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Woof Woof: The new rising powers. Haters gonna hate. :P



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Woof Woof: The new rising powers. Haters gonna hate. :P

Started by kramligz, April 14, 2014, 02:54:38 AM

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Dear Avid Haters Club,

Good day.
Below are the quotes compilation of your hates message to us. Since our CL is the most humble of all. I will be humble too. :P

Quote from: ZeniT on March 23, 2014, 12:11:48 PM
this clan is the shame of L2

never seen such a hardcore pve carebears before.

You have >3pt 24/7 and you talk about u cant accept war, cuz you are not nolifers.
Even in 1v5 u dont have ballz to hit back, from my 2xx pk you are 150+, sometimes in 1v10 you grow ballz for 1 minute, but thats all.
XD Srsly go play some single player game, mmo is not for you.

Any chance to accept wars before server die or you realy enjoy pve 365/24?

Quote from: sethi on March 31, 2014, 11:44:09 AM
wadap guys? gonna finish your subs and lvls anytime soon? or u just waiting until everyone leave?

Your wishes has been granted guys.

Quote from: Moska23 on March 31, 2014, 08:09:52 PM
Update? You no longer own a castle :)

Updated: 4 Castles has been owned including ally castle [Aden].  :P

Quote from: NunoPitbull on March 30, 2014, 11:26:36 PM
means everytime u did "woof woof" your flaming urselfs how bad ur PvE skills are? Cause if our fighters CP has full S/subs and didnt played here frmo start, while FW did and ur not yet subed, you failed aswell at PvE...

Seriously, grow some ballz and start pvping...

What did you say? We are proving now that your thinking skills are shit.

Clan/Ally report as of now.
Olympiad: Dominating. So dominating = success.
Sieges: 4 castles owned. Owned = Success
Raids: Sometimes loose but mostly wins. :P

So! as the summary of this facking spam topic or to prove the title above. Lets do math. Let us say we failed on epics. Sieges 1 point, Oly 1 point and epics 0. So we have 2 points to dominate the whole server. 2 > 1.  8)

Enjoy hating us guys and enjoy the game.

Truly yours,


Updated: 10 Haters has been registered and counting.  8)



Quote from: Peorexo on April 14, 2014, 10:05:31 AM
Actually its 4 castles

oh! really? thanks. I don't have an update on ally. :D I will update the post. So that haters gonna hate most. :P


Such an attention whore. Got excited, cuz of some stupid castles. Show us some of your power on epics, cuz for now you're presenting yourself as a wonderful carpet under us on every single epic.

And about this lololympiaddomination. It's not clan domination, while you have 3 heroes. I can't deny that Fly is prolly the best glad on Tarantula atm, but he is the only reason why FW even exist on olympiad.
Vash aka Mardun / SoBOtA / ChriSBrowN

Naiz  / Teutates

ExCiDiuM / CaerSidi


Quote from: Sokrates on April 14, 2014, 10:10:58 AM
Such an attention whore. Got excited, cuz of some stupid castles. Show us some of your power on epics, cuz for now you're presenting yourself as a wonderful carpet under us on every single epic.

And about this lololympiaddomination. It's not clan domination, while you have 3 heroes. I can't deny that Fly is prolly the best glad on Tarantula atm, but he is the only reason why FW even exist on olympiad.

You're hater registration number is 1. Maybe you can be the president of the FW Haters Club Society :P


Quote from: kramligz on April 14, 2014, 02:54:38 AM
Dear Avid Haters Club,

Good day.
Below are the quotes compilation of your hates message to us. Since our CL is the most humble of all. I will be humble too. :P

Your wishes has been granted guys.

Updated: 4 Castles has been owned including ally castle [Aden].  :P

What did you say? We are proving now that your thinking skills are shit.

Clan/Ally report as of now.
Olympiad: Dominating. So dominating = success.
Sieges: 4 castles owned. Owned = Success
Raids: Sometimes loose but mostly wins. :P

So! as the summary of this facking spam topic or to prove the title above. Lets do math. Let us say we failed on epics. Sieges 1 point, Oly 1 point and epics 0. So we have 2 points to dominate the whole server. 2 > 1.  8)

Enjoy hating us guys and enjoy the game.

Truly yours,


made my day xD


Vash aka Mardun / SoBOtA / ChriSBrowN

Naiz  / Teutates

ExCiDiuM / CaerSidi



ps: recruit more jesters like topic starter, at least they can make other ppl's day.


Quote from: kramligz on April 14, 2014, 02:54:38 AM
Dear Avid Haters Club,

Good day.
Below are the quotes compilation of your hates message to us. Since our CL is the most humble of all. I will be humble too. :P

Your wishes has been granted guys.

Updated: 4 Castles has been owned including ally castle [Aden].  :P

What did you say? We are proving now that your thinking skills are shit.

Clan/Ally report as of now.
Olympiad: Dominating. So dominating = success.
Sieges: 4 castles owned. Owned = Success
Raids: Sometimes loose but mostly wins. :P

So! as the summary of this facking spam topic or to prove the title above. Lets do math. Let us say we failed on epics. Sieges 1 point, Oly 1 point and epics 0. So we have 2 points to dominate the whole server. 2 > 1.  8)

Enjoy hating us guys and enjoy the game.

Truly yours,




Idk what u owned since Semprefidelis ally is inactive ... And as i saw on frintezza got owned by excidum   where is the owning here ? I cant see it :)


Quote from: Insp1re on April 14, 2014, 01:11:36 PM

Congratulations you are hater #2. Welcome to the haters club of fw. :D

Quote from: Garro on April 14, 2014, 11:37:35 AM
When I was reading it first time I thought that its some kind of troll or joke, but then I realized that you are FW member and you can actually think what you just wrote here XD Thanks dude, It made my day!

Congratulations you are hater #3. Welcome to the haters club of fw. :D

Quote from: teqi on April 14, 2014, 11:32:19 AM

ps: recruit more jesters like topic starter, at least they can make other ppl's day.

Congratulations you are hater #4. Welcome to the haters club of fw. :D

Quote from: exeQutor on April 14, 2014, 02:03:01 PM
Idk what u owned since Semprefidelis ally is inactive ... And as i saw on frintezza got owned by excidum   where is the owning here ? I cant see it :)

Congratulations you are hater #5. Welcome to the haters club of fw. :D

;D Don't hesitate to express your hate guys. It's ok, we can feel you.
