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Respawn time of epic bosses [Frintenza,Baium,Valakas,Anthatas] - Page 12



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Respawn time of epic bosses [Frintenza,Baium,Valakas,Anthatas]

Started by N!k, April 30, 2014, 08:27:21 PM

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Quote from: kurrator on May 18, 2014, 07:36:41 PM
What are you all talking about?

Let me show you real IL mid rate server with 2k online: (ss taken 10 min ago)

DNet (also 10 min ago):

This game is about fun. As I said before, nobody wants a game to be his/hers second full time job.
DNet is trying hard to make L2 my second job, but pays nothing in return, not even fun, so you know the result.
I know few servers like this,they are alive for a month,then everyone get full equpip and leave. These servers wont last more than 2 months and then they start it again,and it goes on,and on...and on
Hellraisers x25

FrozenArrow @ Fear

Nova x7



Quote from: kurrator on May 18, 2014, 09:44:59 PM
I don't want it to be instant 80 server. I Want only some improvements.
Basic NPC buffer is one of these. Why should i drag pp on dual box? What is the point of this?
Next thing I don't like on this server is hostility of old players and clans. This is not a server for new people. Couple of days ago I shouted for a clan or cata party and got nothing.
Do I or someone else really needs to force himself to play here?

Do i really need to create 2352515346 boxes to level up character to 76+ just to have a chance one or the other clan will mercifully invite me?

Next thing: again, horn shards are farmed by no-lifes who have a decent equipment do kill RB. Casuals or small parties are fsked up. Again and again, blocked by those who don't really need those items.

Why there are people with 10 AQ rings in inventory? This is unbelievable that one no-life party can totally block access to epics. This is young server FFS and already dead.

Thats why either you will reduce RB respawn to 2h, epics to 6h just to make epics useless or delete all epics and make those raids hard proportionally to retail ones. 2 parties killing and locking Baium on this server is just insane.

I wont play on a server which is hostile to new people or the one who rewards farmers.  Even retail got it right eventually. I dont want to be blocked from epics by some no-life retard who is online 24/7 or the one who farms for items to sell them on internet auction.

hello. nobody force you to play here. if you dont like the settings, just gtfo. tons of ppl left, cuz GMs made a lot of stupid changes for people like you. gtfo and never come back, go and search server which is good for you. adieu

ban him!


Quote from: ZeniT on May 18, 2014, 09:14:18 PM
these kind of ppl play here:

- normal players (oops my bad, they dont play here anymore)
- carebears, who still just talk about pvp (but they will never join any pvp)
- "i was hero 10 y ago on DN, so only i know how should be things work here" (maybe u was awesome 10y ago, but now u are just a random noob)
- "i am new on server, change it to 50x cuz i want 50x" (just FU, gtfo to 50x server)
- "i can play daily 2h, but if u change it to 10x, i will be pvpanimal" (no, u still play just 2h)
- "i am trash i cant organize 2 pt and kill an epic, so nerf epics thx" (there is no change, what could help on your lame, lazy ass)

GMs cant do anything with these retarded ppl.

some advise for the next server open:

-forget dynamic sh1t
-forget useless GoE
-dont touch retail rb respawn times
-dont change anything after server start to "daily2h" ppl, cuz they are not the quality crowd
-if you want to change smth, before touch any settings, ask only those clans about it, who make the server life (pvp for epics, twosided wars, etc)

anyway tarantula was a good server, i enjoyed that ~3month till it was alive

and we have zenith, the most uber player, and topnotch l2 analyst of modern times, with his profound wisdom he looks down on us all, showing no mercy on anyone all for the glorification of his massive ego...
and plus he likes to classify things into categories....


Quote from: kurrator on May 18, 2014, 10:03:45 PM
People left because recent changes were for farmers. Shards: farmers, lunargent: farmers, now it is 3x harder to make noblesse because prices of mss went to the roof.  And many other things like that.
People left because server promotes farmers and no-lifers who lock other players from content.
1 Box out of town eliminated active support, so you need somehow level up your support char miraculously to 76+ and nobody will help you, because they don't need low level. AND becouse there is no active support you have to make your own just for leveling.

PvP in Eva is also made with farmers in mind. The list is much longer.

sir, you play wrong game

1. L2 is a massive farm game
2. L2 is not a solo game, look for friends, solve exp together
3. 3x mss price how comes to make nobles? farm 500 mss, like before, its not harder


Quote from: remeron on May 18, 2014, 10:02:54 PM
and we have zenith, the most uber player, and topnotch l2 analyst of modern times, with his profound wisdom he looks down on us all, showing no mercy on anyone all for the glorification of his massive ego...
and plus he likes to classify things into categories....



Quote from: kurrator on May 18, 2014, 10:03:45 PM
People left because recent changes were for farmers. Shards: farmers, lunargent: farmers, now it is 3x harder to make noblesse because prices of mss went to the roof.  And many other things like that.
People left because server promotes farmers and no-lifers who lock other players from content.
1 Box out of town eliminated active support, so you need somehow level up your support char miraculously to 76+ and nobody will help you, because they don't need low level. AND becouse there is no active support you have to make your own just for leveling.

Because it is so hard to level up and find clan, farmers have a free time to farm epic raids and some of them have 10+ epic items in their inventory.

PvP in Eva is also made with farmers in mind. The list is much longer.

I wish you and people like you times when you have to log in your box just to have PVP. ;)

just hang in there farming 2 more days dude, its not that hard to come up with 5 lunas....don't dramatise it...
as for your other concerns, revolutionary changes require to help with those issues..its too late for that...


Quote from: kurrator on May 18, 2014, 10:26:05 PM
I bought half and farmed half when they were cheap 10kk/1. Do you know why? Because I could afford it. When I had to start from the beginning now I would just quit. I'm not talking only about myself here.
Gameplay got worse. The only good change was exp risen from x5 to x10.
risen exp with the same drop/adena curve is really better?
I enjoyed x2.5 that much as it pissed me in the same time. But i did hit 80lvl with this rates and farmed for my equip.
This game shouldnt be that easy, but since im not in charge of such thing, let the weekly changes happen...


Quote from: kurrator on May 18, 2014, 10:32:09 PM
Exp is sh1t. I had to stop exp many times for recipes before it was x10. Drop rates and farmers are the ones who kill gameplay. As I said nobody in 2014 will farm for a DC set for two weeks when there are so many F2P servers around.

omg. just ban him pls. again a fvcking idiot, who need 2 weeks for DC set, want changes. BAN BAN BAN let him play other server

these retards killed this server


Lunargent change was for farmers? Dude download HKO ASAP, MSS is the best option for noobs like you to get some money at the first place.
You don't wanna kill mobs AT ALL?
WTF YOU STILL DOING HERE THEN? Really. No more crap excuses, no other themes or topics, no shit about rates and "2nd job", tell me what the hell are you doing here, and why do you wanna ruin this server for those players, who were all happy to see such a server to open? Try to summarize it in maximum 2 sentences. I really wonder, what do you enjoy about this trash, that you are generating here.
Shadow x10: Zsu
Tarantula: Lycan


Quote from: kurrator on May 18, 2014, 11:03:39 PM
Stop whining.
Yep, just as well-built argument, as the one about global gk, aio buffer, donations and the other crap. Feels like I'm reading the same.
Shadow x10: Zsu
Tarantula: Lycan


Quote from: kurrator on May 18, 2014, 10:48:18 PM
Is this: http://allegro.pl/dragon-network-tarantula-itemy-i4213526817.html  yours?

your demands will not happen. not in dnet. you are pissing into the wind. sub-stack and AIO buffer just not go well together.you got your sub for buffs. use it.