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Why not quest for horn?



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Why not quest for horn?

Started by unhandledexeption, April 08, 2014, 02:34:59 PM

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I'm camping golkondas since two months i was at about 100 golkies, yet i didn't get any horns, and i'm not alone with this, and this probably makes a lot of ppl leave (i'm also thinking about leaving the server, cuz this is really boring). About 15 times our party made the last hit, but of course nothing dropped to me. (and the funniest, that it seems i will make noblesse before i get a horn... as i already have a lvl 65 offsub)

But as everybody is subbed already in my clan except me, some ppl are coming to help with their offsubs and alt chars... and guess what happened at all times when they come to help... of course they got the horn.

However the whole golky system is a fail, but this is the biggest fail, that ppl can't come for help only, as there is a chance that they will get the horn. In old times there was a quest for it, so who wanted to help only, didn't take this quest, so they didn't get horn.
However it's also really bad, that ppl with offsubs have the same chance to get their second horn, as the ppl who never got a horn.
Disconnect HE/WK infinity 5x, BlackArmy (abandoned with the server...)
Farostlemez TK rpg-club federation (abandoned)


you can allways spoil/craft/seed/farm aa and buy normal horn from ppl


Quote from: unhandledexeption on April 08, 2014, 02:34:59 PM

I'm camping golkondas since two months i was at about 100 golkies, yet i didn't get any horns, and i'm not alone with this, and this probably makes a lot of ppl leave (i'm also thinking about leaving the server, cuz this is really boring). About 15 times our party made the last hit, but of course nothing dropped to me.

But as everybody is subbed already in my clan except me, some ppl are coming to help with their offsubs and alt chars... and guess what happened at all times when they come to help... of course they got the horn.

However the whole golky system is a fail, but this is the biggest fail, that ppl can't come for help only, as there is a chance that they will get the horn. In old times there was a quest for it, so who wanted to help only, didn't take this quest, so they didn't get horn.
However it's also really bad, that ppl with offsubs have the same chance to get their second horn, as the ppl who never got a horn.

Improve your clan system, farm adena togother with clan and buy horn for clan members, horn is cheap now


I have already enough money for a horn, maybe for two... but that's not the point. The point is this current system is unfair, and flawed.
I don't want to pay for something that should be free. Others already buying S grade items from their money and i should spend my money on a fking horn? And after ~100 golkies no one can say that i didn't tried hard.
But this is not just about me, it's about the population of server too. If i would be a new player, and i wouldn't played on infinity, and know how good a high level masspvps and sieges are, then i would leave the server long time ago.

(BTW horn is everything but not cheap... 380kk? that's a price of an A armor set... and not much cheaper than a premium horn)
Disconnect HE/WK infinity 5x, BlackArmy (abandoned with the server...)
Farostlemez TK rpg-club federation (abandoned)


Totally agree. It's hard to get substack on a substack server. Yes, what an irony.

I'm talking about casual people, not active parties. Even on market there are very few horns around and on megaprices.

I play on a substack server because I want to be substack. Asap. Till now for many of us its a normal server, even 3 months later. And forget about substacking your boxes or retails, lal, what a joke.


Make quest for QQ guys like this:

Hunt down 6million elpys!


I want static rates x10, coz im 4 or more years older then the times when we play on dragon interlude, and i dont have time for Exp on x3 rates.

i dont have time to make destro for trains for faster exp, when i want to exp my TH here, its like trying to make a whole in wall with a sponge Oo. Even full buffed.

i dont like the tatoo system when i need to switch tatoo for mana or for other shit. ( mana pots back )
i dont like this golky system, every golky should have a 50% rate for drop horn(like dragon) + 2x quest horn ( when u make ratail subclas able to stack sub its never ending story to make sub, coz now, nolifers stacking his retails classes, when u calculate it, we got  the worst chances to get horn then on any other dragon server, thats not keep people play here )
i dont like adena drop system, how the freak is that possible.... 40 lvl mobs drop around 20k-30k depends of place where are u, and mobs on 70+ lvl example on hs drop 10k ?
i dont like rulez about boxes, im solo player and i want to get my pp and bd on back.
i want community server ON

i dont see you pay me for game, and u talked so much about it?

i dont see you saying how many players play now on tarantula, 2 months ago it was around 2k. And now 1k ? i dont see anyother reason why u shouldnt tell us about online players.

if u want more players do something with this. im guessing everybody who left server have same problem as me.
basicaly most important are, rates and how much chance for stack sub we got and i think i got more chance for find a baium ring on ground then get horn.



Quote from: Stormix88 on April 08, 2014, 05:33:09 PM
I want static rates x10, coz im 4 or more years older then the times when we play on dragon interlude, and i dont have time for Exp on x3 rates.

i dont have time to make destro for trains for faster exp, when i want to exp my TH here, its like trying to make a whole in wall with a sponge Oo. Even full buffed.

i dont like the tatoo system when i need to switch tatoo for mana or for other shit. ( mana pots back )
i dont like this golky system, every golky should have a 50% rate for drop horn(like dragon) + 2x quest horn ( when u make ratail subclas able to stack sub its never ending story to make sub, coz now, nolifers stacking his retails classes, when u calculate it, we got  the worst chances to get horn then on any other dragon server, thats not keep people play here )
i dont like adena drop system, how the freak is that possible.... 40 lvl mobs drop around 20k-30k depends of place where are u, and mobs on 70+ lvl example on hs drop 10k ?
i dont like rulez about boxes, im solo player and i want to get my pp and bd on back.
i want community server ON

i dont see you pay me for game, and u talked so much about it?

i dont see you saying how many players play now on tarantula, 2 months ago it was around 2k. And now 1k ? i dont see anyother reason why u shouldnt tell us about online players.

if u want more players do something with this. im guessing everybody who left server have same problem as me.
basicaly most important are, rates and how much chance for stack sub we got and i think i got more chance for find a baium ring on ground then get horn.


Have you ever though, you might be on the wrong server? ;)


Quote from: Moska23 on April 08, 2014, 06:24:00 PM
Have you ever though, you might be on the wrong server? ;)

Yep u right, i should play on other interlude server. With rates i prefer.



Quote from: Stormix88 on April 08, 2014, 05:33:09 PM
I want static rates x10, coz im 4 or more years older then the times when we play on dragon interlude, and i dont have time for Exp on x3 rates.

i dont have time to make destro for trains for faster exp, when i want to exp my TH here, its like trying to make a whole in wall with a sponge Oo. Even full buffed.

i dont like the tatoo system when i need to switch tatoo for mana or for other shit. ( mana pots back )
i dont like this golky system, every golky should have a 50% rate for drop horn(like dragon) + 2x quest horn ( when u make ratail subclas able to stack sub its never ending story to make sub, coz now, nolifers stacking his retails classes, when u calculate it, we got  the worst chances to get horn then on any other dragon server, thats not keep people play here )
i dont like adena drop system, how the freak is that possible.... 40 lvl mobs drop around 20k-30k depends of place where are u, and mobs on 70+ lvl example on hs drop 10k ?
i dont like rulez about boxes, im solo player and i want to get my pp and bd on back.
i want community server ON

i dont see you pay me for game, and u talked so much about it?

i dont see you saying how many players play now on tarantula, 2 months ago it was around 2k. And now 1k ? i dont see anyother reason why u shouldnt tell us about online players.

if u want more players do something with this. im guessing everybody who left server have same problem as me.
basicaly most important are, rates and how much chance for stack sub we got and i think i got more chance for find a baium ring on ground then get horn.


ban him and never let back. thx


Quote from: ZeniT on April 08, 2014, 07:24:45 PM
ban him and never let back. thx

seriously, how old are you? whenever i read your post it makes me suicidal!
DeathAkira - ES member, Dragon serv
emissary - FI member, infinity serv
emissary - FI member, valkyria serv


Quote from: emissary on April 08, 2014, 07:34:18 PM
seriously, how old are you? whenever i read your post it makes me suicidal!

for sure 12-13