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Started by Stormix88, April 10, 2014, 12:55:04 AM

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GM close a Horn Topic, so i need to start another because i want to say something about possibility to get a DN Subclass.

Current we have got 6 Golky - 5 at starting location and 1 main in TOI.

it's fine for server wich exist 2 or more years, but for new server i think its not enought, after 2 months of trying to get Quest horn i can say few things about that.

So far Horn is a benefiction for skilled players who know how to play, new players can be really confused seeing 10 destros rushing golky when he's near 5% HP.
GM's need to realize that, not everybody playing 10 hours per day and have time to hunt that Horn ( anyway we dont even know the time of spawn ), i think more players play less then 2 hour per day, but to keep the server alive u need all of them.

There's many type of players, one like pvp,mass pvp others like to play for fun pve, and another like making Quests... ect.

You need to remember that, this is a sub-server and ppl came here to make sub-character, and you should give everybody chance to get it, in their own way, but in your rules.

My point is that, the horn policy is unefective for now, im saying that as a experienced Dragon player.

We got around 70 ppl in clan, and still nobody is subbed. We are not so skilled as FW, FC and many others, to farm enought Adena/Coins to get Horn.

Always more then 100 people trying to get that quest horn, do the math to see how luckly u need to be to get that...
We need other way to farm it.

I got one idea and i want to know your opinion, what do you think about that ( dont spam ).
Somebody somewhere on this forum sayed something about "Horn Fragment".

Now we got 5 Quest Horn and one Drop Horn, average every 36 Hours 6 ppl can get sub.
im thinking about adding one to be made.

I dont want to destroy your calculations about Horn rate per day or increase to much chance of getting Horn by players.

I'm thinking about new way to get it by increasing time of spawn Quest golky every from 1 to even 5 hour ( it doesnt matter coz people now dont wait for it, ppl just go there when they see the announcement on chat ).

And get us a chance to farm a "Hornfragment"
Every golky could drop one or more hornfragment wich could be picked by any players no matter about dmg ( or it could go to the party with highest dmg, it doesnt matter )

Just for example:
( I know TOI golky got diferent spawn, im doing it just to show how the system work )
6 Subs every 36 hours > we got average 28 subs per one week

Increasing spawn to 40 hours > we got average 25 sub per week.

28-25 = 3  >  so 3 subs dissapeard

Every golky drop few fragments of horn. to make horn for example u need 8 fragment.   25 / 3 = 8.3  > 3 missed horns are makeable by fragments.

You can add some other items needed to make horn, like Donator Coin   > 8 fragments + 1 dc = QuestHorn. ( fragments are tradeable ).

You are happy coz ppl buy coin for sub, and we are hapy coz we got new way to make Sub.



make full pt and got 2 horns with quest golky...
I think u are player evilbunnies or blackarmy, who never started golky
1)go to cata on farm aa and spoil sop
2) go to garden of eva
3) buy donator coins
FuriousWolfs dragon x15 Loyola-ne/pp
Tarantula Loyola sws/tk- one on the world
Hellraiser vol.1 Loyola ne/da KuKluxKlan pr/sk
vol.2 Loyola wk/da


Quote from: GestapoPolizei on April 10, 2014, 01:11:13 AM
make full pt and got 2 horns with quest golky...
I think u are player evilbunnies or blackarmy, who never started golky
1)go to cata on farm aa and spoil sop
2) go to garden of eva
3) buy donator coins

Lets give him applause. :P
Yeah! Please do Gesta suggestion. It really helps very much.


Topic creater is from one of the pussy clans who are waiting for the last hit, and camping golky for few hours long, wait for milion ppl to group there and then QQ i dont have q horn
My CP have all chars subbed, with alrdy few subbed retails, and we didnt have to complain about it as much as u do, becouse we didnt fck cry nor wait for ppl to group, once golky was up we was logging destro and starting immediately to finish before zerg comes.


Quote from: Peorexo on April 10, 2014, 09:28:14 AM
Topic creater is from one of the pussy clans who are waiting for the last hit, and camping golky for few hours long, wait for milion ppl to group there and then QQ i dont have q horn
My CP have all chars subbed, with alrdy few subbed retails, and we didnt have to complain about it as much as u do, becouse we didnt fck cry nor wait for ppl to group, once golky was up we was logging destro and starting immediately to finish before zerg comes.

As i said,

Many players are skilled and know how get that what they want, unfortunetly we dont have destro online all the time, we got all classes in clan.
I think Horn couldnt be related with destros, it should be possible to get by any class, even TANK.
That's why i came with my suggestion.
Destros its not the solution.

"hornfragment" its a just a proposition, u can thigure some other way. I wanted to mark a problem and i did it.
People crying coz its hard to get one, so if you dont have problem to get Horn, GZ to you, many other got that problem.

i dont know the online right now, if its higher or lower than 2k. if its lower, we should to think about something to increase that, one way is by solving main problems, starting from this topic.


Let's say they make the fragment idea happen.

Q golky respawn time is 36-72h random as i heard. So avg. is 54h.
~3 of each quest golky/week -> 15 quest golky/week.

If each of them drops lets say 2 items, it's 30 items/week.

~100ppl at each golky, let's say 50 will have the chance to pick the item up. You chance getting one is ~4% (if noone uses any software and won't fuk you up by dropping items around you).
So you'll need 200 golkies to get 1 horn (counting by 8 items required). Hf
steps ins.

I've done wrong but these mistakes will always teach me
To keep my head straight, and find the best way.


Quote from: GestapoPolizei on April 10, 2014, 01:11:13 AM
make full pt and got 2 horns with quest golky...
I think u are player evilbunnies or blackarmy, who never started golky
1)go to cata on farm aa and spoil sop
2) go to garden of eva
3) buy donator coins
We killed some golky before gms introduced the announcement thing on golkies.
That time we had 40+ active players later (1 month after server start) 2 cp left the clan many of them has horn and they started asslicking big clans. 2 weeks later they were clanless again and that was the last time when I saw them in game.
Few members left the server around 60-65 level.
Now we have 14-18 mostly active ppl. 9-10 member are already subbed few of them have horns on retailsub too.

Sorry about that we sticked together and we dont act like pussies those who want to be only on winner side or have big mouths only with zerg.

Btw thanks to FW for start to kill golkies in this hard times.
Quote from: =^TrackZero^= on January 09, 2014, 10:14:08 AM
- There wont be Armor/shields at donation NPC.


Quote from: mlhungary8 on April 10, 2014, 10:07:41 AM
Let's say they make the fragment idea happen.

Q golky respawn time is 36-72h random as i heard. So avg. is 54h.
~3 of each quest golky/week -> 15 quest golky/week.

If each of them drops lets say 2 items, it's 30 items/week.

~100ppl at each golky, let's say 50 will have the chance to pick the item up. You chance getting one is ~4% (if noone uses any software and won't fuk you up by dropping items around you).
So you'll need 200 golkies to get 1 horn (counting by 8 items required). Hf

items could be able to trade, when hmmm ..lets say "event" with GolkyFragment appeard it could be hard to get any of those fragment coz everybody will keep them, to make their own horn. So at start it could drop little bit more fragments.

Fragments can be sold in market  Horn is worth around 500kk - one part could cost around 40kk or more/less on market (around 40kk coz horn could need a bit more coins to be create, like one or two ;] ), it make a chance for low lvl players to make a bit stronger by selling it, plus it make adena more fluence.

i See many positiv aspects in this "event", soon or later many players will make horn by this parts, it just need to be calculated well in chance.

Anybody think its a good plan, or in you opinion its just a waste of time. I know server need to get reall money to work, but try to understand newbie players ;)


As long as horn is purchasable at donny manager while the server is new and this item is on high demand i don't expect to be any easier to get horn.The simple way:donate and get horn.BUT i remember in  Nightmare u could trade moonstones for horn at Mammon.This is a good idea t help ppl that likes farming than  chasing Golkos 24/7.By this way anyone can get Horn by simply farming ms or farming smhting else and buying ms.
My personal opinion is that it is indeed hard to get a horn if u r on a small CP and just playing 2-3 hrs per day.Still i think this proposition wont happen coz Horn is a high demand item->Horn @ Donny->more money for server....


If you really want to do something about horns, imo you should suggest a non-tradeable item which can be obtained by hunting golkies.
Not most damage related, those will fuk it up anyway. But something like item based on constant hit.
I have no idea if it's doable, but you could obtain item if you hit it 70% of the time while its being killed.

Or you could just simply apply a new kind of horn, it can only be used by people with zero subclass. Quest golkies can drop it with 20% chance.

Or you could just let people work harder for something unique^^
steps ins.

I've done wrong but these mistakes will always teach me
To keep my head straight, and find the best way.


Quote from: GestapoPolizei on April 10, 2014, 01:11:13 AM
make full pt and got 2 horns with quest golky...
I think u are player evilbunnies or blackarmy, who never started golky
1)go to cata on farm aa and spoil sop
2) go to garden of eva
3) buy donator coins
Horn cost 40 DC at Donny.. so 40 DC = hmmm 800kk? You kinda need to farm 24/7 in cata/necro while Seal drop is hmm 1x? And who the f*** gonna donate 40 bucks or euros for horn? Server is "stacksub" so people expect, that they will get horn on easy way....

Garden, you serious think people w/o stacksub, noble with b/a grade have chance vs Heroes, people with S grade, etc,...?

Top clans with their destros ( in S grade, full buffs ) still hunting Golkondas dunno for what, so new people have no fu****** chance to get horn

Less and less people playing here, so Steps and company from top clans start caring for the server and not for your own asses!!


Quote from: mlhungary8 on April 10, 2014, 10:07:41 AM
Let's say they make the fragment idea happen.

Q golky respawn time is 36-72h random as i heard. So avg. is 54h.
~3 of each quest golky/week -> 15 quest golky/week.

If each of them drops lets say 2 items, it's 30 items/week.

~100ppl at each golky, let's say 50 will have the chance to pick the item up. You chance getting one is ~4% (if noone uses any software and won't fuk you up by dropping items around you).
So you'll need 200 golkies to get 1 horn (counting by 8 items required). Hf

or try to make it like Cloak's quest at gracia chronicle 1fragment per 1golky (even if u hit it once) then raise the amount of items that u need to get q horn