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Woof Woof: The new rising powers. Haters gonna hate. :P

Started by kramligz, April 14, 2014, 02:54:38 AM

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 As for me was just few nice fights. Gludio/Inadril/Baium/Anthatas. Castle fights for my ally/ epics for exi side.
gf see ya at next pvp's.
What i really hope is that SF side will reactivate again. 3side server would be awesome.
[Stalingard! Dnx15]    HNofs 2005-2014 Offline
[Fear Tarax3]             Narayan  2014     Offline


Quote from: kramligz on April 14, 2014, 04:00:27 PM




;D Don't hesitate to express your hate guys. It's ok, we can feel you.

...I don't really wanna feel anybody of them.
Natami ee/es - Fear clan

Chisane aw/sk - Totally retired


Quote from: Garro on April 14, 2014, 04:37:54 PM
You are counting last sieges as castle fights? You should notice that we were there only for fun, mostly looking for pvp. We didnt even reg any alt to any castle because we didnt planned to get anything. At Shuttgart we were mostly running with 2 parties (1 of exci and 1 of Enclave) and still FW had problems with us ;) When we created 3rd party at the last 30 mins your ally died twice so this was kinda dissapointing.
If your clan bring a parties to a siege - it calls siege fight. Your reasons - is your reasons. I didnt tell nothing about Sht bcoz i wasnt there & can comment anything so no idea why you mention it while commenting my post.
Quote from: Tarma on April 14, 2014, 04:40:21 PM
...I don't really wanna feel anybody of them.
You better dont xDD
[Stalingard! Dnx15]    HNofs 2005-2014 Offline
[Fear Tarax3]             Narayan  2014     Offline


Quote from: kramligz on April 14, 2014, 04:00:27 PM




;D Don't hesitate to express your hate guys. It's ok, we can feel you.

you'r pathetic


Quote from: kramligz on April 14, 2014, 02:54:38 AM
Dear Avid Haters Club,

Good day.
Below are the quotes compilation of your hates message to us. Since our CL is the most humble of all. I will be humble too. :P

Your wishes has been granted guys.

Updated: 4 Castles has been owned including ally castle [Aden].  :P

What did you say? We are proving now that your thinking skills are shit.

Clan/Ally report as of now.
Olympiad: Dominating. So dominating = success.
Sieges: 4 castles owned. Owned = Success
Raids: Sometimes loose but mostly wins. :P

So! as the summary of this facking spam topic or to prove the title above. Lets do math. Let us say we failed on epics. Sieges 1 point, Oly 1 point and epics 0. So we have 2 points to dominate the whole server. 2 > 1.  8)

Enjoy hating us guys and enjoy the game.

Truly yours,


OSOM, ciach bajera!


ExCiDiuM <3


Quote from: N!k on April 14, 2014, 04:24:32 PM
As for me was just few nice fights. Gludio/Inadril/Baium/Anthatas. Castle fights for my ally/ epics for exi side.
gf see ya at next pvp's.
What i really hope is that SF side will reactivate again. 3side server would be awesome.

What about fight in toi? When we was fighting with 1 pt against your hmm 4 and you wasnt even able to kill us? Didnt saw exactly how many dogs you had there, but at least 3 full partys. And yeah see you at next pvp's.


Quote from: Insp1re on April 14, 2014, 07:01:17 PM
What about fight in toi? When we was fighting with 1 pt against your hmm 4 and you wasnt even able to kill us? Didnt saw exactly how many dogs you had there, but at least 3 full partys. And yeah see you at next pvp's.
What about you to read a posts you quote? & btw when i joined there it was 4fw+1fear vs your ally. But i am glad you had a fun with my ally.
[Stalingard! Dnx15]    HNofs 2005-2014 Offline
[Fear Tarax3]             Narayan  2014     Offline


Took you 4 and a half months to declare war ... With your tempo this server will be up for another 10 years ..


Quote from: mariyan on April 14, 2014, 11:12:36 PM
Took you 4 and a half months to declare war ... With your tempo this server will be up for another 10 years ..
4,5 months??? go to school men
FuriousWolfs dragon x15 Loyola-ne/pp
Tarantula Loyola sws/tk- one on the world
Hellraiser vol.1 Loyola ne/da KuKluxKlan pr/sk
vol.2 Loyola wk/da


Quote from: Voodoo on April 14, 2014, 04:10:19 PM

Congratulations you are hater #7. Welcome to the haters club of fw. :D

Quote from: Abaddon on April 14, 2014, 04:11:32 PM
is this a fail troll attempt or serious post?  ???

Congratulations you are hater #8. Welcome to haters club of fw. :D

Quote from: Insp1re on April 14, 2014, 07:01:17 PM
What about fight in toi? When we was fighting with 1 pt against your hmm 4 and you wasnt even able to kill us? Didnt saw exactly how many dogs you had there, but at least 3 full partys. And yeah see you at next pvp's.

You are registered as hater #2. Although this message has been counted but your hater registration number must be only 1. :P

Quote from: mariyan on April 14, 2014, 11:12:36 PM
Took you 4 and a half months to declare war ... With your tempo this server will be up for another 10 years ..

Congratulations you are hater #9. Welcome to the haters club of fw. :D

Quote from: qash on April 14, 2014, 06:59:23 PM
OSOM, ciach bajera!


Congratulations you are hater #10. Welcome to the haters club of fw. :D

;D Impressive numbers of haters. We love to see the haters club growing.  8)
@Track Maybe you can add this society to the Clan Section. :P


3 month farm,  lot of ppl quit from my side(including me)  and you are  bragging you have haters?  Maybe MoS mobs hate you much coz of too much farm.


Quote from: localh0st on April 15, 2014, 04:52:10 AM
3 month farm,  lot of ppl quit from my side(including me)  and you are  bragging you have haters?  Maybe MoS mobs hate you much coz of too much farm.

Oh Really? Maybe you are the one of the member of the nolifers kid. "No life outside, No Social Life, and most of all No s3x life".

Okay! I will count your hate btw. You are the Number 11 haters. :P