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Quest golkies



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Quest golkies

Started by Dzadro, April 11, 2014, 11:35:09 PM

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Again, I would like to repeat the topic. Mby we should re think once again the issue? Q golky appears, crowds of people comes and no1 wants to start, hoping just for last hit. Mby instead of 2 horns for last hit we should implement 1quest horn for last hit and 1 also quest horn for dmg? It is pathetic watching 50+people around golky standing and doing nothing. No1 wants to waste frenzy/mana to start the golky cuz most of the time, the party that starts, doesn't get the last hit.

Please discuss, once again. Regards.


I wanna ask sth., is there any level restriction to obtain this quest horn?? how does this work??


Quote from: Dzadro on April 11, 2014, 11:35:09 PM
Again, I would like to repeat the topic. Mby we should re think once again the issue? Q golky appears, crowds of people comes and no1 wants to start, hoping just for last hit. Mby instead of 2 horns for last hit we should implement 1quest horn for last hit and 1 also quest horn for dmg? It is pathetic watching 50+people around golky standing and doing nothing. No1 wants to waste frenzy/mana to start the golky cuz most of the time, the party that starts, doesn't get the last hit.

Please discuss, once again. Regards.

I fully support this idea. 1 quest horn for dmg will  motivate people to start golka as fast as possible and cut a little bit this "last hit" lottery.


QuoteMby instead of 2 horns for last hit we should implement 1quest horn for last hit and 1 also quest horn for dmg?

Sounds reasonable to me and should solve the problem of sitting on ass. There should be of course some restrictions, like having to hit Golky at least x minutes before it dies (and resetting the max dmg counter, so failed attempts don't block it), not being dead or 50km away. And maybe having same chance for this Horn as for second Horn in last hit party at the moment.


Quote from: remeron on April 11, 2014, 11:46:48 PM
I wanna ask sth., is there any level restriction to obtain this quest horn?? how does this work??

anyone to answer?


I think there isnt any minimum level you can obtain horn. But you can use it first at 76(?) lvl.

If Quest golky would drop 2 horns (smth like "barakiel" = last hit gets quest item (q horn) and most dealt dmg gets drops (horn)), respawn would have to be longer becouse there would be way 2x more horns like now and that's what drake dont want to. :)
professional retarded driver




2 horns for last hit, AND 2 horns for highest damage party would be nice.

However still not as good as the horn fragment suggestions...
Disconnect HE/WK infinity 5x, BlackArmy (abandoned with the server...)
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Quote from: Vendettacz on April 12, 2014, 10:49:36 AMIf Quest golky would drop 2 horns (smth like "barakiel" = last hit gets quest item (q horn) and most dealt dmg gets drops (horn)), respawn would have to be longer becouse there would be way 2x more horns like now and that's what drake dont want to. :)

Atm quest golkies already give 2horns (quest ones), so it will not require any resp time changes. 1horn for last hit and 1for dmg (I wrote that it should be QUEST horn as well, but given to biggest dmg party, not the tradable one).


Quote from: unhandledexeption on April 12, 2014, 10:56:11 AM
2 horns for last hit, AND 2 horns for highest damage party would be nice.

And 5 horns for anyone who is watching it dies. :D


Better to  increase range, atm subbed chars can stay ~800-900 range.

Zenith/Infinity - Shillien Templar/Ghost Hunter (80/80)
Innova EU Core - Sigel Eva's Templar (99) // Wynn Spectral Master (99)


bump, same thing as always. 100ppl no1 there to start