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Quest golkies

Started by Dzadro, April 11, 2014, 11:35:09 PM

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what's the point of this new sub system? Now golky drops a full horn for last hit, and 4 shards for the same party. That's the same as it was before, just now they can sell the second horn in shards.

This is just the "castrated" version of the original shard suggestion.
Disconnect HE/WK infinity 5x, BlackArmy (abandoned with the server...)
Farostlemez TK rpg-club federation (abandoned)


Quote from: unhandledexeption on April 19, 2014, 12:58:32 PM
what's the point of this new sub system? Now golky drops a full horn for last hit, and 4 shards for the same party. That's the same as it was before, just now they can sell the second horn in shards.

This is just the "castrated" version of the original shard suggestion.
Shards goes to max dmg,so finally ppls will start golkondas and not just waiting for last hit.
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It's simple drop, so it goes to last hit party.
Disconnect HE/WK infinity 5x, BlackArmy (abandoned with the server...)
Farostlemez TK rpg-club federation (abandoned)


Drop for last hit not for biggest dmg? Something have changed?


1. The 4 shards will drop to the party that deals the most damage to the golky.
2. The party that last hits the golky well receive a quest horn.

What's so hard about understanding that?
Dragon c3/c4

Twix http://i.imgur.com/ijnOBg4.jpg?1


Quote from: _okazaki_ on April 19, 2014, 04:09:32 PM
1. The 4 shards will drop to the party that deals the most damage to the golky.
2. The party that last hits the golky well receive a quest horn.

What's so hard about understanding that?
english, most likely.
Garn3tt  GS/SS exDN 15x
First Hero GS on server :D


Quote from: _okazaki_ on April 19, 2014, 04:09:32 PM1. The 4 shards will drop to the party that deals the most damage to the golky.

On this server drops are pickable for last hit party, not the biggest damage. As shards drop as simple drop, i don't think this is different.
Disconnect HE/WK infinity 5x, BlackArmy (abandoned with the server...)
Farostlemez TK rpg-club federation (abandoned)


Never have I heard bigger stupidity...Ok, ok, I did, but this is just pure L2 master's knowledge.
If somehow you are right and drops goes for the last hit on quest golkies, it is a bug and needs to be fixed as fast as possible.


Shards are going to that pty who made the most dmg cause its DROP like at toi golky if u do the most dmg u will get horn!And for lasthit some1 get 1 Q horn thats all


Quote from: Dzadro on April 20, 2014, 01:21:05 PM
Never have I heard bigger stupidity...Ok, ok, I did, but this is just pure L2 master's knowledge.
If somehow you are right and drops goes for the last hit on quest golkies, it is a bug and needs to be fixed as fast as possible.

LOL you don't know what are you talking about, or if it's true or not, but i tell stupid things? :))
Look at yourself...
Disconnect HE/WK infinity 5x, BlackArmy (abandoned with the server...)
Farostlemez TK rpg-club federation (abandoned)


Quote from: _okazaki_ on April 19, 2014, 04:09:32 PM
1. The 4 shards will drop to the party that deals the most damage to the golky.
2. The party that last hits the golky well receive a quest horn.

What's so hard about understanding that?
Shadow x10: Zsu
Tarantula: Lycan


Quote from: unhandledexeption on April 20, 2014, 04:21:20 PM
LOL you don't know what are you talking about, or if it's true or not, but i tell stupid things? :))
Look at yourself...
Enlight me then