies only if that char have ZERO subclasses (fully zero)
c) we stay like now BUT we give put in priority of get the horn to the ones that have ZERO subclasses

We poll it?

The C option would be the best and fair for everyone.
Vash aka Mardun / SoBOtA / ChriSBrowN

Naiz  / Teutates

ExCiDiuM / CaerSidi


Option 3 would be the best one for all I guess
You Are Going To Love Me Or Hate !!!
Infinity Player -  FriendCrafter


C option is currently active since yesterday night :)

There are two ways to implement it (right now is method 1):

I test all chars regardless of being never subbed or not. I simply put different (lower) % chances if they are subbed already.
With this method subbed chars have still a chance (but lower than before) to get a horn even if in party there is 1 never subbed char

I first test all never subbed chars. If no horn is delivered on the first test, then i test all other chars (subbed).
With this method subbed chars will never get a horn IF there is in their party at least 1 player who never had horn.


Quote from: =drake= on April 09, 2014, 12:34:22 PM
C option is currently active since yesterday night :)

There are two ways to implement it (right now is method 1):

I test all chars regardless of being never subbed or not. I simply put different (lower) % chances if they are subbed already.
With this method subbed chars have still a chance (but lower than before) to get a horn even if in party there is 1 never subbed char

I first test all never subbed chars. If no horn is delivered on the first test, then i test all other chars (subbed).
With this method subbed chars will never get a horn IF there is in their party at least 1 player who never had horn.

Method2 FTW!
Your friendly neighbourhood forum troll.


imho, just raise the number of quest horns for every golky.
if i'm correct, right now is 1-2 right?
just make it 4-5 and it will be fine
Garn3tt  GS/SS exDN 15x
First Hero GS on server :D


Quote from: Garn. on April 09, 2014, 01:19:07 PM
imho, just raise the number of quest horns for every golky.
if i'm correct, right now is 1-2 right?
just make it 4-5 and it will be fine

They are not pinatas....
please lets keep the logic, the cow have 2 horns on his head so makes sense it drops max two horns :) (i dont want to know from where could come out the 3rd one :D)

We have 5 quest golkies + 1 TOI. Is plenty and much more than old servers.
I still dont see the problem as from graphs you can clearly see that the amount of spawns and respawn time is fully aligned with the players count. (in fact, they are 10% more as the graph is raising)
(If spawns was too few, the graph would go down as horns are consumed faster than obtained)



And there is always the GoE option: if you all go there and enjoy doing PVP (real, not PvDualbox) instead of stay AFK hoping to get a random horn from golkies you would be able to gain in 2 hours of PVP a horn as reward.
People should stop this attitude of avoiding pvp until have "all 100% +30 skillz0r lv99R2+ OEmega" before doing PVP....